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the north american species of-第8章

小说: the north american species of 字数: 每页4000字

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Almost simple; with longer aid looser tubercles; 10 to 12 stouter radial spines (6 to 16 mm。 long); a single stout central; larger flowers; and 7 or 8 stigmas。  Type; Lindheimer of 1845 in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

From southeastern Colorado and the Canadian River (Oklahoma and Indian Territory); to the Colorado River of Texas。

Specimens examined: Texas (Lindheimer of 1845; 1846; Bigelow of 1853): also specimens cultivated in St。 Louis in 1847。

In Bigelow's specimens the central spine is mostly lacking。

40。 Cactus scheerii  (Muhlenpf。) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261 (1891)。

  Mamillaria scheerii  Muhlenpf。 Allg。 Gart。 Zeit。 xv。 97 (1847)。   Mamillaria scheerii valida  Engelm。 Syn。 Cact。 265 (1856)。

Ovate…globose; 7。5 to 17。5 cm。 high; 7。5 to 12。5 cm。 in diameter; simple or sparingly proliferous at base: tubercles large (2。5 to 3。5 cm。 long); from a broad base and suddenly contracted and almost cylindric (10 to 14 mm。 in diameter); deeply grooved (1 to 5 orbicular glands in the groove); distant; spreading and ascending; the lower ones shorter; more conical and somewhat imbricated; with broad axils and the younger densely woolly: radial spines 6 to 16; straight or slightly curved; stout; rigid; bulbous at base; whitish or yellowish (sometimes reddish) with dark tip; the 2 to 5 lower and lateral ones stouter and compressed (18 to 30 mm。 long); the 4 to 11 upper ones weaker and terete (10 to 20 mm。 long); central spines 1 to 5; stout and angled; 20 to 36 mm。 long;;mostly yellow (sometimes reddish); a single one very stout and porrect: flowers 5 cm。 long; yellow (sometimes reddish tinged): fruit ovate or subglobose; green: seeds large (3 mm。 long); flat and obovate; red。  Type unknown; that of the old var。 valida is the Wright material in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

Sandy ridges; southwestern Texas; from Eagle Pass and head of the Limpia to El Paso; and southward into Chihuahua; Coahuila; and San Luis Potosi; also southern Mexico (fide Hemsley)。  Fl。 July。

Specimens examined: Texas (Wright 416; 478; of 1851; 1852; Evans of 1891): San Luis Potosi (Eschanzier of 1891)。

The var。 valida was described by Dr。 Engelmann without having seen C。 scheerii; the only knowledge of that species being obtained from the description of Prince Salm…Dyck in Cact。 Hort。 Dyck。; which seemed to indicate a smaller form; with fewer spines than the Texan form。  However; when visiting the collections of Prince Salm…Dyck; Dr。 Engelmann found original specimens of C。 scheerii which were exactly his var。 valida。  So far as collections show the Texan form seems to be more robust than the Mexican; but the material is too scanty to justify such a generalization。  Dr。 Engelmann speaks of this species as 〃a stately plant; by far the largest; of the northern Mamillariae〃  Its tubercles are bright green and in beautiful contrast with the showy yellow spines。

41。 Cactus robustispinus (Schott) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261     (1891)。

  Mamillaria robustispina  Schott in Engelm。 Syn。 Cact。 265 (1856)。

A large stout plant; simple or cespitose: tubercles large; subterete; nearly 2。5 cm。 long (and about the same distance from each other): radial spines 12 to 15; stout and rigid; 18 to 30 mm。 long; the lower ones the stouter; more dusky; straight or often curved downwards; the upper straight and fascicled; the solitary central spine stout; compressed; curved downwards (occasionally an additional straighter upper one); not much longer than the radials; the base nearly 2 mm。 wide; all the spines horny and black…tipped; flowers 3。5 to 5 cm。 long with very slender and constricted tube; saffron…yellow: fruit green seeds large (3 to 3。2 mm; long and 2 mm。 in diameter); obliquely obovate and curved; smooth and brownish。 (Ill。 Cact。 Mex。 Bound。 t。 74。 fig。 8; seeds)  Type; Schott specimens in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

〃On grassy prairies on the south side of the Babuquibari Mountains;〃 Sonora。  Fl。 July。

Specimens examined: Sonora (Schott of 1853…4)。

Dr。 Engelmann remarks that the seeds of this species are larger than those of any other Mamillaria known to him。

42。 Cactus recurvatus (Engelm。) Kuntze Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 259 (1891)。

