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the monk(筆詑)-及99嫗

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solitary clusters of Trees scattered here and there察among whose
thick´twined branches the wind of night sighed hoarsely and
mournfully察the shrill cry of mountain Eagles察who had built
their nests among these lonely Desarts察the stunning roar of
torrents察as swelled by late rains they rushed violently down
tremendous precipices察and the dark waters of a silent sluggish
stream which faintly reflected the moonbeams察and bathed the
Rock's base on which Ambrosio stood。  The Abbot cast round him a
look of terror。  His infernal Conductor was still by his side
and eyed him with a look of mingled malice察exultation察and

'Whither have you brought me' said the Monk at length in an
hollow trembling voice此 'Why am I placed in this melancholy
scene拭 Bear me from it quickly  Carry me to Matilda'

The Fiend replied not察but continued to gaze upon him in silence。

Ambrosio could not sustain his glance察He turned away his eyes
while thus spoke the Daemon

'I have him then in my power  This model of piety  This being
without reproach  This Mortal who placed his puny virtues on a
level with those of Angels。  He is mine  Irrevocably察eternally
mine  Companions of my sufferings  Denizens of hell  How
grateful will be my present'

He paused察then addressed himself to the Monk

'Carry you to Matilda' He continued察repeating Ambrosio's words

'Wretch you shall soon be with her You well deserve a place
near her察for hell boasts no miscreant more guilty than yourself。

Hark察Ambrosio察while I unveil your crimes  You have shed the
blood of two innocents察Antonia and Elvira perished by your hand。
That Antonia whom you violated察was your Sister That Elvira whom
you murdered察gave you birth Tremble察abandoned Hypocrite 
Inhuman Parricide Incestuous Ravisher  Tremble at the extent of
your offences  And you it was who thought yourself proof against
temptation察absolved from human frailties察and free from error
and vice  Is pride then a virtue拭 Is inhumanity no fault拭
Know察vain Man  That I long have marked you for my prey此 I
watched the movements of your heart察I saw that you were virtuous
from vanity察not principle察and I seized the fit moment of
seduction。  I observed your blind idolatry of the Madona's
picture。  I bad a subordinate but crafty spirit assume a similar
form察and you eagerly yielded to the blandishments of Matilda。 
Your pride was gratified by her flattery察Your lust only needed
an opportunity to break forth察You ran into the snare blindly
and scrupled not to commit a crime which you blamed in another
with unfeeling severity。  It was I who threw Matilda in your way
It was I who gave you entrance to Antonia's chamber察It was I who
caused the dagger to be given you which pierced your Sister's
bosom察and it was I who warned Elvira in dreams of your designs
upon her Daughter察and thus察by preventing your profiting by her
sleep察compelled you to add rape as well as incest to the
catalogue of your crimes。  Hear察hear察Ambrosio  Had you
resisted me one minute longer察you had saved your body and soul。 
The guards whom you heard at your prison door came to signify
your pardon。  But I had already triumphed此 My plots had already
succeeded。  Scarcely could I propose crimes so quick as you
performed them。  You are mine察and Heaven itself cannot rescue
you from my power。  Hope not that your penitence will make void
our contract。 Here is your bond signed with your blood察You have
given up your claim to mercy察and nothing can restore to you the
rights which you have foolishly resigned。  Believe you that your
secret thoughts escaped me拭 No察no察I read them all  You
trusted that you should still have time for repentance。  I saw
your artifice察knew its falsity察and rejoiced in deceiving the
deceiver  You are mine beyond reprieve此 I burn to possess my
right察and alive you quit not these mountains。'

During the Daemon's speech察Ambrosio had been stupefied by terror
and surprize。  This last declaration rouzed him。

'Not quit these mountains alive' He exclaimed此'Perfidious察what
mean you拭 Have you forgotten our contract'

The Fiend answered by a malicious laugh

'Our contract拭 Have I not performed my part拭 What more did I
promise than to save you from your prison拭 Have I not done so拭
Are you not safe from the Inquisitionsafe from all but from
me拭 Fool that you were to confide yourself to a Devil  Why did
you not stipulate for life察and power察and pleasure拭 Then all
would have been granted此 Now察your reflections come too late。 
Miscreant察prepare for death察You have not many hours to live'

On hearing this sentence察dreadful were the feelings of the
devoted Wretch  He sank upon his knees察and raised his hands
towards heaven。  The Fiend read his intention and prevented it

'What' He cried察darting at him a look of fury此 'Dare you still
implore the Eternal's mercy拭 Would you feign penitence察and
again act an Hypocrite's part拭 Villain察resign your hopes of
pardon。  Thus I secure my prey'

As He said this察darting his talons into the Monk's shaven crown
He sprang with him from the rock。  The Caves and mountains rang
with Ambrosio's shrieks。 The Daemon continued to soar aloft察till
reaching a dreadful height察He released the sufferer。  Headlong
fell the Monk through the airy waste察The sharp point of a rock
received him察and He rolled from precipice to precipice察till
bruised and mangled He rested on the river's banks。  Life still
existed in his miserable frame此He attempted in vain to raise
himself察His broken and dislocated limbs refused to perform their
office察nor was He able to quit the spot where He had first
fallen。  The Sun now rose above the horizon察Its scorching beams
darted full upon the head of the expiring Sinner。  Myriads of
insects were called forth by the warmth察They drank the blood
which trickled from Ambrosio's wounds察He had no power to drive
them from him察and they fastened upon his sores察darted their
stings into his body察covered him with their multitudes察and
inflicted on him tortures the most exquisite and insupportable。 
The Eagles of the rock tore his flesh piecemeal察and dug out his
eyeballs with their crooked beaks。  A burning thirst tormented
him察He heard the river's murmur as it rolled beside him察but
strove in vain to drag himself towards the sound。  Blind察maimed
helpless察and despairing察venting his rage in blasphemy and
curses察execrating his existence察yet dreading the arrival of
death destined to yield him up to greater torments察six miserable
days did the Villain languish。  On the Seventh a violent storm
arose此The winds in fury rent up rocks and forests此 The sky was
now black with clouds察now sheeted with fire此 The rain fell in
torrents察It swelled the stream察The waves overflowed their
banks察They reached the spot where Ambrosio lay察and when they
abated carried with them into the river the Corse of the
despairing Monk。


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