贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the register >


the register-第4章

小说: the register 字数: 每页4000字

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interval of silence ensues; while Ransom lights a cigarette。

GRINNIDGE:  〃So you sought opportunities of rescuing her from other

RANSOM; returning:  〃That wasn't necessary。  The young lady was so
impressed by my behavior; that she asked if I would give her some
lessons in the use of oil。〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃She thought if she knew how to paint pictures like yours
she wouldn't need any one to drive the cows away。〃

RANSOM:  〃Don't be farcical; Grinnidge。  That sort of thing will do
with some victim on the witness…stand who can't help himself。  Of
course I said I would; and we were off half the time together;
painting the loveliest and loneliest bits around Ponkwasset。  It all
went on very well; till one day I felt bound in conscience to tell
her that I didn't think she would ever learn to paint; and thatif
she was serious about it she'd better drop it at once; for she was
wasting her time。〃

GRINNIDGE; getting up to fill his pipe:  〃That was a pleasant thing
to do。〃

RANSOM:  〃I told her that if it amused her; to keep on; I would be
only too glad to give her allthe hints I could; but that I oughtn't
to encourage her。  She seemed a good deal hurt。  I fancied at the
time that she thought I was tired of having her with me so much。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; DID you; indeed!〃  To Miss Spaulding; who bends an
astonished glance upon her from the piano:  〃The man in this book is
the most CONCEITED creature; Nettie。  Play chordssomething very

MISS SPAULDING:  〃What are you talking about; Ethel?〃

RANSOM:  〃That was at night; but the next day she came up smiling;
and said that if I didn't mind she would keep onfor amusement; she
wasn't a bit discouraged。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh!Go on; Nettie; don't let my outbursts interrupt

RANSOM:  〃I used to fancy sometimes that she was a little sweet on

MISS REED:  〃You wretch!Oh; scales; Nettie!  Play scales!〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Ethel Reed; are you crazy?〃

Ransom; after a thoughtful moment:  〃Well; so it went on for the next
seven or eight weeks。   When we weren't sketching in the meadows; or
on the mountain…side; or in the old punt on the pond; we were walking
up and down the farmhouse piazza together。  She used to read to me
when I was at work。  She had a heavenly voice; Grinnidge。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; you silly; silly thing!Really this book makes me
sick; Nettie。〃

RANSOM:  〃Well; the long and the short of it was; I was hitHARD;
and I lost all courage。  You know how I am; Grinnidge。〃

MISS REED; softly:  〃Oh; poor fellow!〃

RANSOM:  〃So I let the time go by; and at the end I hadn't said

MISS REED:  〃No; sir!  You HADN'T!〃

MISS SPAULDING gradually ceases to play; and fixes her attention
wholly upon Miss Reed; who bends forward over the register with an
intensely excited face。

RANSOM:  〃Then something happened that made me glad; for twenty…four
hours at least; that I hadn't spoken。  She sent me the money for
twenty…five lessons。  Imagine how I felt; Grinnidge!  What could I
suppose but that she had been quietly biding her time; and storing up
her resentment for my having told her she couldn't learn to paint;
till she could pay me back with interest in one supreme insult?〃

MISS REED; in a low voice:  〃Oh; how could you think such a cruel;
vulgar thing?〃  Miss Spaulding leaves the piano; and softly
approaches her; where she has sunk on her knees beside the register。

RANSOM:  〃It was tantamount to telling me that she had been amusing
herself with me instead of my lessons。  It remanded our whole
association; which I had got to thinking so romantic; to the relation
of teacher and pupil。  It was a snuba heartless; killing snub; and
I couldn't see it in any other light。〃  Ransom walks away to the
window; and looks out。

MISS REED; flinging herself backward from the register; and hiding
her face in her hands:  〃Oh; it wasn't! it wasn't! it wasn't!  How
could you think so?〃

MISS SPAULDING; rushing forward; and catching her friend in her arms:
〃What is the matter with you; Ethel Reed?  What are you doing here;
over the register?  Are you trying to suffocate yourself?  Have you
taken leave of your senses?〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Our fair friend on the other side of the wall seems to
be on the rampage。〃

