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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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letter to Ursula; whom she found alone; as it was about midday。 In

spite of her assurance Zelie was discomfited by the cold look which

the young girl gave her。 But she took herself to task for her

cowardice and assumed an easy air。

〃Here; Mademoiselle Mirouet; do me the kindness to read that and tell

me what you think of it;〃 she cried; giving Ursula her son's letter。

Ursula went through various conflicting emotions as she read the

letter; which showed her how truly she was loved and what care

Savinien took of the honor of the woman who was to be his wife; but

she had too much charity and true religion to be willing to be the

cause of death or suffering to her most cruel enemy。

〃I promise; madame; to prevent the duel; you may feel perfectly easy;

but I must request you to leave me this letter。〃

〃My dear little angel; can we not come to some better arrangement。

Monsieur Minoret and I have acquired property about Rouvre;a really

regal castle; which gives us forty…eight thousand francs a year; we

shall give Desire twenty…four thousand a year which we have in the

Funds; in all; seventy thousand francs a year。 You will admit that

there are not many better matches than he。 You are an ambitious girl;

and quite right too;〃 added Zelie; seeing Ursula's quick gesture of

denial; 〃I have therefore come to ask your hand for Desire。 You will

bear your godfather's name; and that will honor it。 Desire; as you

must have seen; is a handsome fellow; he is very much thought of at

Fontainebleau; and he will soon be procureur du roi himself。 You are a

coaxing girl and can easily persuade him to live in Paris。 We will

give you a fine house there; you will shine; you will play a

distinguished part; for; with seventy thousand francs a year and the

salary of an office; you and Desire can enter the highest society。

Consult your friends; you'll see what they tell you。〃

〃I need only consult my heart; madame。〃

〃Ta; ta; ta! now don't talk to me about that little lady…killer

Savinien。 You'd pay too high a price for his name; and for that little

moustache curled up at the points like two hooks; and his black hair。

How do you expect to manage on seven thousand francs a year; with a

man who made two hundred thousand francs of debt in two years? Besides

though this is a thing you don't know yetall men are alike; and

without flattering myself too much; I may say that my Desire is the

equal of a king's son。〃

〃You forget; madame; the danger your son is in at this moment; which

can; perhaps; be averted only by Monsieur de Portenduere's desire to

please me。 If he knew that you had made me these unworthy proposals

that danger might not be escaped。 Besides; let me tell you; madame;

that I shall be far happier in the moderate circumstances to which you

allude than I should be in the opulence with which you are trying to

dazzle me。 For reasons hitherto unknown; but which will yet be made

known; Monsieur Minoret; by persecuting me in an odious manner;

strengthened the affection that exists between Monsieur de Portenduere

and myselfwhich I can now admit because his mother has blessed it。 I

will also tell you that this affection; sanctioned and legitimate; is

life itself to me。 No destiny; however brilliant; however lofty; could

make me change。 I love without the possibility of changing。 It would

therefore be a crime if I married a man to whom I could take nothing

but a soul that is Savinien's。 But; madame; since you force me to be

explicit; I must tell you that even if I did not love Monsieur de

Portenduere I could not bring myself to bear the troubles and joys of

life in the company of your son。 If Monsieur Savinien made debts; you

have often paid those of your son。 Our characters have neither the

similarities nor the differences which enable two persons to live

together without bitterness。 Perhaps I should not have towards him the

forbearance a wife owes to her husband; I should then be a trial to

him。 Pray cease to think of an alliance of which I count myself quite

unworthy; and which I fell I can decline without pain to you; for with

the great advantages you name to me; you cannot fail to find some girl

of better station; more wealth; and more beauty than mine。〃

〃Will you swear to me;〃 said Zelie; 〃to prevent these young men from

taking that journey and fighting that duel?〃

〃It will be; I foresee; the greatest sacrifice that Monsieur de

Portenduere can make to me; but I shall tell him that my bridal crown

must have no blood upon it。〃

〃Well; I thank you; cousin; and I can only hope you will be happy。〃

〃And I; madame; sincerely wish that you may realize all your

expectations for the future of your son。〃

These words struck a chill to the heart of the mother; who suddenly

remembered the predictions of Ursula's last dream; she stood still;

her small eyes fixed on Ursula's face; so white; so pure; so beautiful

in her mourning dress; for Ursula had risen too to hasten her so…

called cousin's departure。

〃Do you believe in dreams?〃 said Zelie。

〃I suffer from them too much not to do so。〃

〃But if you do〃 began Zelie。

〃Adieu; madame;〃 exclaimed Ursula; bowing to Madame Minoret as she

heard the abbe's entering step。

The priest was surprised to find Madame Minoret with Ursula。 The

uneasiness depicted on the thin and wrinkled face of the former post

mistress induced him to take note of the two women。

〃Do you believe in spirits?〃 Zelie asked him。

〃What do you believe in?〃 he answered; smiling。

〃They are all sly;〃 thought Zelie;〃every one of them! They want to

deceive us。 That old priest and the old justice and that young scamp

Savinien have got some plan in their heads。 Dreams! no more dreams

than there are hairs on the palm of my hand。〃

With two stiff; curt bows she left the room。

〃I know why Savinien went to Fontainebleau;〃 said Ursula to the abbe;

telling him about the duel and begging him to use his influence to

prevent it。

〃Did Madame Minoret offer you her son's hand?〃 asked the abbe。


〃Minoret has no doubt confessed his crime to her;〃 added the priest。

Monsieur Bongrand; who came in at this moment; was told of the step

taken by Zelie; whose hatred to Ursula was well known to him。 He

looked at the abbe as if to say: 〃Come out; I want to speak to you of

Ursula without her hearing me。〃

〃Savinien must be told that you refused eighty thousand francs a year

and the dandy of Nemours;〃 he said aloud。

〃Is it; then; a sacrifice?〃 she answered; laughing。 〃Are there

sacrifices when one truly loves? Is it any merit to refuse the son of

a man we all despise? Others may make virtues of their dislikes; but

that ought not to be the morality of a girl brought up by a de Jordy;

and the abbe; and my dear godfather;〃 she said; looking up at his


Bongrand took Ursula's hand and kissed it。

〃Do you know what Madame Minoret came about?〃 said the justice as soon

as they were in the street。

〃What?〃 asked the priest; looking at Bongrand with an air that seemed

merely curious。

〃She had some plan for restitution。〃

〃Then you think〃 began the abbe。

〃I don't think; I know; I have the certaintyand see there!〃

So saying; Bongrand pointed to Minoret; who was coming towards them on

his way home。

〃When I was a lawyer in the criminal courts;〃 continued Bongrand; 〃I

naturally had many opportunities to study remorse; but I have never

seen any to equal that of this man。 What gives him that flaccidity;

that pallor of the cheeks where the skin was once as tight as a drum

and bursting with the good sound health of a man without a care? What

has put those black circles round his eyes and dulled their rustic

vivacity? Did you ever expect to see lines of care on that forehead?

Who would have supposed that the brain of that colossus could be

excited? The man has felt his heart! I am a judge of remors

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