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letters from high latitudes-第6章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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s that what with the photographic apparatus; which I am anxious to take; and our tent; it would be impossible to do with fewer animals。 The price of each pony is very moderate; and I am told I shall have no difficulty in disposing of all of them; at the conclusion of our expedition。

These preliminaries happily concluded; Mr。 J invited us into his house; where his wife and daughtera sunshiny young lady of eighteenwere waiting to receive us。 As Latin here was quite useless; we had to entrust Sigurdr with all the pretty things we desired to convey to our entertainers; but it is my firm opinion that that gentleman took a dirty advantage of us; and intercepting the choicest flowers of our eloquence; appropriated them to the advancement of his own interests。 However; such expressions of respectful admiration as he suffered to reach their destination were received very graciously; and rewarded with a shower of smiles。

The next few days were spent in making short expeditions in the neighbourhood; in preparing our baggage…train; and in paying visits。 It would be too long for me to enumerate all the marks of kindness and hospitality I received during this short period。 Suffice it to say; that I had the satisfaction of making many very interesting acquaintances; of beholding a great number of very pretty faces; and of partaking of an innumerable quantity of luncheons。 In fact; to break bread; or; more correctly speaking; to crack a bottle with the master of the house; is as essential an element of a morning call as the making a bow or shaking hands; and to refuse to take off your glass would be as great an incivility as to decline taking off your hat。 From earliest times; as the grand old ballad of the King of Thule tells us; a beaker was considered the fittest token a lady could present to her true…love

  Dem fterbend feine Buble   Einen goldnen Becher gab。

And in one of the most ancient Eddaic songs it is written; 〃Drink; Runes; must thou know; if thou wilt maintain thy power over the maiden thou lovest。 Thou shalt score them on the drinking…horn; on the back of thy hand; and the word NAUD〃 (NEEDnecessity) 〃on thy nail。〃 Moreover; when it is remembered that the ladies of the house themselves minister on these occasions; it will be easily understood that all flinching is out of the question。 What is a man to do; when a wicked little golden…haired maiden insists on pouring him out a bumper; and dumb show is his only means of remonstrance? Why; of course; if death were in the cup; he must make her a leg; and drain it to the bottom; as I did。  In conclusion; I am bound to add that; notwithstanding the bacchanalian character prevailing in these visits; I derived from them much interesting and useful information; and I have invariably found the gentlemen to whom I have been presented persons of education and refinement; combined with a happy; healthy; jovial temperament; that invests their conversation with a peculiar charm。

At this moment people are in a great state of excitement at the expected arrival of H。I。H。 Prince Napoleon; and two days ago a large full…rigged ship came in laden with coal for his use。 The day after we left Stornaway; we had seen her scudding away before the gale on a due west course; and guessed she was bound for Iceland; and running down the longitude; but as we arrived here four days before her; our course seems to have been a better one。 The only other ship here is the French frigate 〃Artemise;〃 Commodore Dumas; by whom I have been treated with the greatest kindness and civility。

On Saturday we went to Vedey; a beautiful little green island where the eider ducks breed; and build nests with the soft under…down plucked from their own bosoms。 After the little ones are hatched; and their birthplaces deserted; the nests are gathered; cleaned; and stuffed into pillow…cases; for pretty ladies in Europe to lay their soft; warm cheeks upon; and sleep the sleep of the innocent; while long…legged; broad…shouldered Englishmen protrude from between them at German inns; like the ham from a sandwich; and cannot sleep; however innocent。

The next day; being Sunday; I read prayers on board; and then went for a short time to the cathedral church; the only stone building in Reykjavik。 It is a moderate…sized; unpretending place; capable of holding three or four hundred persons; erected in very ancient times; but lately restored。 The Icelanders are of the Lutheran religion; and a Lutheran clergyman; in a black gown; etc。; with a ruff round his neck; such as our bishops are painted in about the time of James the First; was preaching a sermon。 It was the first time I had heard Icelandic spoken continuously; and it struck me as a singularly sweet caressing language; although I disliked the particular cadence; amounting almost to a chant; with which each sentence ended。

As in every church where prayers have been offered up since the world began; the majority of the congregation were women; some few dressed in bonnets; and the rest in the national black silk skull…cap; set jauntily on one side of the head; with a long black tassel hanging down to the shoulder; or else in a quaint mitre of white linen; of which a drawing alone could give you an idea; the remainder of an Icelandic lady's costume; when not superseded by Paris fashions; consists of a black bodice fastened in front with silver clasps; over which is drawn a cloth jacket; ornamented with a multitude of silver buttons; round the neck goes a stiff ruff of velvet; figured with silver lace; and a silver belt; often beautifully chased; binds the long dark wadmal petticoat round the waist。 Sometimes the ornaments are of gold instead of silver; and very costly。

Before dismissing his people; the preacher descended from the pulpit; and putting on a splendid cope of crimson velvet (in which some bishop had in ages past been murdered); turned his back to the congregation; and chanted some Latin sentences in good round Roman style。 Though still retaining in their ceremonies a few vestiges of the old religion; though altars; candles; pictures; and crucifixes yet remain in many of their churches; the Icelanders are staunch Protestants; and; by all accounts; the most devout; innocent pure…hearted people in the world。 Crime; theft; debauchery; cruelty; are unknown amongst them; they have neither prison; gallows; soldiers; nor police; and in the manner of the lives they lead among their secluded valleys; there is something of a patriarchal simplicity; that reminds one of the Old World princes; of whom it has been said; that they were 〃upright and perfect; eschewing evil; and in their hearts no guile。〃

The law with regard to marriage; however; is sufficiently peculiar。 When; from some unhappy incompatibility of temper; a married couple live so miserably together as to render life insupportable; it is competent for them to apply to the Danish Governor of the island for a divorce。 If; after the lapse of three years from the date of the application; both are still of the same mind; and equally eager to be free; the divorce is granted; and each is at liberty to marry again。

The next day it had been arranged that we were to take an experimental trip on our new ponies; under the guidance of the learned and jovial Rector of the College。 Unfortunately the weather was dull and rainy; but we were determined to enioy ourselves in spite of everything; and a pleasanter ride I have seldom had。 The steed Sigurdr had purchased for me was a long…tailed; hog…maned; shaggy; cow…houghed creature; thirteen hands high; of a bright yellow colour; with admirable action; and sure…footed enough to walk downstairs backwards。 The Doctor was not less well mounted; in fact; the Icelandic pony is quite a peculiar race; much stronger; faster; and better bred than the Highland shelty; and descended probably from pure…blooded sires that scoured the steppes of Asia; long before Odin and his paladins had peopled the valleys of Scandinavia。

The first few miles of our ride lay across an undulating plain of dolorite; to a farm situated at the head of an inlet of the sea。 At a distance; the farm…steading looked like a little oasis of green; amid the grey stony slopes that surrounded it; and on a nearer approach

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