贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > letters from high latitudes >


letters from high latitudes-第17章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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ke…house in the hot soft clay; and improvising a kitchen…range at a neighbouring vent; had made himself completely master of the situation。 It was about one o'clock in the morning when we sat down to dinner; and as light as day。

As the baggage…train with our tents and beds had not yet arrived; we fully appreciated our luck in being treated to so dry a night; and having eaten everything we could lay hands on; were sat quietly down to chess; and coffee brewed in Geysir water; when suddenly it seemed as if beneath our very feet a quantity of subterraneous cannon were going off; the whole earth shook; and Sigurdr; starting to his feet; upset the chess…board (I was just beginning to get the best of the game); and flung off full speed towards the great basin。  By the time we reached its brim; however; the noise had ceased; and all we could see was a slight movement in the centre; as if an angel had passed by and troubled the water。  Irritated at this false alarm; we determined to revenge ourselves by going and tormenting the Strokr。 Strokror the churnyou must know; is an unfortunate Geysir; with so little command over his temper and his stomach; that you can get a rise out of him whenever you like。 All that is necessary is to collect a quantity of sods; and throw them down his funnel。 As he has no basin to protect him from these liberties; you can approach to the very edge of the pipe; about five feet in diameter; and look down at the boiling water which is perpetually seething at the bottom。 In a few minutes the dose of turf you have just administered begins to disagree with him; he works himself up into an awful passiontormented by the qualms of incipient sickness; he groans and hisses; and boils up; and spits at you with malicious vehemence; until at last; with a roar of mingled pain and rage; he throws up into the air a column of water forty feet high; which carries with it all the sods that have been chucked in; and scatters them scalded and half…digested at your feet。 So irritated has the poor thing's stomach become by the discipline it has undergone; that even long after all the foreign matter has been thrown off; it goes on retching and sputtering; until at last nature is exhausted; when; sobbing and sighing to itself; it sinks back into the bottom of its den。

Put into the highest spirits by the success of this performance; we turned away to examine the remaining springs。 I do not know; however; that any of the rest are worthy of particular mention。 They all resemble in character the two I have described; the only difference being that they are infinitely smaller; and of much less power and importance。  One other remarkable formation in the neighbourhood must not be passed unnoticed。 Imagine a large irregular opening in the surface of the soft white clay; filled to the very brim with scalding water; perfectly still; and of as bright a blue as that of the Grotto Azzuro at Capri; through whose transparent depths you can see down into the mouth of a vast subaqueous cavern; which runs; Heaven knows how far; in a horizontal direction beneath your feet。 Its walls and varied cavities really looked as if they were built of the purest lupis lazuliand so thin seemed the crust that roofed it in; we almost fancied it might break through; and tumble us all into the fearful beautiful bath。

Having by this time taken a pretty good look at the principal features of our new domain; I wrapped myself up in a cloak and went to sleep; leaving orders that I should not be called until after the tent had arrived; and our beds were ready。 Sigurdr followed my example; but the Doctor went out shooting。

As our principal object in coming so far was to see an eruption of the Great Geysir; it was of course necessary we should wait his pleasure; in fact; our movements entirely depended upon his。 For the next two or three days; therefore; like pilgrims round some ancient shrine; we patiently kept watch; but he scarcely deigned to vouchsafe us the slightest manifestation of his latent energies。 Two or three times the cannonading we had heard immediately after our arrival recommenced;and once an eruption to the height of about ten feet occurred; but so brief was its duration; that by the time we were on the spot; although the tent was not eighty yards distant; all was over。 As after every effort of the fountain the water in the basin mysteriously ebbs back into the funnel; this performance; though unsatisfactory in itself; gave us an opportunity of approaching the mouth of the pipe; and looking down into its scalded gullet。  In an hour afterwards; the basin was brimful as ever。

Tethered down by our curiosity to a particular spot for an indefinite period; we had to while away the hours as best we could。 We played chess; collected specimens; photographed the encampment; the guides; the ponies; and one or two astonished natives。 Every now and then we went out shooting over the neighbouring flats; and once I ventured on a longer expedition among the mountains to our left。  The views I got were beautiful;ridge rising beyond ridge in eternal silence; like gigantic ocean waves; whose tumult has been suddenly frozen into stone;but the dread of the Geysir going off during my absence made me almost too fidgety to enjoy them。 The weather luckily remained beautiful; with the exception of one little spell of rain; which came to make us all the more grateful for the sunshine;and we fed like princes。 Independently of the game; duck; plover; ptarmigan; and bittern; with which our own guns supplied us; a young lamb was always in the larder;not to mention reindeer tongues; skier;a kind of sour curds; excellent when well made;milk; cheese whose taste and nature baffles description; biscuit and bread; sent us as a free gift by the lady of a neighbouring farm。 In fact; so noble is Icelandic hospitality; that I really believe there was nothing within fifty miles round we might not have obtained for the asking; had we desired it。 As for Fitz; he became quite the enfant gate of a neighbouring family。

Having unluckily caught cold; instead of sleeping in the tent; he determined to seek shelter under a solid roof…tree; and; conducted by our guide Olaf; set off on his pony at bed…time in search of a habitation。 The next morning he reappeared so unusually radiant that I could not help inquiring what good fortune had in the meantime befallen him: upon which he gave me such an account of his last night's reception at the farm; that I was almost tempted to bundle tent and beds down the throat of our irritable friend Strokr; and throw myself for the future upon the hospitality of the inhabitants。 It is true; I had read in Van Troil of something of the kind; but until now I never fully believed it。 The Doctor shall tell his own history。

〃No sooner;〃 said he; 〃had I presented myself at the door; and made known my errand; than I was immediately welcomed by the whole family; and triumphantly inducted into the guest quarters: everything the house could produce was set before me; and the whole society stood by to see that I enjoyed myself。 As I had but just dined an additional repast was no longer essential to my happiness; but all explanation was useless; and I did my best to give them satisfaction。 Immediately on rising from the table; the young lady of the house(old Van Troil says it is either the mother or the daughter of the house; if she be grown up; who performs this office)proposed by signs to conduct me to my apartment; taking in one hand a large plate of skier; and in the other a bottle of brandy; she led the way through a passage built of turf and stones to the place where I was to sleep。 Having watched her depositnot without misgivings; for I knew it was expected both should be disposed of before morningthe skier by my bedside; and the brandy…bottle under the pillow; I was preparing to make her a polite bow; and to wish her a very good night; when she advanced towards me; and with a winning grace difcult to resist; insisted upon helping me off with my coat; and then;proceeding to extremities;with my shoes and stockings。 At this most critical part of the proceedings; I naturally imagined her share of the performance would conclude; and that I should at last be restored to th

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