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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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where he went with his patron for the first time after the deeds were


Minoret had that morning received a confidential letter from his son

asking him for information as to what was happening in connection with

Ursula; information that he desired to obtain before going to Nemours

with the procureur du roi to place her under shelter from these

atrocities in the convent of the Adoration。 Desire exhorted his

father; in case this persecution should be the work of any of their

friends; to give to whoever it might be warning and good advice; for

even if the law could not punish this crime it would certainly

discover the truth and hold it over the delinquent's head。 Minoret had

now attained a great object。 Owner of the chateau du Rouvre; one of

the finest estates in the Gatinais; he had also a rent…roll of some

forty odd thousand francs a year from the rich domains which

surrounded the park。 He could well afford to snap his fingers at

Goupil。 Besides; he intended to live on the estate; where the sight of

Ursula would no longer trouble him。

〃My boy;〃 he said to Goupil; as they walked along the terrace; 〃let my

young cousin alone; now。〃

〃Pooh!〃 said the clerk; unable to imagine what capricious conduct


〃Oh! I'm not ungrateful; you have enabled me to get this fine brick

chateau with the stone copings (which couldn't be built now for two

hundred thousand francs) and those farms and preserves and the park

and gardens and woods; all for two hundred and eighty thousand francs。

No; I'm not ungrateful; I'll give you ten per cent; twenty thousand

francs; for your services; and you can buy a sheriff's practice in

Nemours。 I'll guarantee you a marriage with one of Cremiere's

daughters; the eldest。〃

〃The one who talks piston!〃 cried Goupil。

〃She'll have thirty thousand francs;〃 replied Minoret。 〃Don't you see;

my dear boy; that you are cut out for a sheriff; just as I was to be a

post master? People should keep to their vocation。〃

〃Very well; then;〃 said Goupil; falling from the pinnacle of his

hopes; 〃here's a stamped cheque; write me an order for twenty thousand

francs; I want the money in hand at once。〃

Minoret had eighteen thousand francs by him at that moment of which

his wife knew nothing。 He thought the best way to get rid of Goupil

was to sign the draft。 The clerk; seeing the flush of seigniorial

fever on the face of the imbecile and colossal Machiavelli; threw him

an 〃au revoir;〃 by way of farewell; accompanied with a glance which

would have made any one but an idiotic parvenu; lost in contemplation

of the magnificent chateau built in the style in vogue under Louis

XIII。; tremble in his shoes。

〃Are you not going to wait for me?〃 he cried; observing that Goupil

was going away on foot。

〃You'll find me on our path; never fear; papa Minoret;〃 replied

Goupil; athirst for vengeance and resolved to know the meaning of the

zigzags of Minoret's strange conduct。

Since the day when the last vile calumny had sullied her life Ursula;

a prey to one of those inexplicable maladies the seat of which is in

the soul; seemed to be rapidly nearing death。 She was deathly pale;

speaking only at rare intervals and then in slow and feeble words;

everything about her; her glance of gentle indifference; even the

expression of her forehead; all revealed the presence of some

consuming thought。 She was thinking how the ideal wreath of chastity;

with which throughout all ages the Peoples crowned their virgins; had

fallen from her brow。 She heard in the void and in the silence the

dishonoring words; the malicious comments; the laughter of the little

town。 The trial was too heavy; her innocence was too delicate to allow

her to survive the murderous blow。 She complained no more; a sorrowful

smile was on her lips; her eyes appealed to heaven; to the Sovereign

of angels; against man's injustice。

When Goupil reached Nemours; Ursula had just been carried down from

her chamber to the ground…floor in the arms of La Bougival and the

doctor。 A great event was about to take place。 When Madame de

Portenduere became really aware that the girl was dying like an

ermine; though less injured in her honor than Clarissa Harlowe; she

resolved to go to her and comfort her。 The sight of her son's anguish;

who during the whole preceding night had seemed beside himself; made

the Breton soul of the old woman yield。 Moreover; it seemed worthy of

her own dignity to revive the courage of a girl so pure; and she saw

in her visit a counterpoise to all the evil done by the little town。

Her opinion; surely more powerful than that of the crowd; ought to

carry with it; she thought; the influence of race。 This step; which

the abbe came to announce; made so great a change in Ursula that the

doctor; who was about to ask for a consultation of Parisian doctors;

recovered hope。 They placed her on her uncle's sofa; and such was the

character of her beauty that she lay there in her mourning garments;

pale from suffering; she was more exquisitely lovely than in the

happiest hours of her life。 When Savinien; with his mother on his arm;

entered the room she colored vividly。

〃Do not rise; my child;〃 said the old lady imperatively; 〃weak and ill

as I am myself; I wished to come and tell you my feelings about what

is happening。 I respect you as the purest; the most religious and

excellent girl in the Gatinais; and I think you worthy to make the

happiness of a gentleman。〃

At first poor Ursula was unable to answer; she took the withered hands

of Savinien's mother and kissed them。

〃Ah; madame;〃 she said in a faltering voice; 〃I should never have had

the boldness to think of rising above my condition if I had not been

encouraged by promises; my only claim was that of an affection without

bounds; but now they have found the means to separate me from him I

love;they have made me unworthy of him。 Never!〃 she cried; with a

ring in her voice which painfully affected those about her; 〃never

will I consent to give to any man a degraded hand; a stained

reputation。 I loved too well;yes; I can admit it in my present

condition;I love a creature almost as I love God; and God〃

〃Hush; my child! do not calumniate God。 Come; my daughter;〃 said the

old lady; making an effort; 〃do not exaggerate the harm done by an

infamous joke in which no one believes。 I give you my word; you will

live and you shall be happy。〃

〃We shall be happy!〃 cried Savinien; kneeling beside Ursula and

kissing her hand; 〃my mother has called you her daughter。〃

〃Enough; enough;〃 said the doctor feeling his patient's pulse; 〃do not

kill her with joy。〃

At that moment Goupil; who found the street door ajar; opened that of

the little salon; and showed his hideous face blazing with thoughts of

vengeance which had crowded into his mind as he hurried along。

〃Monsieur de Portenduere;〃 he said; in a voice like the hissing of a

viper forced from its hole。

〃What do you want?〃 said Savinien; rising from his knees。

〃I have a word to say to you。〃

Savinien left the room; and Goupil took him into the little courtyard。

〃Swear to me by Ursula's life; by your honor as a gentleman; to do by

me as if I had never told you what I am about to tell。 Do this; and I

will reveal to you the cause of the persecutions directed against

Mademoiselle Mirouet。〃

〃Can I put a stop to them?〃


〃Can I avenge them?〃

〃On their author; yeson his tool; no。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃BecauseI am the tool。〃

Savinien turned pale。

〃I have just seen Ursula〃 said Goupil。

〃Ursula?〃 said the lover; looking fixedly at the clerk。

〃Mademoiselle Mirouet;〃 continued Goupil; made respectful by

Savinien's tone; 〃and I would undo with my blood the wrong that has

been done; I repent of it。 If you were to kill me; in a duel or

otherwise; what good would my blood do you? can you drink it? At this

moment it w

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