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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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fifteen years; on birthdays and other anniversaries。

This formal rendering of the account was insisted on by the justice of

the peace; who feared (unhappily; with too much reason) the results of

Doctor Minoret's death。

The following day the old man was seized with a weakness which

compelled him to keep his bed。 In spite of the reserve which always

surrounded the doctor's house and kept it from observation; the news

of his approaching death spread through the town; and the heirs began

to run hither and thither through the streets; like the pearls of a

chaplet when the string is broken。 Massin called at the house to learn

the truth; and was told by Ursula herself that the doctor was in bed。

The Nemours doctor had remarked that whenever old Minoret took to his

bed he would die; and therefore in spite of the cold; the heirs took

their stand in the street; on the square; at their own doorsteps;

talking of the event so long looked for; and watching for the moment

when the priests should appear; bearing the sacrament; with all the

paraphernalia customary in the provinces; to the dying man。

Accordingly; two days later; when the Abbe Chaperon; with an assistant

and the choir…boys; preceded by the sacristan bearing the cross;

passed along the Grand'Rue; all the heirs joined the procession; to

get an entrance to the house and see that nothing was abstracted; and

lay their eager hands upon its coveted treasures at the earliest


When the doctor saw; behind the clergy; the row of kneeling heirs; who

instead of praying were looking at him with eyes that were brighter

than the tapers; he could not restrain a smile。 The abbe turned round;

saw them; and continued to say the prayers slowly。 The post master was

the first to abandon the kneeling posture; his wife followed him。

Massin; fearing that Zelie and her husband might lay hands on some

ornament; joined them in the salon; where all the heirs were presently

assembled one by one。

〃He is too honest a man to steal extreme unction;〃 said Cremiere; 〃we

may be sure of his death now。〃

〃Yes; we shall each get about twenty thousand francs a year;〃 replied

Madame Massin。

〃I have an idea;〃 said Zelie; 〃that for the last three years he hasn't

invested anythinghe grew fond of hoarding。〃

〃Perhaps the money is in the cellar;〃 whispered Massin to Cremiere。

〃I hope we shall be able to find it;〃 said Minoret…Levrault。

〃But after what he said at the ball we can't have any doubt;〃 cried

Madame Massin。

〃In any case;〃 began Cremiere; 〃how shall we manage? Shall we divide;

shall we go to law; or could we draw lots? We are adults; you know〃

A discussion; which soon became angry; now arose as to the method of

procedure。 At the end of half an hour a perfect uproar of voices;

Zelie's screeching organ detaching itself from the rest; resounded in

the courtyard and even in the street。

The noise reached the doctor's ears; he heard the words; 〃The house

the house is worth thirty thousand francs。 I'll take it at that;〃

said; or rather bellowed by Cremiere。

〃Well; we'll take what it's worth;〃 said Zelie; sharply。

〃Monsieur l'abbe;〃 said the old man to the priest; who remained beside

his friend after administering the communion; 〃help me to die in

peace。 My heirs; like those of Cardinal Ximenes; are capable of

pillaging the house before my death; and I have no monkey to revive

me。 Go and tell them I will have none of them in my house。〃

The priest and the doctor of the town went downstairs and repeated the

message of the dying man; adding; in their indignation; strong words

of their own。

〃Madame Bougival;〃 said the doctor; 〃close the iron gate and allow no

one to enter; even the dying; it seems; can have no peace。 Prepare

mustard poultices and apply them to the soles of Monsieur's feet。〃

〃Your uncle is not dead;〃 said the abbe; 〃and he may live some time

longer。 He wishes for absolute silence; and no one beside him but his

niece。 What a difference between the conduct of that young girl and


〃Old hypocrite!〃 exclaimed Cremiere。 〃I shall keep watch of him。 It is

possible he's plotting something against our interests。〃

The post master had already disappeared into the garden; intending to

watch there and wait his chance to be admitted to the house as an

assistant。 He now returned to it very softly; his boots making no

noise; for there were carpets on the stairs and corridors。 He was able

to reach the door of his uncle's room without being heard。 The abbe

and the doctor had left the house; La Bougival was making the


〃Are we quite alone?〃 said the old man to his godchild。

Ursula stood on tiptoe and looked into the courtyard。

〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃the abbe has just closed the gate after him。〃

〃My darling child;〃 said the dying man; 〃my hours; my minutes even;

are counted。 I have not been a doctor for nothing; I shall not last

till evening。 Do not cry; my Ursula;〃 he said; fearing to be

interrupted by the child's weeping; 〃but listen to me carefully; it

concerns your marriage to Savinien。 As soon as La Bougival comes back

go down to the pagoda;here is the key;lift the marble top of the

Boule buffet and you will find a letter beneath it; sealed and

addressed to you; take it and come back here; for I cannot die easy

unless I see it in your hands。 When I am dead do not let any one know

of it immediately; but send for Monsieur de Portenduere; read the

letter together; swear to me now; in his name and your own; that you

will carry out my last wishes。 When Savinien has obeyed me; then

announce my death; but not till then。 The comedy of the heirs will

begin。 God grant those monsters may not ill…treat you。〃

〃Yes godfather。〃

The post master did not listen to the end of this scene; he slipped

away on tip…toe; remembering that the lock of the study was on the

library side of the door。 He had been present in former days at an

argument between the architect and a locksmith; the latter declaring

that if the pagoda were entered by the window on the river it would be

much safer to put the lock of the door opening into the library on the

library side。 Dazzled by his hopes; and his ears flushed with blood;

Minoret sprang the lock with the point of his knife as rapidly as a

burglar could have done it。 He entered the study; followed the

doctor's directions; took the package of papers without opening it;

relocked the door; put everything in order; and went into the dining…

room and sat down; waiting till La Bougival had gone upstairs with the

poultice before he ventured to leave the house。 He then made his

escape;all the more easily because poor Ursula lingered to see that

La Bougival applied the poultice properly。

〃The letter! the letter!〃 cried the old man; in a dying voice。 〃Obey

me; take the key。 I must see you with that letter in your hand。〃

The words were said with so wild a look that La Bougival exclaimed to


〃Do what he asks at once or you will kill him。〃

She kissed his forehead; took the key and went down。 A moment later;

recalled by a cry from La Bougival; she ran back。 The old man looked

at her eagerly。 Seeing her hands empty; he rose in his bed; tried to

speak; and died with a horrible gasp; his eyes haggard with fear。 The

poor girl; who saw death for the first time; fell on her knees and

burst into tears。 La Bougival closed the old man's eyes and

straightened him on the bed; then she ran to call Savinien; but the

heirs; who stood at the corner of the street; like crows watching till

a horse is buried before they scratch at the ground and turn it over

with beak and claw; flocked in with the celerity of birds of prey。



While these events were taking place the post master had hurried home

to open the mysterious package and know its contents。

To my dear Ursula Mirouet; daughter of my

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