贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poems and songs >


poems and songs-第4章

小说: poems and songs 字数: 每页4000字

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     In the noontide we can never travel to the promised land!
     Lo! the desert broadens round us; glaring wildly in my face;
     With long leagues of sunflame on it; … oh! the barren; barren place!
     See; behind us gleams a green plot; shall we thither turn and rest
     Till a cold wind flutters over; till the day is down the west?
     I would follow; but I cannot! Brother; let me here remain;
     For the heart is dead within me; and I may not rise again。''

     ‘‘Wherefore stay to talk of fainting? … rouse thee for awhile; my friend;
     Evening hurries on our footsteps; and this journey soon will end。
     Wherefore stay to talk of fainting; when the sun; with sinking fire;
     Smites the blocks of broken thunder; blackening yonder craggy spire?

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     Even now the far…off landscape broods and fills with coming change;
     And a withered moon grows brighter bending o'er that shadowed range;
     At the feet of grassy summits sleeps a water calm and clear …
     There is surely rest beyond it! Comrade; wherefore tarry here?

     ‘‘Yet a little longer struggle; we have walked a wilder plain;
     And have met more troubles; trust me; than we e'er shall meet again!
     Can you think of all the dangers you and I are living through
     With a soul so weak and fearful; with the doubts I never knew?
     Dost thou not remember that the thorns are clustered with the rose;
     And that every Zin…like border may a pleasant land enclose?
     Oh; across these sultry deserts many a fruitful scene we'll find;
     And the blooms we gather shall be worth the wounds they leave behind!''

     ‘‘Ah; my brother; it is useless! See; o'erburdened with their load;
     All the friends who went before us fall or falter by the road!
     We have come a weary distance; seeking what we may not get;
     And I think we are but children; chasing rainbows through the wet。
     Tell me not of vernal valleys! Is it well to hold a reed
     Out for drowning men to clutch at in the moments of their need?
     Go thy journey on without me; it is better I should stay;
     Since my life is like an evening; fading; swooning fast away!

     ‘‘Where are all the springs you talked of? Have I not with pleading mouth
     Looked to Heaven through a silence stifled in the crimson drouth?
     Have I not; with lips unsated; watched to see the fountains burst;
     Where I searched the rocks for cisterns? And they only mocked my thirst!
     Oh; I dreamt of countries fertile; bright with lakes and flashing rills
     Leaping from their shady caverns; streaming round a thousand hills!

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     Leave me; brother; all is fruitless; barren; measureless; and dry;
     And my God will never help me though I pray; and faint; and die!''

     ‘‘Up! I tell thee this is idle! Oh; thou man of little faith!
     Doubting on the verge of Aidenn; turning now to covet death!
     By the fervent hopes within me; by the strength which nerves my soul;
     By the heart that yearns to help thee; we shall live and reach the goal!
     Rise and lean thy weight upon me。 Life is fair; and God is just;
     And He yet will show us fountains; if we only look and trust!
     Oh; I know it; and He leads us to the glens of stream and shade;
     Where the low; sweet waters gurgle round the banks which cannot fade!''

     Thus he spake; my friend and brother! and he took me by the hand;
     And I think we walked the desert till the night was on the land;
     Then we came to flowery hollows; where we heard a far…off stream
     Singing in the moony twilight; like the rivers of my dream。
     And the balmy winds came tripping softly through the pleasant trees;
     And I thought they bore a murmur like a voice from sleeping seas。
     So we travelled; so we reached it; and I never more will part
     With the peace; as calm as sunset; folded round my weary heart。


     WHILE the morning light beams on the fern…matted streams;
         And the water…pools flash in its glow;
     Down the ridges we fly; with a loud ringing cry …
         Down the ridges and gullies we go!
     And the cattle we hunt … they are racing in front;
         With a roar like the thunder of waves;
     As the beat and the beat of our swift horses' feet
         Start the echoes away from their caves!
                     As the beat and the beat
                     Of our swift horses' feet
         Start the echoes away from their caves!

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     Like a wintry shore that the waters ride o'er;
         All the lowlands are filling with sound;
     For swiftly we gain where the herds on the plain;
         Like a tempest; are tearing the ground!
     And we'll follow them hard to the rails of the yard;
         O'er the gulches and mountain…tops grey;
     Where the beat and the beat of our swift horses' feet
         Will die with the echoes away!
                     Where the beat and the beat
                     Of our swift horses' feet
         Will die with the echoes away!


     THE embers were blinking and clinking away;
         The casement half open was thrown;
     There was nothing but cloud on the skirts of the Day;
         And I sat on the threshold alone!

     And said to the river which flowed by my door
         With its beautiful face to the hill;
     ‘‘I have waited and waited; all wearied and sore;
         But my love is a wanderer still!''

     And said to the wind; as it paused in its flight
         To look through the shivering pane;
     ‘‘There are memories moaning and homeless to…night
         That can never be tranquil again!''

     And said to the woods; as their burdens were borne
         With a flutter and sigh to the eaves;
     ‘‘They are wrinkled and wasted; and tattered and torn;
         And we too have our withering leaves。''

     Did I hear a low echo of footfalls about;
         Whilst watching those forest trees stark?
     Or was it a dream that I hurried without
         To clutch at and grapple the dark?

     In the shadow I stood for a moment and spake …
         ‘‘Bright thing that was loved in the past;
     Oh! am I asleep … or abroad and awake?
         And are you so near me at last?

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     ‘‘Oh; roamer from lands where the vanished years go;
         Oh; waif from those mystical zones;
     Come here where I long for you; broken and low;
         On the mosses and watery stones!

     ‘‘Come out of your silence and tell me if Life
         Is so fair in that world as they say;
     Was it worth all this yearning; and weeping; and strife
         When you left it behind you to…day?

     ‘‘Will it end all this watching; and doubting; and dread?
         Do these sorrows die out with our breath?
     Will they pass from our souls like a nightmare;'' I said;
         ‘‘While we glide through the mazes of Death?

     ‘‘Come out of that darkness and teach me the lore
         You have learned since I looked on your face;
     By the summers that blossomed and faded of yore …
         By the lights which have fled to that place!

     ‘‘You answer me not when I know that you could …
     When I know that you could and you should;
         Though the storms be abroad on the wave;
     Though the rain droppeth down with a wail to the wood;
         And my heart is as cold as your grave!''


     The wild night comes like an owl to its lair;
         The black clouds follow fast;
     And the sun…gleams die; and the lightnings glare;
         And the ships go heaving past; past; past …
         The ships go heaving past!
                 Bar the doors; and higher; higher
                 Pile the faggots on the fire:
                 Now abroad; by many a light;
                 Empty seats there are to…night …
                 Empty seats that none may fill;
                 For the storm grows louder still:
     How it surges and swells through the gorges and dells;
         Under the ledges and over the lea;
     Where a watery sound go

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