贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the register >


the register-第7章

小说: the register 字数: 每页4000字

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hundred and twenty…five dollars; and her hand; heart; and dearest
love forever。'〃  He looks up at her。  〃Ethel!〃

SHE; smiling:  〃Sign it; sign it!〃

HE; catching her in his arms and kissing her:  〃Oh; yesHERE!〃

SHE; pulling a little away from him; and laughing:  〃Oh; oh!  I only
wanted ONE signature!  Twenty autographs are too many; unless you'll
let me trade them off; as the collectors do。〃

HE:  〃No; keep them all!  I couldn't think of letting any one else
have them。  One more!〃

SHE:  〃No; it's quite enough!〃

SHE frees herself; and retires beyond the table。  〃This unexpected
affection〃 …

HE:  〃IS it unexpectedseriously?〃

SHE:  〃What do you mean?〃

HE:  〃Oh; nothing!〃

SHE:  〃Yes; tell me!〃

HE:  〃I hopedI thoughtperhapsthat you might have been prepared
for some such demonstration on my part。〃

SHE:  〃And why did you thinkhopeperhapsTHAT; Mr。 Ransom; may I

HE:  〃If I hadn't; how should I have dared to speak?〃

SHE:  〃Dared?  You were obliged to speak!  Well; since it's all over;
I don't mind saying that I DID have some slight apprehensions that
something in the way of a declaration might be extorted from you。〃

HE:  〃Extorted?  Oh!〃  He makes an impassioned rush toward her。

SHE; keeping the table between them:  〃No; no。〃

HE:  〃Oh; I merely wished to ask why you chose to make me suffer so;
after I had come to the point。〃

SHE:  〃Ask it across the table; then。〃  After a moment's reflection;
〃I made you sufferI made you sufferso that you might have a
realizing sense of what you had made ME suffer。〃

HE; enraptured by this confession:  〃Oh; you angel!〃

SHE; with tender magnanimity:  〃No; only a womana poor; trusting;
foolish woman!〃  She permits him to surround the table; with
imaginable results。  Then; with her head on his shoulder:  〃You'll
NEVER let me regret it; will you; darling?  You'll never oblige me to
punish you again; dearest; will you?  Oh; it hurt ME far worse to SEE
your pain than it did you totofeel it!〃  On the other side of the
partition; Mr。 Grinnidge's pipe falls from his lips; parted in
slumber; and shivers to atoms on the register。  〃Oh!〃  She flies at
the register with a shriek of dismay; and is about to close it。
〃That wretch has been listening; and has heard every word!〃

HE; preventing her:  〃What wretch?  Where?〃

SHE:  〃Don't you hear him; mumbling and grumbling there?〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Well; I swear!  Cash value of twenty…five dollars; and
untold toil in coloring it!〃

RANSOM; listening with an air of mystification:  〃Who's that?〃

SHE:  〃Gummidge; Grimmidgewhatever you called him。  Oh!〃  She
arrests herself in consternation。  〃Now I HAVE done it!〃

HE:  〃Done what?〃

SHE:  〃Ohnothing!〃

HE:  〃I don't understand。  Do you mean to say that my friend
Grinnidge's room is on the other aide of the wall; and that you can
hear him talk through the register?〃

SHE preserves the silence of abject terror。  He stoops over the
register; and calls down it。  〃Grinnidge!  Hallo!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Hallo; yourself!〃

RANSOM; to Miss Reed:  〃Sounds like the ghostly squeak of the
phonograph。〃  To Grinnidge:  〃What's the trouble?〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Smashed my pipe。  Dozed off and let it drop on this
infernal register。〃

RANSOM; turning from the register with impressive deliberation:
〃Miss Reed; may I ask HOW you came to know that his name was
Gummidge; or Grimmidge; or whatever I called him?〃

SHE:  Oh; dearest; I CAN'T tell you!  Oryes; I had better。〃
Impulsively:  〃I will judge you by myself。  _I_ could forgive YOU

