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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Though you are only insects;〃 said the young nobleman; 〃I will make

you feel my vengeance。 It is not from you; Monsieur Minoret; a man

sixty…eight years of age; but from your son that I shall seek

satisfaction for the insults offered to Mademoiselle Mirouet。 The

first time he sets his foot in Nemours we shall meet。 He must fight

me; he will do so; or be dishonored and never dare to show his face

again。 If he does not come to Nemours I shall go to Fontainebleau; for

I will have satisfaction。 It shall never be said that you were tamely

allowed to dishonor a defenceless young girl〃

〃But the calumnies of a Goupilarenot〃 began Minoret。

〃Do you wish me to bring him face to face with you? Believe me; you

had better hush up this affair; it lies between you and Goupil and me。

Leave it as it is; God will decide between us and when I meet your


〃But this sha'n't go one!〃 cried Zelie。 〃Do you suppose I'll stand by

and let Desire fight you;a sailor whose business it is to handle

swords and guns? If you've got any cause of complaint against Minoret;

there's Minoret; take Minoret; fight Minoret! But do you think my boy;

who; by your own account; knew nothing of all this; is going to bear

the brunt of it? No; my little gentleman! somebody's teeth will pin

your legs first! Come; Minoret; don't stand staring there like a big

canary; you are in your own house; and you allow a man to keep his hat

on before your wife! I say he shall go。 Now; monsieur; be off! a man's

house is his castle。 I don't know what you mean with your nonsense;

but show me your heels; and if you dare touch Desire you'll have to

answer to ME;you and your minx Ursula。〃

She rang the bell violently and called to the servants。

〃Remember what I have said to you;〃 repeated Savinien to Minoret;

paying no attention to Zelie's tirade。 Suspending the sword of

Damocles over their heads; he left the room。

〃Now; then; Minoret;〃 said Zelie; 〃you will explain to me what this

all means。 A young man doesn't rush into a house and make an uproar

like that and demand the blood of a family for nothing。〃

〃It's some mischief of that vile Goupil;〃 said the colossus。 〃I

promised to help him buy a practice if he would get me the Rouvre

property cheap。 I gave him ten per cent on the cost; twenty thousand

francs in a note; and I suppose he isn't satisfied。〃

〃Yes; but why did he get up those serenades and the scandals against


〃He wanted to marry her。〃

〃A girl without a penny! the sly thing! Now Minoret; you are telling

me lies; and you are too much of a fool; my son; to make me believe

them。 There is something under all this; and you are going to tell me

what it is。〃

〃There's nothing。〃

〃Nothing? I tell you you lie; and I shall find it out。〃

〃Do let me alone!〃

〃I'll turn the faucet of that fountain of venom; Goupilwhom you're

afraid ofand we'll see who gets the best of it then。〃

〃Just as you choose。〃

〃I know very well it will be as I choose! and what I choose first and

foremost is that no harm shall come to Desire。 If anything happens to

him; mark you; I'll do something that may send me to the scaffoldand

you; you haven't any feeling about him〃

A quarrel thus begun between Minoret and his wife was sure not to end

without a long and angry strife。 So at the moment of his self…

satisfaction the foolish robber found his inward struggle against

himself and against Ursula revived by his own fault; and complicated

with a new and terrible adversary。 The next day; when he left the

house early to find Goupil and try to appease him with additional

money; the walls were already placarded with the words: 〃Minoret is a

thief。〃 All those whom he met commiserated him and asked him who was

the author of the anonymous placard。 Fortunately for him; everybody

made allowance for his equivocal replies by reflecting on his utter

stupidity; fools get more advantage from their weakness than able men

from their strength。 The world looks on at a great man battling

against fate; and does not help him; but it supplies the capital of a

grocer who may fail and lose all。 Why? Because men like to feel

superior in protecting an incapable; and are displeased at not feeling

themselves the equal of a man of genius。 A clever man would have been

lost in public estimation had he stammered; as Minoret did; evasive

and foolish answers with a frightened air。 Zelie sent her servants to

efface the vindictive words wherever they were found; but the effect

of them on Minoret's conscience still remained。

The result of his interview with his assailant was soon apparent。

Though Goupil had concluded his bargain with the sheriff the night

before; he now impudently refused to fulfil it。

〃My dear Lecoeur;〃 he said; 〃I am unexpectedly enabled to buy up

Monsieur Dionis's practice; I am therefore in a position to help you

to sell to others。 Tear up the agreement; it's only the loss of two

stamps;here are seventy centimes。〃

Lecoeur was too much afraid of Goupil to complain。 All Nemours knew

before night that Minoret had given Dionis security to enable Goupil

to buy his practice。 The latter wrote to Savinien denying his charges

against Minoret; and telling the young nobleman that in his new

position he was forbidden by the rules of the supreme court; and also

by his respect for law; to fight a duel。 But he warned Savinien to

treat him well in future; assuring him he was a capital boxer; and

would break his leg at the first offence。

The walls of Nemours were cleared of the inscription; but the quarrel

between Minoret and his wife went on; and Savinien maintained a

threatening silence。 Ten days after these events the marriage of

Mademoiselle Massin; the elder; to the future notary was bruited about

the town。 Mademoiselle Massin had a dowry of eighty thousand francs

and her own peculiar ugliness; Goupil had his deformities and his

practice; the union therefore seemed suitable and probable。 One

evening; towards midnight; two unknown men seized Goupil in the street

as he was leaving Massin's house; gave him a sound beating; and

disappeared。 The notary kept the matter a profound secret; and even

contradicted an old woman who saw the scene from her window and

thought that she recognized him。

These great little events were carefully studied by Bongrand; who

became convinced that Goupil held some mysterious power over Minoret;

and he determined to find out its cause。



Though the public opinion of the little town recognized Ursula's

perfect innocence; she recovered slowly。 While in a state of bodily

exhaustion; which left her mind and spirit free; she became the medium

of phenomena the effects of which were astounding; and of a nature to

challenge science; if science had been brought into contact with them。

Ten days after Madame de Portenduere's visit Ursula had a dream; with

all the characteristics of a supernatural vision; as much in its moral

aspects as in the; so to speak; physical circumstances。 Her godfather

appeared to her and made a sign that she should come with him。 She

dressed herself and followed him through the darkness to their former

house in the Rue des Bourgeois; where she found everything precisely

as it was on the day of her godfather's death。 The old man wore the

clothes that were on him the evening before his death。 His face was

pale; his movements caused no sound; nevertheless; Ursula heard his

voice distinctly; though it was feeble and as if repeated by a distant

echo。 The doctor conducted his child as far as the Chinese pagoda;

where he made her lift the marble top of the little Boule cabinet just

as she had raised it on the day of his death; but instead of finding

nothing there she saw the letter her godfather had told her to fetch。

She opened it and read both the letter addressed to herself and the

will in favor of Savinien。 The writing;

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