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the register-第5章

小说: the register 字数: 每页4000字

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affairof frightening herdisgusting her。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; how little they know us; Nettie!〃

RANSOM:  〃She seemed so much above me in every wayso sensitive; so
refined; so gentle; so good; so angelic!〃

MISS REED:  〃There!  NOW do you call it eavesdropping?  If listeners
never hear any good of themselves; what do you say to that?  It
proves that I haven't been listening。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃'Sh!  They're saying something else。〃

RANSOM:  〃But all that's neither here nor there。  I can see now that
under the circumstances she couldn't as a lady have acted otherwise
than she did。  She was forced to treat our whole acquaintance as a
business matter; and I had forced her to do it。〃

MISS REED:  〃You HAD; you poor thing!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Well; what do you intend to do about it?〃

RANSOM:  〃Well〃 …

MISS REED:  〃'Sh!〃


RANSOM:  〃that's what I want to submit to you; Grinnidge。  I must
see her。〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Yes。  I'm glad _I_ mustn't。〃

MISS REED; stifling a laugh on Miss Spaulding's shoulder:  〃They're
actually AFRAID of us; Nettie!〃

RANSOM:  〃See her; and go down in the dust。〃

MISS REED:  〃My very words!〃

RANSOM:  〃I have been trying to think what was the very humblest pie
I could eat; by way of penance; and it appears to me that I had
better begin by saying that I have come to ask her for the money I

MISS REED; enraptured:  〃Oh! doesn't it seem just likelike
inspiration; Nettie?〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃'Sh!  Be quiet; do!  You'll frighten them away!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃And then what?〃

RANSOM:  〃What then?  I don't know what then。  But it appears to me
that; as a gentleman; I've got nothing to do with the result。  All
that I've got to do is to submit to my fate; whatever it is。〃

MISS REED; breathlessly:  〃What princely courage!  What delicate
magnanimity!  Oh; he needn't have the LEAST fear!  If I could only
tell him that!〃

GRINNIDGE; after an interval of meditative smoking:  〃Yes; I guess
that's the best thing you can do。  It will strike her fancy; if she's
an imaginative girl; and she'll think you a fine fellow。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; the horrid thing!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃If you humble yourself to a woman at all; do it
thoroughly。  If you go halfway down she'll be tempted to push you the
rest of the way。  If you flatten out at her feet to begin with; ten
to one but she will pick you up。〃

RANSOM:  〃Yes; that was my idea。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; was it; indeed!  Well!〃

RANSOM:  〃But I've nothing to do with her picking me up or pushing me
down。  All that I've got to do is to go and surrender myself。〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Yes。  Well; I guess you can't go too soon。  I like your
company; but I advise you as a friend not to lose time。  Where does
she live?〃

RANSOM:  〃That's the remarkable part of it:  she lives in this

MISS REED and Miss Spaulding; in subdued chorus:  〃Oh!〃

GRINNIDGE; taking his pipe out of his mouth in astonishment:  〃No!〃

RANSOM:  〃I just came in here to give my good resolutions a rest
while I was screwing my courage up to ask for her。〃

MISS REED:  〃Don't you think he's VERY humorous?  Give his good
resolutions a rest!  That's the way he ALWAYS talks。〃


GRINNIDGE:  〃You said you came for my advice。〃

RANSOM:  〃So I did。  But I didn't promise to act upon it。  Well!〃  He
goes toward the door。

GRINNIDGE; without troubling himself to rise:  〃Well; good luck to

MISS REED:  〃How droll they are with each other!  Don't you LIKE to
hear them talk?  Oh; I could listen all day。〃

GRINNIDGE; calling after Ransom:  〃You haven't told me your duck's

MISS REED:  〃Is THAT what they call us?  Duck!  Do you think it's
very respectful; Nettie?  I don't believe I like it。  Or; yes; why
not?  It's no harmif I AM his duck!〃

RANSOM; coming back:  〃Well; I don't propose to go shouting it round。
Her name is Miss ReedEthel Reed。〃

MISS REED:  〃How CAN he?〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Slender; willowy party; with a lot of blond hair that
looks as if it might be indigenous?  Rather pensive…looking?〃

