贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > part6 >



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what they pleased; 'tis certain they died by heaps; and were buried by

heaps; that is to say; without account。  And if I might believe some

people; who were more abroad and more conversant with those things

than I though I was public enough for one that had no more business

to do than I had; … I say; if I may believe them; there was not many less

buried those first three weeks in September than 20;000 per week。

However; the others aver the truth of it; yet I rather choose to keep to

the public account; seven and eight thousand per week is enough to

make good all that I have said of the terror of those times; …and it is

much to the satisfaction of me that write; as well as those that read; to

be able to say that everything is set down with moderation; and rather

within compass than beyond it。

Upon all these accounts; I say; I could wish; when we were

recovered; our conduct had been more distinguished for charity and

kindness in remembrance of the past calamity; and not so much a

valuing ourselves upon our boldness in staying; as if all men were

cowards that fly from the hand of God; or that those who stay do not

sometimes owe their courage to their ignorance; and despising the

hand of their Maker … which is a criminal kind of desperation; and not

a true courage。

I cannot but leave it upon record that the civil officers; such as

constables; head…boroughs; Lord Mayor's and sheriffs'…men; as also

parish officers; whose business it was to take charge of the poor; did

their duties in general with as much courage as any; and perhaps with

more; because their work was attended with more hazards; and lay

more among the poor; who were more subject to be infected; and in

the most pitiful plight when they were taken with the infection。  But

then it must be added; too; that a great number of them died; indeed it

was scarce possible it should be otherwise。

I have not said one word here about the physic or preparations that

we ordinarily made use of on this terrible occasion … I mean we that

went frequently abroad and up down street; as I did; much of this was

talked of in the books and bills of our quack doctors; of whom I have

said enough already。  It may; however; be added; that the College of

Physicians were daily publishing several preparations; which they had

considered of in the process of their practice; and which; being to be

had in print; I avoid repeating them for that reason。

One thing I could not help observing: what befell one of the quacks;

who published that he had a most excellent preservative against the

plague; which whoever kept about them should never be infected or

liable to infection。  This man; who; we may reasonably suppose; did

not go abroad without some of this excellent preservative in his

pocket; yet was taken by the distemper; and carried off in two or three


I am not of the number of the physic…haters or physic…despisers; on

the contrary; I have often mentioned the regard I had to the dictates of

my particular friend Dr Heath; but yet I must acknowledge I made use

of little or nothing … except; as I have observed; to keep a preparation

of strong scent to have ready; in case I met with anything of offensive

smells or went too near any burying…place or dead body。

Neither did I do what I know some did: keep the spirits always high

and hot with cordials and wine and such things; and which; as I

observed; one learned physician used himself so much to as that he

could not leave them off when the infection was quite gone; and so

became a sot for all his life after。

I remember my friend the doctor used to say that there was a certain

set of drugs and preparations which were all certainly good and useful

in the case of an infection; out of which; or with which; physicians

might make an infinite variety of medicines; as the ringers of bells

make several hundred different rounds of music by the changing and

order or sound but in six bells; and that all these preparations shall be

really very good: 'Therefore;' said he; 'I do not wonder that so vast a

throng of medicines is offered in the present calamity; and almost

every physician prescribes or prepares a different thing; as his

judgement or experience guides him; but'; says my friend; 'let all the

prescriptions of all the physicians in London be examined; and it will

be found that they are all compounded of the same things; with such

variations only as the particular fancy of the doctor leads him to; so

that'; says he; 'every man; judging a little of his own constitution and

manner of his living; and circumstances of his being infected; may

direct his own medicines out of the ordinary drugs and preparations。

Only that'; says he; 'some recommend one thing as most sovereign;

and some another。  Some'; says he; 'think that pill。 ruff。; which is

called itself the anti…pestilential pill is the best preparation that can be

made; others think that Venice treacle is sufficient of itself to resist

the contagion; and I'; says he; 'think as both these think; viz。; that the

last is good to take beforehand to prevent it; and the first; if touched;

to expel it。' According to this opinion; I several times took Venice

treacle; and a sound sweat upon it; and thought myself as well

fortified against the infection as any one could be fortified by the

power of physic。

As for quackery and mountebanks; of which the town was so full; I

listened to none of them; and have observed often since; with some

wonder; that for two years after the plague I scarcely saw or heard of

one of them about town。  Some fancied they were all swept away in

the infection to a man; and were for calling it a particular mark of

God's vengeance upon them for leading the poor people into the pit of

destruction; merely for the lucre of a little money they got by them;

but I cannot go that length neither。  That abundance of them died is

certain … many of them came within the reach of my own knowledge …

but that all of them were swept off I much question。  I believe rather

they fled into the country and tried their practices upon the people

there; who were in apprehension of the infection before it came

among them。

This; however; is certain; not a man of them appeared for a great

while in or about London。  There were; indeed; several doctors who

published bills recommending their several physical preparations for

cleansing the body; as they call it; after the plague; and needful; as

they said; for such people to take who had been visited and had been

cured; whereas I must own I believe that it was the opinion of the

most eminent physicians at that time that the plague was itself a

sufficient purge; and that those who escaped the infection needed no

physic to cleanse their bodies of any other things; the running sores;

the tumours; &c。; which were broke and kept open by the directions of

the physicians; having sufficiently cleansed them; and that all other

distempers; and causes of distempers; were effectually carried off that

way; and as the physicians gave this as their opinions wherever they

came; the quacks got little business。

There were; indeed; several little hurries which happened after the

decrease of the plague; and which; whether they were contrived to

fright and disorder the people; as some imagined; I cannot say; but

sometimes we were told the plague would return by such a time; and

the famous Solomon Eagle; the naked Quaker I have mentioned;

prophesied evil tidings every day; and several others telling us that

London had not been sufficiently scourged; and that sorer and severer

strokes were yet behind。  Had they stopped there; or had they

descended to particulars; and told us that the city should the next year

be destroyed by fire; then; indeed; when we had seen it come to pass;

we should not have been to blame to have paid more than a common

respect to their prophetic spirits; at least we should have wondered at


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