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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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mass; but he was not surprised at Ursula's revelation。 He believed the

robbery had been committed; and no longer tried to explain to himself

the abnormal condition of his 〃little dreamer。〃 He left Ursula at once

and went directly to Minoret's。

〃Monsieur l'abbe;〃 said Zelie; 〃my husband's temper is so soured I

don't know what he mightn't do。 Until now he's been a child; but for

the last two months he's not the same man。 To get angry enough to

strike meme; so gentle! There must be something dreadful the matter

to change him like that。 You'll find him among the rocks; he spends

all his time there;doing what; I'd like to know?〃

In spite of the heat (it was then September; 1836); the abbe crossed

the canal and took a path which led to the base of one of the rocks;

where he saw Minoret。

〃You are greatly troubled; Monsieur Minoret;〃 said the priest going up

to him。 〃You belong to me because you suffer。 Unhappily; I come to

increase your pain。 Ursula had a terrible dream last night。 Your uncle

lifted the stone from his grave and came forth to prophecy a great

disaster in your family。 I certainly am not here to frighten you; but

you ought to know what he said〃

〃I can't be easy anywhere; Monsieur Chaperon; not even among these

rocks; and I'm sure I don't want to know anything that is going on in

another world。〃

〃Then I will leave you; monsieur; I did not take this hot walk for

pleasure;〃 said the abbe; mopping his forehead。

〃Well; what do you want to say?〃 demanded Minoret。

〃You are threatened with the loss of your son。 If the dead man told

things that you alone know; one must needs tremble when he tells

things that no one can know till they happen。 Make restitution; I say;

make restitution。 Don't damn your soul for a little money。〃

〃Restitution of what?〃

〃The fortune the doctor intended for Ursula。 You took those three

certificatesI know it now。 You began by persecuting that poor girl;

and you end by offering her a fortune; you have stumbled into lies;

you have tangled yourself up in this net; and you are taking false

steps every day。 You are very clumsy and unskilful; your accomplice

Goupil has served you ill; he simply laughs at you。 Make haste and

clear your mind; for you are watched by intelligent and penetrating

eyes;those of Ursula's friends。 Make restitution! and if you do not

save your son (who may not really be threatened); you will save your

soul; and you will save your honor。 Do you believe that in a society

like ours; in a little town like this; where everybody's eyes are

everywhere; and all things are guessed and all things are known; you

can long hide a stolen fortune? Come; my son; an innocent man wouldn't

have let me talk so long。〃

〃Go to the devil!〃 cried Minoret。 〃I don't know what you ALL mean by

persecuting me。 I prefer these stonesthey leave me in peace。〃

〃Farewell; then; I have warned you。 Neither the poor girl nor I have

said a single word about this to any living person。 But take care

there is a man who has his eye upon you。 May God have pity upon you!〃

The abbe departed; presently he turned back to look at Minoret。 The

man was holding his head in his hands as if it troubled him; he was;

in fact; partly crazy。 In the first place; he had kept the three

certificates because he did not know what to do with them。 He dared

not draw the money himself for fear it should be noticed; he did not

wish to sell them; and was still trying to find some way of

transferring the certificates。 In this horrible state of uncertainty

he bethought him of acknowledging all to his wife and getting her

advice。 Zelie; who always managed affairs for him so well; she could

get him out of his troubles。 The three…per…cent Funds were now selling

at eighty。 Restitution! why; that meant; with arrearages; giving up a

million! Give up a million; when there was no one who could know that

he had taken it!

So Minoret continued through September and a part of October

irresolute and a prey to his torturing thoughts。 To the great surprise

of the little town he grew thin and haggard。



An alarming circumstance hastened the confession which Minoret was

inclined to make to Zelie; the sword of Damocles began to move above

their heads。 Towards the middle of October Monsieur and Madame Minoret

received from their son Desire the following letter:

  My dear Mother;If I have not been to see you since vacation; it

  is partly because I have been on duty during the absence of my

  chief; but also because I knew that Monsieur de Portenduere was

  waiting my arrival at Nemours; to pick a quarrel with me。 Tired;

  perhaps; of seeing his vengeance on our family delayed; the

  viscount came to Fontainebleau; where he had appointed one of his

  Parisian friends to meet him; having already obtained the help of

  the Vicomte de Soulanges commanding the troop of cavalry here in


  He called upon me; very politely; accompanied by the two

  gentlemen; and told me that my father was undoubtedly the

  instigator of the malignant persecutions against Ursula Mirouet;

  his future wife; he gave me proofs; and told me of Goupil's

  confession before witnesses。 He also told me of my father's

  conduct; first in refusing to pay Goupil the price agreed on for

  his wicked invention; and next; out of fear of Goupil's malignity;

  going security to Monsieur Dionis for the price of his practice

  which Goupil is to have。

  The viscount; not being able to fight a man sixty…seven years of

  age; and being determined to have satisfaction for the insults

  offered to Ursula; demanded it formally of me。 His determination;

  having been well…weighed and considered; could not be shaken。 If I

  refused; he was resolved to meet me in society before persons

  whose esteem I value; and insult me openly。 In France; a coward is

  unanimously scorned。 Besides; the motives for demanding reparation

  should be explained by honorable men。 He said he was sorry to

  resort to such extremities。 His seconds declared it would be wiser

  in me to arrange a meeting in the usual manner among men of honor;

  so that Ursula Mirouet might not be known as the cause of the

  quarrel; to avoid all scandal it was better to make a journey to

  the nearest frontier。 In short; my seconds met his yesterday; and

  they unanimously agreed that I owed him reparation。 A week from

  to…day I leave for Geneva with my two friends。 Monsieur de

  Portenduere; Monsieur de Soulanges; and Monsieur de Trailles will

  meet me there。

  The preliminaries of the duel are settled; we shall fight with

  pistols; each fires three times; and after that; no matter what

  happens; the affair terminates。 To keep this degrading matter from

  public knowledge (for I find it impossible to justify my father's

  conduct) I do not go to see you now; because I dread the violence

  of the emotion to which you would yield and which would not be

  seemly。 If I am to make my way in the world I must conform to the

  rules of society。 If the son of a viscount has a dozen reasons for

  fighting a duel the son of a post master has a hundred。 I shall

  pass the night in Nemours on my way to Geneva; and I will bid you

  good…by then。

After the reading of this letter a scene took place between Zelie and

Minoret which ended in the latter confessing the theft and relating

all the circumstances and the strange scenes connected with it; even

Ursula's dreams。 The million fascinated Zelie quite as much as it did


〃You stay quietly here;〃 Zelie said to her husband; without the

slightest remonstrance against his folly。 〃I'll manage the whole

thing。 We'll keep the money; and Desire shall not fight a duel。〃

Madame Minoret put on her bonnet and shawl and carried her son's

letter to Ursula; whom she found alone; as it was about midday。 In

spite of her assurance Zelie was di

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