MISS REED:  〃Indigenous!  I should hope so!〃

RANSOM:  〃Yes。  But she isn't pensive。  She's awfully deep。  It makes
me shudder to think how deep that girl is。  And when I think of my
courage in daring to be in love with hera stupid; straightforward
idiot like meI begin to respect myself in spite of being such an
ass。  Well; I'm off。  If I stay any longer I shall never go。〃  He
closes the door after him; and Miss Reed instantly springs to her

MISS REED:  〃Now he'll have to go down to the parlor and send up his
name; and that just gives me time to do the necessary prinking。  You
stay here and receive him; Nettie。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Never!  After what's happened I can never look him
in the face again。  Oh; how low; and mean; and guilty I feel!〃

MISS REED; with surprise:  〃Why; how droll!  Now _I_ don't feel the
least so。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Oh; it's very different with YOU。  YOU'RE in love
with him。〃

MISS REED:  〃For shame; Nettie!  I'm NOT in love with him。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃And you can explain and justify it。  But I never
can justify it to myself; much less to him。  Let me go; Ethel!  I
shall tell Mrs。 McKnight that we must change this room instantly。
And just after I'd got it so nearly in order!  Go down and receive
him in the parlor; Ethel。  I CAN'T see him。〃

MISS REED:  〃Receive him in the parlor!  Why; Nettie; dear; you're
crazy!  I'm going to ACCEPT him:  and how can I accept himwith all
the consequencesin a public parlor?  No; indeed!  If you won't meet
him here for a moment; just to oblige me; you can go into the other
room。  Or; noyou'd be listening to every word through the key…hole;
you're so demoralized!〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Yes; yes; I deserve your contempt; Ethel。〃

MISS REED; laughing:  〃You will have to go out for a walk; you poor
thing; and I'm not going to have you coming back in five or ten
minutes。  You have got to stay out a good hour。〃

MISS SPAULDING; running to get her things from the next room:  〃Oh;
I'll stay out till midnight!〃

MISS REED; responding to a tap at the door:  〃Ye…e…s!  Come in!
You're caught; Nettie。〃

A MAID…SERVANT; appearing with a card:  〃This gentleman is asking for
you in the parlor; Miss Reed。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh!  Ask him to come up here; please。Nettie!  Nettie!〃
She calls to her friend in the next room。  〃He's coming right up; and
if you don't run you're trapped。〃

MISS SPAULDING; re…appearing; cloaked and bonneted:  〃I don't blame
YOU; Ethel; comparatively speaking。  You can say that everything is
fair in love。  He will like it; and laugh at it in you; because he'll
like everything you've done。  Besides; you've no principles; and I

MISS REED:  〃Oh; I've lots of principles; Nettie; but I've no

MISS SPAULDING:  〃No matter。  There's no excuse for me。  I listened
simply because I was a woman; and couldn't help it; and; oh; what
will he think of me?〃

MISS REED:  〃I won't give you away; if you really feel so badly〃 …

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Oh; DO you think you can keep from telling him;
Ethel dear?  Try!  And I will be your slave forever!〃  Steps are
heard on the stairs outside。  〃Oh; there he comes!〃  She dashes out
of the door; and closes it after her; a moment before the maid…
servant; followed by Mr。 Ransom; taps at it。


SCENE:  Miss Reed opens the door; and receives Mr。 Ransom with well…
affected surprise and state; suffering him to stand awkwardly on the
threshold for a moment。

SHE; coldly:  〃Oh!Mr。 Ransom!〃

HE; abruptly:  〃I've come〃 …

SHE:  〃Won't you come in?〃

HE; advancing a few paces into the room:  〃I've come〃 …

SHE; indicating a chair:  〃Will you sit down?〃

HE:  〃I must stand for the present。  I've come to ask you for that
money; Miss Reed; which I refused yesterday; in terms that I blush to
think of。  I was altogether and wholly in the wrong; and I'm ready to
offer any imaginable apology or reparation。  I'm ready to take the
money and to sign a receipt; and then to be dismissed with whatever
ignominy you please。  I deserve anythingeverything!〃

SHE:  〃The money?  Excuse me; I don't

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