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letters from high latitudes-第25章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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e; and; to Gudlief's great astonishment; addresses him in Icelandic。 Having entertained the weary mariners very honourably; and supplied them with provisions; the old man bids them speed back to Iceland; as it would be unsafe for them to remain where they were。 His own name he refused to tell; but having learnt that Gudlief comes from the neighbourhood of Snaefell; he puts into his hands a sword and a ring。 The ring is to be given to Thured of Froda; the sword to her son Kjartan。 When Gudlief asks by whom he is to say the gifts are sent; the ancient chieftain answers; 〃Say they come from one who was a better friend of the Lady of Froda than of her brother Snorre of Helgafell。〃 Wherefore it is conjectured that this man was Bjorn; the son of Astrand; Champion of Breidavik。

After this; Madam; I hope I shall never hear you depreciate the constancy of men。 Thured had better have married Bjorn after all!

I forgot to mention that when Gudlief landed on the strange coast; it seemed to him that the inhabitants spoke Irish。 Now; there are many antiquaries inclined to believe in the former existence of an Irish colony to the southward of the Vinland of the Northmen。 Scattered through the Sagas are several notices of a distant country in the West; which is called Ireland ed MeklaGreat Ireland; or the White Man's land。 When Pizarro penetrated into the heart of Mexico; a tradition already existed of the previous arrival of white men from the East。 Among the Shawnasee Indians a story is still preserved of Florida having been once inhabited by white men; who used iron instruments。 In 1658; Sir Erland the Priest had in his possession a chart; even then thought ancient; of 〃The Land of the White Men; or Hibernia Major; situated opposite Vinland the Good;〃 and Gaelic philologists pretend to trace a remarkable affinity between many of the American…Indian dialects and the ancient Celtic。

But to return to the 〃Foam。〃 After passing the cape; away we went across the spacious Brieda Fiord; at the rate of nine or ten knots an hour; reeling and bounding at the heels of the steamer; which seemed scarcely to feel how uneven was the surface across which we were speeding。 Down dropped Snaefell beneath the sea; and dim before us; clad in evening haze; rose the shadowy steeps of Bardestrand。  The north…west division of Iceland consists of one huge peninsula; spread out upon the sea like a human hand; the fingers just reaching over the Arctic circle; while up between them run the gloomy fiords; sometimes to the length of twenty; thirty; and even forty miles。 Anything more grand and mysterious than the appearance of their solemn portals; as we passed across from bluff to bluff; it is impossible to conceive。 Each might have served as a separate entrance to some poet's hellso drear and fatal seemed the vista one's eye just caught receding between the endless ranks of precipice and pyramid。

There is something; moreover; particularly mystical in the effect of the grey; dreamy atmosphere of an arctic night; through whose uncertain medium mountain and headland loom as impalpable as the frontiers of a demon world; and as I kept gazing at the glimmering peaks; and monstrous crags; and shattered stratifications; heaped up along the coast in cyclopean disorder; I understood how natural it was that the Scandinavian mythology; of whose mysteries the Icelanders were ever the natural guardians and interpreters; should have assumed that broad; massive simplicity which is its most beautiful characteristic。 Amid the rugged features of such a country the refinements of Paganism would have been dwarfed into insignificance。 How out of place would seem a Jove with his beard in ringletsa trim Apolloa sleek Bacchusan ambrosial Venusa slim Diana; and all their attendant groups of Oreads and Cupidsamid the ocean mists; and icebound torrents; the flame…scarred mountains; and four months' nightof a land which the opposing forces of heat and cold have selected for a battle…field!

The undeveloped reasoning faculty is prone to attach an undue value and meaning to the forms of things; and the infancy of a nation's mind is always more ready to worship the MANIFESTATIONS of a Power; than to look beyond them for a cause。 Was it not natural then that these northerns; dwelling in daily communion with this grand Nature; should fancy they could perceive a mysterious and independent energy in her operations; and at last come to confound the moral contest man feels within him; with the physical strife he finds around him; to see in the returning sunfostering into renewed existence the winter…stifled worldeven more than a TYPE of that spiritual consciousness which alone can make the dead heart stir; to discover even more than an ANALOGY between the reign of cold; darkness; and desolation; and the still blanker ruin of a sin…perverted soul? But in that iron clime; amid such awful associations; the conflict going on was too terriblethe contending powers too visibly in presence of each other; for the practical; conscientious Norse mind to be content with the puny godships of a Roman Olympus。 Nectar; Sensuality; and Inextinguishable Laughter were elements of felicity too mean for the nobler atmosphere of their Walhalla; and to those active temperaments and healthy minds;invigorated and solemnized by the massive mould of the scenery around them;Strength; Courage; Endurance; and above all Self…sacrificenaturally seemed more essential attributes of divinity than mere elegance and beauty。 And we must remember that whilst the vigorous imagination of the north was delighting itself in creating a stately dreamland; where it strove to blend; in a grand world…picturealways harmonious; though not always consistentthe influences which sustain both the physical and moral system of its universe; an undercurrent of sober Gothic common sense induced itas a kind of protest against the too material interpretation of the symbolism it had employedto wind up its religious scheme by sweeping into the chaos of oblivion all the glorious fabric it had evoked; and proclaimingin the place of the transient gods and perishable heaven of its Asgaardthat One undivided Deity; at whose approach the pillars of Walhalla were to fall; and Odin and his peers to perish; with all the subtle machinery of their existence; while manhimself immortalwas summoned to receive at the hands of the Eternal All…Father the sentence that waited upon his deeds。 It is true this purer system belonged only to the early ages。 As in the case of every false religion; the symbolism of the Scandinavian mythology lost with each succeeding generation something of its transparency; and at last degenerated into a gross superstition。  But traces still remained; even down to the times of Christian ascendency; of the deep; philosophical spirit in which it had been originally conceived; and through its homely imagery there ran a vein of tender humour; such as still characterises the warm…hearted; laughter…loving northern races。 Of this mixture of philosophy and fun; the following story is no bad specimen。  'Footnote: The story of Thor's journey has been translated from the Edda both by the Howitts and Mr。 Thorpe。'

Once on a time the two OEsir; Thor; the Thunder god; and his brother Lopt; attended by a servant; determined to go eastward to Jotunheim; the land of the giants; in search of adventures。 Crossing over a great water; they came to a desolate plain; at whose further end; tossing and waving in the wind; rose the tree tops of a great forest。 After journeying for many hours along its dusty labyrinths; they began to be anxious about a resting…place for the night。 〃At last; Lopt perceived a very spacious house; on one side of which was an entrance as wide as the house itself; and there they took up their night…quarters。 At midnight they perceived a great earthquake; the ground reeled under them and the house shook。

〃Then up rose Thor and called to his companions。  They sought about; and found a side building to the right; into which they went。 Thor placed himself at the door; the rest went and sat down further in; and were very much afraid。

〃Thor kept his hammer in his hand; ready to defend them。 Then they heard a terrible noise and roaring。  As it began 

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