贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > part6 >



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workmen of all sorts; seeing nothing was done relating to such trades

but what might be said to be absolutely necessary。

This caused the multitude of single people in London to be

unprovided for; as also families whose living depended upon the

labour of the heads of those families; I say; this reduced them to

extreme misery; and I must confess it is for the honour of the city of

London; and will be for many ages; as long as this is to be spoken of;

that they were able to supply with charitable provision the wants of so

many thousands of those as afterwards fell sick and were distressed:

so that it may be safely averred that nobody perished for want; at least

that the magistrates had any notice given them of。

This stagnation of our manufacturing trade in the country would

have put the people there to much greater difficulties; but that the

master…workmen; clothiers and others; to the uttermost of their stocks

and strength; kept on making their goods to keep the poor at work;

believing that soon as the sickness should abate they would have a

quick demand in proportion to the decay of their trade at that time。

But as none but those masters that were rich could do thus; and that

many were poor and not able; the manufacturing trade in England

suffered greatly; and the poor were pinched all over England by the

calamity of the city of London only。

It is true that the next year made them full amends by another

terrible calamity upon the city; so that the city by one calamity

impoverished and weakened the country; and by another calamity;

even terrible too of its kind; enriched the country and made them

again amends; for an infinite quantity of household Stuff; wearing

apparel; and other things; besides whole warehouses filled with

merchandise and manufactures such as come from all parts of

England; were consumed in the fire of London the next year after this

terrible visitation。  It is incredible what a trade this made all over the

whole kingdom; to make good the want and to supply that loss; so

that; in short; all the manufacturing hands in the nation were set on

work; and were little enough for several years to supply the market

and answer the demands。  All foreign markets also were empty of our

goods by the stop which had been occasioned by the plague; and

before an open trade was allowed again; and the prodigious demand at

home falling in; joined to make a quick vent for all sort of goods; so

that there never was known such a trade all over England for the time

as was in the first seven years after the plague; and after the

fire of London。

It remains now that I should say something of the merciful part of

this terrible judgement。  The last week in September; the plague being

come to its crisis; its fury began to assuage。  I remember my friend Dr

Heath; coming to see me the week before; told me he was sure that the

violence of it would assuage in a few days; but when I saw the weekly

bill of that week; which was the highest of the whole year; being 8297

of all diseases; I upbraided him with it; and asked him what he had

made his judgement from。  His answer; however; was not so much to

seek as I thought it would have been。  'Look you;' says he; 'by the

number which are at this time sick and infected; there should have

been twenty thousand dead the last week instead of eight thousand; if

the inveterate mortal contagion had been as it was two weeks ago; for

then it ordinarily killed in two or three days; now not under eight or

ten; and then not above one in five recovered; whereas I have

observed that now not above two in five miscarry。  And; observe it

from me; the next bill will decrease; and you will see many more

people recover than used to do; for though a vast multitude are now

everywhere infected; and as many every day fall sick; yet there will

not so many die as there did; for the malignity of the distemper is

abated'; … adding that he began now to hope; nay; more than hope; that

the infection had passed its crisis and was going off; and accordingly

so it was; for the next week being; as I said; the last in September; the

bill decreased almost two thousand。

It is true the plague was still at a frightful height; and the next bill

was no less than 6460; and the next to that; 5720; but still my friend's

observation was just; and it did appear the people did recover faster

and more in number than they used to do; and indeed; if it had not

been so; what had been the condition of the city of London?  For;

according to my friend; there were not fewer than 60;000 people at

that time infected; whereof; as above; 20;477 died; and near 40;000

recovered; whereas; had it been as it was before; 50;000 of that

number would very probably have died; if not more; and 50;000 more

would have sickened; for; in a word; the whole mass of people began

to sicken; and it looked as if none would escape。

But this remark of my friend's appeared more evident in a few

weeks more; for the decrease went on; and another week in October it

decreased 1843; so that the number dead of the plague was but 2665;

and the next week it decreased 1413 more; and yet it was seen plainly

that there was abundance of people sick; nay; abundance more than

ordinary; and abundance fell sick every day but (as above) the

malignity of the disease abated。

Such is the precipitant disposition of our people (whether it is so or

not all over the world; that's none of my particular business to

inquire); but I saw it apparently here; that as upon the first fright of

the infection they shunned one another; and fled from one another's

houses and from the city with an unaccountable and; as I thought;

unnecessary fright; so now; upon this notion spreading; viz。; that the

distemper was not so catching as formerly; and that if it was catched it

was not so mortal; and seeing abundance of people who really fell

sick recover again daily; they took to such a precipitant courage; and

grew so entirely regardless of themselves and of the infection; that

they made no more of the plague than of an ordinary fever; nor indeed

so much。  They not only went boldly into company with those who

had tumours and carbuncles upon them that were running; and

consequently contagious; but ate and drank with them; nay; into their

houses to visit them; and even; as I was told; into their very chambers

where they lay sick。

This I could not see rational。  My friend Dr Heath allowed; and it

was plain to experience; that the distemper was as catching as ever;

and as many fell sick; but only he alleged that so many of those that

fell sick did not die; but I think that while many did die; and that at

best the distemper itself was very terrible; the sores and swellings very

tormenting; and the danger of death not left out of the circumstances

of sickness; though not so frequent as before; all those things; together

with the exceeding tediousness of the cure; the loathsomeness of the

disease; and many other articles; were enough to deter any man living

from a dangerous mixture with the sick people; and make them as

anxious almost to avoid the infections as before。

Nay; there was another thing which made the mere catching of the

distemper frightful; and that was the terrible burning of the caustics

which the surgeons laid on the swellings to bring them to break and to

run; without which the danger of death was very great; even to the

last。  Also; the insufferable torment of the swellings; which; though it

might not make people raving and distracted; as they were before; and

as I have given several instances of already; yet they put the patient to

inexpressible torment; and those that fell into it; though they did

escape with life; yet they made bitter complaints of those that had told

them there was no danger; and sadly repented their rashness and folly

in venturing to run into the reach of it。

Nor did this unwary conduct of the people end here;

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