MISS SPAULDING; shutting the register with a violent clash:  〃Ugh!
how hot it is here!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Doesn't like your conversation; apparently。〃

MISS REED; frantically pressing forward to open the register:  〃Oh;
don't shut it; Nettie; dear!  If you do I shall die!  Do…o…n't shut
the register!〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃Don't shut it?  Why; we've got all the heat of the
furnace in the room now。  Surely you don't want any more?〃

MISS REED:  〃No; no; not any more。  ButbutOh; dear! what shall I
do?〃  She still struggles in the embrace of her friend。

GRINNIDGE; remaining quietly at the register; while Ransom walks away
to the window:  〃Well;  what did you do?〃

MISS REED:  〃There; there!  They're commencing again!  DO open it;
Nettie。  I WILL have it open!〃  She wrenches herself free; and dashes
the register open。

GRINNIDGE:  〃Ah; she's opened it again。〃

Miss Reed; in a stage…whisper:  〃That's the other one!〃

RANSOM; from the window:  〃Do?  I'll tell you what I did。〃

MISS REED:  〃That's OlMr。 Ransom。  And; oh; I can't make out what
he's saying!  He must have gone away to the other side of the room
and it's at the most important point!〃

MISS SPAULDING; in an awful undertone:  〃Was that the hollow rumbling
I heard?  And have you been listening at the register to what they've
been saying?  O ETHEL!〃

MISS REED:  〃I haven't been listening; exactly。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃You have!  You have been eavesdropping!〃

MISS REED:  〃Eavesdropping is listening through a key…hole; or around
a corner。  This is very different。  Besides; it's Oliver; and he's
been talking about ME。  Hark!〃  She clutches her friend's hand; where
they have crouched upon the floor together; and pulls her forward to
the register。  〃Oh; dear; how hot it is!  I wish they would cut off
the heat down below。〃

GRINNIDGE; smoking peacefully through the silence which his friend
has absent…mindedly let follow upon his last words:  〃Well; you seem
disposed to take your time about it。〃

RANSOM:  〃About what?  Oh; yes!  Well〃 …

MISS REED:  〃'Sh!  Listen。〃

MISS SPAULDING:  〃I won't listen!  It's shameful:  it's wicked!  I
don't see how you can do it; Ethel!〃  She remains; however; kneeling
near the register; and she involuntarily inclines a little more
toward it。

RANSOM:  〃It isn't a thing that I care to shout from the house…
tops。〃  He returns from the window to the chimney…piece。  〃I wrote
the rudest kind of note; and sent back her letter and her money in
it。  She had said that she hoped our acquaintance was not to end with
the summer; but that we might sometimes meet in Boston; and I
answered that our acquaintance had ended already; and that I should
be sorry to meet her anywhere again。〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃Well; if you wanted to make an ass of yourself; you did
it pretty completely。〃

MISS REED; whispering:  〃How witty he is!  Those men are always so
humorous with each other。〃

RANSOM:  〃Yes; I didn't do it by halves。〃

MISS REED; whispering:  〃Oh; THAT'S funny; too!〃

GRINNIDGE:  〃It didn't occur to you that she might feel bound to pay
you for the first half…dozen; and was embarrassed how to offer to pay
for them alone?〃

MISS REED:  〃How he DOES go to the heart of the matter!〃  She presses
Miss Spaulding's hand in an ecstasy of approval。

RANSOM:  〃Yes; it didafterward。〃

MISS REED; in a tender murmur:  〃Oh; POOR Oliver!〃

RANSOM:  〃And it occurred to me that she was perfectly right in the
whole affair。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; how generous! how noble!〃

RANSOM:  〃I had had a thousand opportunities; and I hadn't been man
enough to tell her that I was in love with her。〃

MISS REED:  〃How can he say it right out so bluntly?  But if it's
true〃 …

RANSOM:  〃I COULDN'T speak。  I was afraid of putting an end to the
affairof frightening herdisgusting her。〃

MISS REED:  〃Oh; how little they know us; Nettie!〃

RANSOM:  〃She seemed so much above me in ever

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