  Mamillaria recurvispina  Engelm。 Syn。 Cact。 265 (1856); not     Vries。    Mamillaria recurvata  Engelm。 Trans。 St。 Louis Acad。 ii。     202 (1863)。

Globose or depressed…globose; 7。5 to 20 cm。 in diameter; simple: tubercles ovate; deeply grooved; crowded; somewhat imbricate; 10 to 12 mm。 long: radial spines 12 to 20; bulbous at base; compressed; rigid; recurved or flexuous; 8 to 18 mm。 long; whitish or horny; interwoven with adjacent clusters; central spine solitary (sometimes an additional upper one); stouter and longer (12 to 20 mm。); dark; mostly strongly recurved and appressed (rarely straightish): flowers about 3。5 cm。 long; yellow (brownish…tinged outside): fruit unknown。  Type; Schott specimens in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

From Sonora to southern Mexico。  Fl。 June…August。

Specimens examined: Sonora (Schott of 1855)。

43。 Cactus salm…dyckianus  (Scheer) Kuntze。 Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261     (1891)。

  Mamillaria salm…dyckiana  Scheer in Salm; Cact。 Hort。 Dyck。 134     (1850)。

Subglobose: tubercles very broad and retuse; almost 2…parted by the tomentose groove; with axillary floccose wool: radial spines 7 or 8; very rigid; widely radiant; somewhat curved; 3 to 3。5 cm。 long; in older tubercles 3 to 6 additional slender and straight or twisted spines; the solitary central spine very stout; erect; almost 5 cm。 long: flowers and fruit unknown。  Type: Scheer says that this plant; brought from Chihuahua by Potts; 〃unfortunately perished;〃 and the description was drawn from fragments; which in those days were not apt to be preserved。


Specimens examined: Chihuahua (〃Salm of 1857 〃)。

The specimen referred to is in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。; and reveals no additional characters; nor can the label be interpreted; except that it indicates that the specimen is from plants cultivated successfully in the gardens of Prince Salm…Dyck。

  ++ Flower and fruit remaining central in the very woolly vertex      of the plant。    ++ Central spine solitary or wanting。

44。 Cactus compactus (Engelm。) Kuntze Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 260 (1891)。

  Mamillaria compacta  Engelm。 Wisliz。 Rep。 21 (1848)。

Depressed…globose; 5 to 10 cm。 in diameter; simple: tubercles short…conical; crowded; 8 mm。 long: radial spines 13 to 16; rigid; recurved and appressed; interwoven with adjacent clusters; whitish or horny; 10 to 20 mm。 long; the erect central spine often wanting: flowers 3 to 3。5 cm。 long and broad; yellow (brownish without): fruit oval; green: seeds 1。4 mm。 long; smooth and yellow。 (Ill。 Cact。 Mex。 Bound。 t。 74。 fig。 2; seeds)  Type; Wislizenus of 1846 in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

Mountains of Chihuahua。  Fl。 June…July。

Specimens examined: Chihuahua (Wislizenus of 1846): also specimens cultivated in St。 Louis in 1848; 1850; 1854。

45。 Cactus radians。 (DC。) Kuntze; Rev。 Gen。 Pl。 261 (1891)。

  Mamillaria radians  DC。 Rev。 Cact。 111 (1829)。    Mamillaria pectinata  Engelm Syn。 Cact。 266 (1856)。

Globose; 3。5 to 7。5 cm。 in diameter; simple: tubercles conical; from a 4…angled base; lower ones short (4 to 6 mm。); upper flower…bearing ones longer (10 to 12 mm。); terete and grooved: radial spines 16 to 24; somewhat recurved from a bulbous compressed base; stiff and pectinate; horny or whitish (at length ashy); interwoven with adjacent clusters; those on lower tubercles about equal (6 to 10 mm。); on flower…bearing tubercles elongated; mixed with a few stouter ones and fasciculated (lower ones 10 to 12 mm。 long; upper ones 12 to 18 mm。 long and forming an apical tuft); centrals none: flowers over 5 cm。 long and about 6 to 7。5 cm。 in diameter when expanded; bright sulphur…yellow: fruit ovate and green; about 12 mm。 long: seeds compressed; brownish smooth and shining; 1。8 mm。 long。 (Ill。 Cact。 Mex。 Bound。 t。 11)  Type unknown; that of M。 pectinata Engelm。 is the Wright material in Herb。 Mo。 Bot。 Gard。

Extending from the hills along the Lower Pecos to El Paso; southwestern Texas; southward through Coahuila and San Luis Potosi to southern Mexico。

Specimens examined: Texas (Wright 226 of 1849; also of 1852; Evans of 1891): Coahuila (Palmer of 1880; Mrs。 

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