HE; doubtfully:  〃Oh; could you?〃

SHE:  〃Everything!  I hadI had better make a clean breast of it。
Yes; I had。  Though I don't like to。  II listened!〃

HE:  〃Listened?〃

SHE:  〃Through the register totowhatyouwere saying before
youcame in here。〃  Her head droops。

HE:  〃Then you heard everything?〃

SHE:  〃Kill me; but don't look SO at me!  It was accidental at first…
…indeed it was; and then I recognized your voice; and then I knew you
were talking about me; and I had so much at stake; and I did love you
so dearly!  You WILL forgive me; darling?  It wasn't as if I were
listening with any bad motive。〃

HE; taking her in his arms:  〃Forgive you?  Of course I do。  But you
must change this room at once; Ethel; you see you hear everything on
the other side; too。〃

SHE:  〃Oh; not if you whisper on this。  You couldn't hear US?〃  At a
dubious expression of his:  〃You DIDN'T hear us?  If you did; I can
never forgive you!〃

HE:  〃It was accidental at firstindeed it was; and then I
recognized your voice; and then I knew you were talking about me; and
I had so much at stake; and I did love you so dearly!〃

SHE:  〃All that has nothing whatever to do with it。  How much did you

HE; with exemplary meekness:  〃Only what you were saying before
Grinnidge came in。  You didn't whisper then。  I had to wait there for
him while〃 …

SHE:  〃While you were giving your good resolutions a rest?〃

HE:  〃While I was giving my good resolutions a rest。〃

SHE:  〃And that accounts for your determination to humble yourself

HE:  〃It seemed perfectly providential that I should have known just
what conditions you were going to exact of me。〃

SHE:  〃Oh; don't make light of it!  I can tell you it's a very
serious matter。〃

HE:  〃It was very serious for me when you didn't meet my self…
abasement as you had led me to expect you would。〃

SHE:  〃Don't make fun!  I'm trying to think whether I can forgive

HE; with insinuation:  〃Don't you believe you could think better if
you put your head on my shoulder?〃

SHE:  〃Nonsense!  Then I should forgive you without thinking。〃  After
a season of reflection:  〃No; I CAN'T forgive you。  I never could
forgive eavesdropping。  It's TOO low。〃

HE; in astonishment:  〃Why; you did it yourself!〃

SHE:  〃But you began it。  Besides; it's very different for a man。
Women are weak; poor; helpless creatures。  They have to use finesse。
But a man should be above it。〃

HE:  〃You said you could forgive me anything。〃

SHE:  〃Ah; but I didn't know what you'd been doing!〃

HE; with pensive resignation; and a feint of going:  〃Then I suppose
it's all over between us。〃

SHE; relenting:  〃If you could think of any reason WHY I should
forgive you〃 …

HE:  〃I can't。〃

SHE; after consideration:  〃Do you suppose Mr。 Grumage; or Grimidge;
heard too?〃

HE:  〃No; Grinnidge is a very high…principled fellow; and wouldn't
listen; besides; he wasn't there; you know。〃

SHE:  〃Well; then; I will forgive you on these grounds。〃  He
instantly catches her to his heart。  〃But these alone; remember。〃

HE; rapturously:  〃Oh; on any!〃

SHE; tenderly:  〃And you'll always be devoted?  And nice?  And not
try to provoke me?  Or neglect me?  Or anything?〃

HE:  〃Always!  Never!〃

SHE:  〃Oh; you dear; sweet; simple old thinghow I DO love you!〃

GRINNIDGE; who has been listening attentively to every word at the
register at his side:  〃Ransom; if you don't want me to go stark mad;

RANSOM; about to comply:  〃Oh; poor old man!  I forgot it was open!〃

MISS REED; preventing him:  〃No!  If he has been vile enough to
listen at a register; let him suffer。  Come; sit down here; and I'll
tell you just when I began to care for you。  It was long before the
cow。  Do you remember that first morning after you arrived〃She
drags him close to the register; so that every word may tell upon the
envious Grinnidge; on whose manifestations of acute despair; a rapid
curtain descends。


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