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the lights of the church and the light of science-第5章

小说: the lights of the church and the light of science 字数: 每页4000字

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water; the level of the inundation fell very slowlyat a rate

of only a few inches a dayuntil the top of the mountain on

which it rested became visible。 This is an amount of movement

which; if it took place in the sea; would be overlooked by

ordinary people on the shore。 But the Mesopotamian plain slopes

gently; from an elevation of 500 or 600 feet at its northern

end; to the sea; at its southern end; with hardly so much as a

notable ridge to break its uniform flatness; for 300 to 400

miles。 These being the conditions of the case; the following

inquiry naturally presents itself: not; be it observed; as a

recondite problem; generated by modern speculation; but as a

plain suggestion flowing out of that very ordinary and archaic

piece of knowledge that water cannot be piled up like in a heap;

like sand; or that it seeks the lowest level。 When; after 150

days; 〃the fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven

were stopped; and the rain from heaven was restrained〃 (Gen。

viii。2); what prevented the mass of water; several; possibly

very many; fathoms deep; which covered; say; the present site of

Bagdad; from sweeping seaward in a furious torrent; and; in a

very few hours; leaving; not only the 〃tops of the mountains;〃

but the whole plain; save any minor depressions; bare? How could

its subsistence; by any possibility; be an affair of weeks

and months?

And if this difficulty is not enough; let any one try to imagine

how a mass of water several perhaps very many; fathoms deep;

could be accumulated on a flat surface of land rising well above

the sea; and separated from it by no sort of barrier。

Most people know Lord's Cricket…ground。 Would it not be an

absurd contradiction to our common knowledge of the properties

of water to imagine that; if all the mains of all the waterworks

of London were turned on to it; they could maintain a heap of

water twenty feet deep over its level surface? Is it not obvious

that the water; whatever momentary accumulation might take place

at first; would not stop there; but that it would dash; like a

mighty mill…race; southwards down the gentle slope which ends in

the Thames? And is it not further obvious; that whatever depth

of water might be maintained over the cricket…ground so long as

all the mains poured on to it; anything which floated there

would be speedily whirled away by the current; like a cork in a

gutter when the rain pours? But if this is so; then it is no

less certain that Noah's deeply laden; sailless; oarless; and

rudderless craft; if by good fortune it escaped capsizing in

whirlpools; or having its bottom knocked into holes by snags

(like those which prove fatal even to well…built steamers on the

Mississippi in our day); would have speedily found itself a good

way down the Persian Gulf; and not long after in the Indian

Ocean; somewhere between Arabia and Hindostan。 Even if;

eventually; the ark might have gone ashore; with other jetsam

and flotsam; on the coasts of Arabia; or of Hindostan; or of the

Maldives; or of Madagascar; its return to the 〃mountains of

Ararat〃 would have been a miracle more stupendous than all

the rest。

Thus; the last state of the would…be reconcilers of the story of

the Deluge with fact is worse than the first。 All that they have

done is to transfer the contradictions to established truth from

the region of science proper to that of common information and

common sense。 For; really; the assertion that the surface of a

body of deep water; to which no addition was made; and which

there was nothing to stop from running into the sea; sank at the

rate of only a few inches or even feet a day; simply outrages

the most ordinary and familiar teachings of every man's daily

experience。 A child may see the folly of it。

In addition; I may remark that the necessary assumption of the

〃partial Deluge〃 hypothesis (if it is confined to Mesopotamia)

that the Hebrew writer must have meant low hills when he said

〃high mountains;〃 is quite untenable。 On the eastern side of the

Mesopotamian plain; the snowy peaks of the frontier ranges of

Persia are visible from Bagdad; and even the most ignorant

herdsmen in the neighbourhood of 〃Ur of the Chaldees;〃 near its

western limit; could hardly have been unacquainted with the

comparatively elevated plateau of the Syrian desert which lay

close at hand。 But; surely; we must suppose the Biblical writer

to be acquainted with the highlands of Palestine and with the

masses of the Sinaitic peninsula; which soar more than 8000 feet

above the sea; if he knew of no higher elevations; and; if so;

he could not well have meant to refer to mere hillocks when he

said that 〃all the high mountains which were under the whole

heaven were covered〃 (Genesis vii。 19)。 Even the hill…country of

Galilee reaches an elevation of 4000 feet; and a flood which

covered it could by no possibility have been other than

universal in its superficial extent。 Water really cannot be got

to stand at; say; 4000 feet above the sea…level over Palestine;

without covering the rest of the globe to the same height。 Even

if; in the course of Noah's six hundredth year; some prodigious

convulsion had sunk the whole region inclosed within 〃the

horizon of the geographical knowledge〃 of the Israelites by that

much; and another had pushed it up again; just in time to catch

the ark upon the 〃mountains of Ararat;〃 matters are not much

mended。 I am afraid to think of what would have become of a

vessel so little seaworthy as the ark and of its very numerous

passengers; under the peculiar obstacles to quiet flotation

which such rapid movements of depression and upheaval would

have generated。

Thus; in view; not; I repeat of the recondite speculations of

infidel philosophers; but in the face of the plainest and most

commonplace of ascertained physical facts; the story of the

Noachian Deluge has no more claim to credit than has that of

Deucalion; and whether it was; or was not; suggested by the

familiar acquaintance of its originators with the effects of

unusually great overflows of the Tigris and Euphrates; it is

utterly devoid of historical truth。

That is; in my judgment; the necessary result of the application

of criticism; based upon assured physical knowledge to the story

of the Deluge。 And it is satisfactory that the criticism which

is based; not upon literary and historical speculations; but

upon well…ascertained facts in the departments of literature and

history; tends to exactly the same conclusion。

For I find this much agreed upon by all Biblical scholars of

repute; that the story of the Deluge in Genesis is separable

into at least two sets of statements; and that; when the

statements thus separated are recombined in their proper order;

each set furnishes an account of the event; coherent and

complete within itself; but in some respects discordant with

that afforded by the other set。 This fact; as I understand; is

not disputed。 Whether one of these is the work of an Elohist;

and the other of a Jehovist narrator; whether the two have been

pieced together in this strange fashion because; in the

estimation of the compilers and editors of the Pentateuch; they

had equal and independent authority; or not; or whether there is

some other way of accounting for itare questions the answers

to which do not affect the fact。 If possible I avoid a

priori arguments。 But still; I think it may be urged;

without imprudence; that a narrative having this structure is

hardly such as might be expected from a writer possessed of full

and infallibly accurate knowledge。 Once more; it would seem that

it is not necessarily the mere inclination of the sceptical

spirit to question everything; or the wilful blindness of

infidels; which prompts grave doubts as to the value of a

narrative thus curiously unlike the ordinary run of

veracious histories。

But the voice of archaeological and historical criticism still

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