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poems and songs-第14章

小说: poems and songs 字数: 每页4000字

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     By the Roses all reeling with colours?
     A tree from its tresses a blossom did shake;
     It fell on her face; and I feared she would wake;
     So I brushed it away for her sweet sake;
                 In that garden of beautiful Roses!
                         In the dreamy perfumes
                         From ripe…red blooms
                 In a dance and a dazzle of Roses。

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     IT is better; O day; that you go to your rest;
         For you go like a guest who was loth to remain!
     Swing open; ye gates of the east and the west;
         And let out the wild shadows … the night and the rain。

     Ye winds; ye are dead; with your voices attuned;
         That thrilled the green life in the sweet…scented sheaves;
     When I touched a warm hand which has faded; and swooned
         To a trance of the darkness; and blight on the leaves。

     I had studied the lore in her maiden…like ways;
         And the large…hearted love of my Annie was won;
     'Ere Summer had passed into passionate days;
         Or Autumn made ready her fruits for the Sun。

     So my life was complete; and the hours that went by;
         And the moon and the willow…wooed waters around;
     Might have known that we rested; my Annie and I;
         In happiness calm as the slumber of sound。

     On Sundays we wandered; as glad as a breeze;
         By the rocks and the waves on a glittering beach;
     Or we loitered in gardens melodious with bees;
         And sucked the sweet pulp of the plum and the peach。

     ‘‘The Forest will show me the secrets of Fame;''
         I said to myself in the gum…shadowed glen;
     ‘‘I will call every blossom and tree by its name;
         And the people shall deem me a man of the men。

     ‘‘I will gather Roses of Sharon; my Soul; …
         The Roses of Sharon so cool and so sweet;
     And our brothers shall see me entwining the whole
         For a garland to drop at my dear Annie's feet。''

     It is better; O day; that you go to your rest;
         For you go like a guest who was loth to remain!
     Swing open; ye gates of the east and the west;
         And let out the wild shadows … the night and the rain。

Page: 61 


     A BROTHER wandered forth with me;
         Beside a barren beach:
     He harped on things beyond the sea;
         And out of reach。

     He hinted once of unknown skies;
         And then I would not hark;
     But turned away from steadfast eyes;
         Into the dark。

     And said … ‘‘an ancient faith is dead
         And wonder fills my mind:
     I marvel how the blind have led
         So long the blind。

     ‘‘Behold this truth we only know
         That night is on the land!
     And we a weary way must go
         To find God's hand。''

     I wept … ‘‘Our fathers told us; Lord;
         That Thou wert kind and just;
     But lo! our wailings fly abroad
         For broken trust。

     ‘‘How many evil ones are here
         Who mocking go about;
     Because we are too faint with fear
         To wrestle Doubt!

     ‘‘Thy riddles are beyond the ken
         Of creatures of the sod:
     Remember that we are but men;
         And Thou art God!

     ‘‘O; doting world; methinks your stay
         Is weaker than a reed!
     Our Father turns His face away;
         'Tis dark indeed。''

Page: 62 

     The evening woods lay huddled there;
         All wrapped in silence strange:
     A sudden wind … and lo! the air
         Was filled with change。

     ‘‘Your words are wild;'' my brother said;
         ‘‘For God's voice fills the breeze;
     Go … hide yourself; as Adam did;
         Amongst the trees。

     ‘‘I pluck the shoes from off my feet;
         But dare to look around;
     Behold;'' he said; ‘‘my Lord I greet;
         On holy ground!‘‘

     And God spake through the wind to me …
         ‘‘Shake off that gloom of Fear;
     You fainting soul who could not see
         That I was near。

     ‘‘Why vex me crying day and night? …
         You call on me to hark!
     But when I bless your world with light;
         Who makes it dark?

     ‘‘Is there a ravelled riddle left
         That you would have undone?
     What other doubts are there to sift?''
         I answered … ‘‘None。''

     ‘‘My son; look up; if you would see
         The Promise on your way;
     And turn a trustful face to me。''
         I whispered … ‘‘Yea。''


     MY head is filled with olden rhymes beside this moaning sea;
     But many and many a day has gone since I was dear to thee!
     I know my passion fades away; and therefore oft regret
     That some who love indeed can part and in the years forget。

     Page: 63 
     Ah! through the twilights when we stood the wattle trees between;
     We did not dream of such a time as this; fair Geraldine。

     I do not say that all has gone of passion and of pain;
     I yearn for many happy thoughts I shall not think again!
     And often when the wind is up; and wailing round the eaves;
     You sigh for withered Purpose shred and scattered like the leaves;
     The Purpose blooming when we met each other on the green;
     The sunset heavy in your curls; my golden Geraldine。

     I think we lived a loftier life through hours of Long Ago;
     For in the largened evening earth our spirits seemed to grow。
     Well; that has passed; and here I stand; upon a lonely place;
     While Night is stealing round the land; like Time across my face;
     But I can calmly recollect our shadowy parting scene;
     And swooning thoughts that had no voice … no utterance; Geraldine。


(From ‘‘Jephthah''。)

     HATH he not followed a star through the darkness;
     Ye people who sit at the table of Jephthah?
     Oh! turn with the face to a light in the mountains;
     Behold it is further from Achan than ever!

     ‘‘I know how it is with my brothers in Mizpeh;''
     Said Achan; the swift…footed runner of Zorah;
     ‘‘They look at the wood they have hewn for the altar;
     And think of a shadow in sackcloth and ashes。

     ‘‘I know how it is with the daughter of Jephthah;
     (O Ada; my love; and the fairest of women!)
     She wails in the time when her heart is so zealous
     For God who hath stricken the children of Ammon。

     ‘‘I said I would bring her the odours of Edom;
     And armfuls of spices to set at the banquet!
     Behold I have fronted the chieftain her father;
     And strong men have wept for the leader of thousands!

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     ‘‘My love is a rose of the roses of Sharon;
     All lonely and bright as the Moon in the myrtles!
     Her lips; like to honeycombs; fill with the sweetness
     That Achan the thirsty is hindered from drinking。

     ‘‘Her women have wept for the love that is wasted
     Like wine; which is spilt when the people are wanting;
     And hot winds have dried all the cisterns of Elim!
     For love that is wasted her women were wailing!

     ‘‘The timbrels fall silent! And dost thou not hear it;
     A voice; like the sound of a lute when we loiter;
     And sit by the pools in the valleys of Arnon;
     And suck the cool grapes that are growing in clusters?

     ‘‘She glides; like a myrrh…scented wind; through the willows;
     O Ada! behold it is Achan that speaketh:
     I know thou art near me; but never can see thee;
     Because of the horrible drouth in mine eyelids。''

The End

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