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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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mirror was a pier…table topped with marble; on which stood a Sevres

vase in which she put her nosegays; opposite the chimney was a little

bureau…desk of charming marquetry。 The bed; of chintz; with chintz

curtains lined with pink; was one of those duchess beds so common in

the eighteenth century; which had a tuft of carved feathers at the top

of each of the four posts; which were fluted on the sides。 An old

clock; inclosed in a sort of monument made of tortoise…shell inlaid

with arabesques of ivory; decorated the mantelpiece; the marble shelf

of which; with the candlesticks and the mirror in a frame painted in

cameo on a gray ground; presented a remarkable harmony of color; tone;

and style。 A large wardrobe; the doors of which were inlaid with

landscapes in different woods (some having a green tint which are no

longer to be found for sale) contained; no doubt; her linen and her

dresses。 The air of the room was redolent of heaven。 The precise

arrangement of everything showed a sense of order; a feeling for

harmony; which would certainly have influenced any one; even a

Minoret…Levrault。 It was plain that the things about her were dear to

Ursula; and that she loved a room which contained; as it were; her

childhood and the whole of her girlish life。

Looking the room well over that he might seem to have a reason for his

visit; the doctor saw at once how the windows looked into those of

Madame de Portenduere。 During the night he had meditated as to the

course he ought to pursue with Ursula about his discovery of this

dawning passion。 To question her now would commit him to some course。

He must either approve or disapprove of her love; in either case his

position would be a false one。 He therefore resolved to watch and

examine into the state of things between the two young people; and

learn whether it were his duty to check the inclination before it was

irresistible。 None but an old man could have shown such deliberate

wisdom。 Still panting from the discovery of the truth of these

magnetic facts; he turned about and looked at all the various little

things around the room; he wished to examine the almanac which was

hanging at a corner of the chimney…piece。

〃These ugly things are too heavy for your little hands;〃 he said;

taking up the marble candlesticks which were partly covered with


He weighed them in his hand; then he looked at the almanac and took

it; saying; 〃This is ugly too。 Why do you keep such a common thing in

your pretty room?〃

〃Oh; please let me have it; godfather。〃

〃No; no; you shall have another to…morrow。〃

So saying he carried off this possible proof; shut himself up in his

study; looked for Saint Savinien and found; as the somnambulist had

told him; a little red dot at the 19th of October; he also saw another

before his own saint's day; Saint Denis; and a third before Saint

John; the abbe's patron。 This little dot; no larger than a pin's head;

had been seen by the sleeping woman in spite of distance and other

obstacles! The old man thought till evening of these events; more

momentous for him than for others。 He was forced to yield to evidence。

A strong wall; as it were; crumbled within him; for his life had

rested on two bases;indifference in matters of religion and a firm

disbelief in magnetism。 When it was proved to him that the senses

faculties purely physical; organs; the effects of which could be

explainedattained to some of the attributes of the infinite;

magnetism upset; or at least it seemed to him to upset; the powerful

arguments of Spinoza。 The finite and the infinite; two incompatible

elements according to that remarkable man; were here united; the one

in the other。 No matter what power he gave to the divisibility and

mobility of matter he could not help recognizing that it possessed

qualities that were almost divine。

He was too old now to connect those phenomena to a system; and compare

them with those of sleep; of vision; of light。 His whole scientific

belief; based on the assertions of the school of Locke and Condillac;

was in ruins。 Seeing his hollow ideas in pieces; his scepticism

staggered。 Thus the advantage in this struggle between the Catholic

child and the Voltairean old man was on Ursula's side。 In the

dismantled fortress; above these ruins; shone a light; from the center

of these ashes issued the path of prayer! Nevertheless; the obstinate

old scientist fought his doubts。 Though struck to the heart; he would

not decide; he struggled on against God。

But he was no longer the same man; his mind showed its vacillation。 He

became unnaturally dreamy; he read Pascal; and Bossuet's sublime

〃History of Species〃; he read Bonald; he read Saint…Augustine; he

determined also to read the works of Swedenborg; and the late Saint…

Martin; which the mysterious stranger had mentioned to him。 The

edifice within him was cracking on all sides; it needed but one more

shake; and then; his heart being ripe for God; he was destined to fall

into the celestial vineyard as fall the fruits。 Often of an evening;

when playing with the abbe; his goddaughter sitting by; he would put

questions bearing on his opinions which seemed singular to the priest;

who was ignorant of the inward workings by which God was remaking that

fine conscience。

〃Do you believe in apparitions?〃 asked the sceptic of the pastor;

stopping short in the game。

〃Cardan; a great philosopher of the sixteenth century said he had seen

some;〃 replied the abbe。

〃I know all those that scholars have discussed; for I have just reread

Plotinus。 I am questioning you as a Catholic might; and I ask if you

think that dead men can return to the living。〃

〃Jesus reappeared to his disciples after his death;〃 said the abbe。

〃The Church ought to have faith in the apparitions of the Savior。 As

for miracles; they are not lacking;〃 he continued; smiling。 〃Shall I

tell you the last? It took place in the eighteenth century。〃

〃Pooh!〃 said the doctor。

〃Yes; the blessed Marie…Alphonse of Ligouri; being very far from Rome;

knew of the death of the Pope at the very moment the Holy Father

expired; there were numerous witnesses of this miracle。 The sainted

bishop being in ecstasy; heard the last words of the sovereign pontiff

and repeated them at the time to those about him。 The courier who

brought the announcement of the death did not arrive till thirty hours


〃Jesuit!〃 exclaimed old Minoret; laughing; 〃I did not ask you for

proofs; I asked you if you believed in apparitions。〃

〃I think an apparition depends a good deal on who sees it;〃 said the

abbe; still fencing with his sceptic。

〃My friend;〃 said the doctor; seriously; 〃I am not setting a trap for

you。 What do you really believe about it?〃

〃I believe that the power of God is infinite;〃 replied the abbe。

〃When I am dead; if I am reconciled to God; I will ask Him to let me

appear to you;〃 said the doctor; smiling。

〃That's exactly the agreement Cardan made with his friend;〃 answered

the priest。

〃Ursula;〃 said Minoret; 〃if danger ever threatens you; call me; and I

will come。〃

〃You have put into one sentence that beautiful elegy of 'Neere' by

Andre Chenier;〃 said the abbe。 〃Poets are sublime because they clothe

both facts and feelings with ever…living images。〃

〃Why do you speak of your death; dear godfather?〃 said Ursula in a

grieved tone。 〃We Christians do not die; the grave is the cradle of

our souls。〃

〃Well;〃 said the doctor; smiling; 〃we must go out of the world; and

when I am no longer here you will be astonished at your fortune。〃

〃When you are here no longer; my kind friend; my only consolation will

be to consecrate my life to you。〃

〃To me; dead?〃

〃Yes。 All the good works that I can do will be done in your name to

redeem your sins。 I will pray God every day for his infinite mercy;

that he may not punish eternally the errors of a day。 I know he wil

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