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letters from high latitudes-第53章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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ree years; I remembered that the time was not so very far distant when even the fair Mademoiselle E had graciously pronounced me to be a very tolerable waltzer; 〃for an Englishman;〃 and I led my partner to the circle already formed with the 〃air capable〃 which the object of such praise is entitled to assume。  There was a certain languid rhythm in the air they were playing which rather offended my ears; but I suspected nothing until; observing the few couples who had already descended into the arena; I became aware that they were twirling about with all the antiquated grace of 〃la valse a trois temps。〃 Of course my partner would be no exception to the general rule! nobody had ever danced anything else at Throndhjem from the days of Odin downwards; and I had never so much as attempted it。 What was to be done? I could not explain the state of the case to Madame Hghelghghagllaghem; she could not understand English; nor I speak Norse。 My brain reeled with anxiety to find some solution of the difficulty; or some excuse for rushing from her presence。 What if I were taken with a sudden bleeding at the nose; or had an apoplectic fit on the spot? Either case would necessitate my being carried decently out; and consigned to oblivion; which would have been a comfort under the circumstances。 There was nothing for it but the courage of despair; so; casting reflection to the winds and my arm round her waist; I suddenly whisked her off her legs; and dashed madly down the room; 〃a deux temps。〃 At the first perception that something unusual was going on; she gave such an eldritch scream; that the whole society suddenly came to a standstill。 I thought it best to assume an aspect of innocent composure and conscious rectitude; which had its effect; for though the lady began with a certain degree of hysterical animation to describe her wrongs; she finished with a hearty laugh; in which the company cordially joined; and I delicately chimed in。 For the rest of the dance she seemed to resign herself to her fate; and floated through space; under my guidance; with all the ABANDON of Francesca di Rimini; in Scheffer's famous picture。

The Crown Prince is a tall; fine…looking person; he was very gracious; and asked many questions about my voyage。

At night there was a general illumination; to which the 〃Foam〃 contributed some blue lights。

We got under way early this morning; and without a pilotas we had enteredmade our way out to sea again。 I left Throndhjem with regret; not for its own sake; for in spite of balls and illuminations I should think the pleasures of a stay there would not be deliriously exciting; but this whole district is so intimately associated in my mind with all the brilliant episodes of ancient Norwegian History; that I feel as if I were taking leave of all those noble Haralds; and Olafs; and Hacons; among whom I have been living in such pleasant intimacy for some time past。

While we are dropping down the coast; I may as well employ the time in giving you a rapid sketch of the commencement of this fine Norse people; though the story 〃remonte jusqu'a la nuit des temps;〃 and has something of the vague magnificence of your own M'Donnell genealogy; ending a long list of great potentates; with 〃somebody; who was the son of somebody else; who was the son of Scotha; who was the daughter of Pharaoh!〃

In bygone ages; beyond the Scythian plains and the fens of the Tanais; in that land of the morning; to which neither Grecian letters nor Roman arms had ever penetrated; there was a great city called Asgaard。 Of its founder; of its history; we know nothing; but looming through the mists of antiquity we can discern an heroic figure; whose superior attainments won for him the lordship of his own generation; and divine honours from those that succeeded。 Whether moved by an irresistible impulse; or impelled by more powerful neighbours; it is impossible to say; but certain it is that at some period; not perhaps very long before the Christian era; under the guidance of this personage; a sun…nurtured people moved across the face of Europe; in a north…westerly direction; and after leaving settlements along the southern shores of the Baltic; finally established themselves in the forests and valleys of what has come to be called the Scandinavian Peninsula。 That children of the South should have sought out so inclement a habitation may excite surprise; but it must always be remembered that they were; probably; a comparatively scanty congregation; and that the unoccupied valleys of Norway and Sweden; teeming with fish and game; and rich in iron; were a preferable region to lands only to be colonised after they had been conquered。

Thus; under the leadership of Odin and his twelve Paladins; to whom a grateful posterity afterwards conceded thrones in the halls of their chief's Valhalla;the new emigrants spread themselves along the margin of the out…ocean; and round about the gloomy fiords; and up and down the deep valleys that fall away at right angles from the backbone; or keel; as the seafaring population soon learnt to call the flat; snow…capped ridge that runs down the centre of Norway。

Amid the rude but not ungenial influences of its bracing climate; was gradually fostered that gallant race which was destined to give an imperial dynasty to Russia; a nobility to England; and conquerors to every sea…board in Europe。

Upon the occupation of their new home; the ascendency of that mysterious hero; under whose auspices the settlement was conducted; appears to have remained more firmly established than ever; not only over the mass of the people; but also over the twelve subordinate chiefs who accompanied him; there never seems to have been the slightest attempt to question his authority; and; though afterwards themselves elevated into an order of celestial beings; every tradition which has descended is careful to maintain his human and divine supremacy。 Through the obscurity; the exaggeration; and the ridiculous fables; with which his real existence has been overloaded; we can still see that this man evidently possessed a genius as superior to his contemporaries; as has ever given to any child of man the ascendency over his generation。 In the simple language of the old chronicler; we are told; 〃that his countenance was so beautiful that; when sitting among his friends; the spirits of all were exhilarated by it; that when he spoke; all were persuaded; that when he went forth to meet his enemies; none could withstand him。〃 Though subsequently made a god by the superstitious people he had benefited; his death seems to have been noble and religious。 He summoned his friends around his pillow; intimated a belief in the immortality of his soul; and his hope that hereafter they should meet again in Paradise。 〃Then;〃 we are told; 〃began the belief in Odin; and their calling upon him。〃

On the settlement of the country; the land was divided and subdivided into lotssome as small as fifty acresand each proprietor held his shareas their descendants do to this dayby udal right; that is; not as a fief of the Crown; or of any superior lord; but in absolute; inalienable possession; by the same udal right as the kings wore their crowns; to be transmitted; under the same title; to their descendants unto all generations。

These landed proprietors were called the Bonders; and formed the chief strength of the realm。 It was they; their friends and servants; or thralls; who constituted the army。  Without their consent the king could do nothing。 On stated occasions they met together; in solemn assembly; or Thing; (i。e。 Parliament;) as it was called; for the transaction of public business; the administration of justice; the allotment of the scatt; or taxes。

Without a solemn induction at the Ore or Great Thing; even the most legitimately…descended sovereign could not mount the throne; and to that august assembly an appeal might ever lie against his authority。

To these Things; and to the Norse invasion that implanted them; and not to the Wittenagemotts of the Latinised Saxons; must be referred the existence of those Parliaments which are the boast of Englishmen。

Noiselessly and gradually did a belief in liberty; and an unconquerable love of independence; grow up amon

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