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小说: ursula 字数: 每页4000字

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under his feet by straps of varnished leather; a rich cravat;

admirably put on and still more admirably fastened; a pretty fancy

waistcoat; in the pocket of said waistcoat a flat watch; the chain of

which hung down; and; finally; a short frock…coat of blue cloth; and a

gray hat;but his lack of the manner…born was shown in the gilt

buttons of the waistcoat and the ring worn outside of his purple kid

glove。 He carried a cane with a chased gold head。

〃You are losing your watch;〃 said his mother; kissing him。

〃No; it is worn that way;〃 he replied; letting his father hug him。

〃Well; cousin; so we shall soon see you a lawyer?〃 said Massin。

〃I shall take the oaths at the beginning of next term;〃 said Desire;

returning the friendly nods he was receiving on all sides。

〃Now we shall have some fun;〃 said Goupil; shaking him by the hand。

〃Ha! my old wag; so here you are!〃 replied Desire。

〃You take your law license for all license;〃 said Goupil; affronted by

being treated so cavalierly in presence of others。

〃You know my luggage;〃 cried Desire to the red…faced old conductor of

the diligence; 〃have it taken to the house。〃

〃The sweat is rolling off your horses;〃 said Zelie sharply to the

conductor; 〃you haven't common…sense to drive them in that way。 You

are stupider than your own beasts。〃

〃But Monsieur Desire was in a hurry to get here to save you from

anxiety;〃 explained Cabirolle。

〃But if there was no accident why risk killing the horses?〃 she


The greetings of friends and acquaintances; the crowding of the young

men around Desire; and the relating of the incidents of the journey

took enough time for the mass to be concluded and the worshippers to

issue from the church。 By mere chance (which manages many things)

Desire saw Ursula on the porch as he passed along; and he stopped

short amazed at her beauty。 His action also stopped the advance of the

relations who accompanied him。

In giving her arm to her godfather; Ursula was obliged to hold her

prayer…book in one hand and her parasol in the other; and this she did

with the innate grace which graceful women put into the awkward or

difficult things of their charming craft of womanhood。 If mind does

truly reveal itself in all things; we may be permitted to say that

Ursula's attitude and bearing suggested divine simplicity。 She was

dressed in a white cambric gown made like a wrapper; trimmed here and

there with knots of blue ribbon。 The pelerine; edged with the same

ribbon run through a broad hem and tied with bows like those on the

dress; showed the great beauty of her shape。 Her throat; of a pure

white; was charming in tone against the blue;the right color for a

fair skin。 A long blue sash with floating ends defined a slender waist

which seemed flexible;a most seductive charm in women。 She wore a

rice…straw bonnet; modestly trimmed with ribbons like those of the

gown; the strings of which were tied under her chin; setting off the

whiteness of the straw and doing no despite to that of her beautiful

complexion。 Ursula dressed her own hair naturally (a la Berthe; as it

was then called) in heavy braids of fine; fair hair; laid flat on

either side of the head; each little strand reflecting the light as

she walked。 Her gray eyes; soft and proud at the same time; were in

harmony with a finely modeled brow。 A rosy tinge; suffusing her

cheeks like a cloud; brightened a face which was regular without being

insipid; for nature had given her; by some rare privilege; extreme

purity of form combined with strength of countenance。 The nobility of

her life was manifest in the general expression of her person; which

might have served as a model for a type of trustfulness; or of

modesty。 Her health; though brilliant; was not coarsely apparent; in

fact; her whole air was distinguished。 Beneath the little gloves of a

light color it was easy to imagine her pretty hands。 The arched and

slender feet were delicately shod in bronzed kid boots trimmed with a

brown silk fringe。 Her blue sash holding at the waist a small flat

watch and a blue purse with gilt tassels attracted the eyes of every

woman she met。

〃He has given her a new watch!〃 said Madame Cremiere; pinching her

husband's arm。

〃Heavens! is that Ursula?〃 cried Desire; 〃I didn't recognize her。〃

〃Well; my dear uncle;〃 said the post master; addressing the doctor and

pointing to the whole population drawn up in parallel hedges to let

the doctor pass; 〃everybody wants to see you。〃

〃Was it the Abbe Chaperon or Mademoiselle Ursula who converted you;

uncle;〃 said Massin; bowing to the doctor and his protegee; with

Jesuitical humility。

〃Ursula;〃 replied the doctor; laconically; continuing to walk on as if


The night before; as the old man finished his game of whist with

Ursula; the Nemours doctor; and Bongrand; he remarked; 〃I intend to go

to church to…morrow。〃

〃Then;〃 said Bongrand; 〃your heirs won't get another night's rest。〃

The speech was superfluous; however; for a single glance sufficed the

sagacious and clear…sighted doctor to read the minds of his heirs by

the expression of their faces。 Zelie's irruption into the church; her

glance; which the doctor intercepted; this meeting of all the

expectant ones in the public square; and the expression in their eyes

as they turned them on Ursula; all proved to him their hatred; now

freshly awakened; and their sordid fears。

〃It is a feather in your cap; Mademoiselle;〃 said Madame Cremiere;

putting in her word with a humble bow;〃a miracle which will not cost

you much。〃

〃It is God's doing; madame;〃 replied Ursula。

〃God!〃 exclaimed Minoret…Levrault; 〃my father…in…law used to say he

served to blanket many horses。〃

〃Your father…in…law had the mind of a jockey;〃 said the doctor


〃Come;〃 said Minoret to his wife and son; 〃why don't you bow to my


〃I shouldn't be mistress of myself before that little hypocrite;〃

cried Zelie; carrying off her son。

〃I advise you; uncle; not to go to mass without a velvet cap;〃 said

Madame Massin; 〃the church is very damp。〃

〃Pooh; niece;〃 said the doctor; looking round on the assembly; 〃the

sooner I'm put to bed the sooner you'll flourish。〃

He walked on quickly; drawing Ursula with him; and seemed in such a

hurry that the others dropped behind。

〃Why do you say such harsh things to them? it isn't right;〃 said

Ursula; shaking his arm in a coaxing way。

〃I shall always hate hypocrites; as much after as before I became

religious。 I have done good to them all; and I asked no gratitude; but

not one of my relatives sent you a flower on your birthday; which they

know is the only day I celebrate。〃

At some distance behind the doctor and Ursula came Madame de

Portenduere; dragging herself along as if overcome with trouble。 She

belonged to the class of old women whose dress recalls the style of

the last century。 They wear puce…colored gowns with flat sleeves; the

cut of which can be seen in the portraits of Madame Lebrun; they all

have black lace mantles and bonnets of a shape gone by; in keeping

with their slow and dignified deportment; one might almost fancy that

they still wore paniers under their petticoats or felt them there; as

persons who have lost a leg are said to fancy that the foot is moving。

They swathe their heads in old lace which declines to drape gracefully

about their cheeks。 Their wan and elongated faces; their haggard eyes

and faded brows; are not without a certain melancholy grace; in spite

of the false fronts with flattened curls to which they cling;and yet

these ruins are all subordinate to an unspeakable dignity of look and


The red and wrinkled eyes of this old lady showed plainly that she had

been crying during the service。 She walked like a person in trouble;

seemed to be expecting some one; and looked behind her from time to

time。 Now; the f

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