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letters from high latitudes-第10章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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lth; to which; utterly at my wits' end; I had the audacity to reply in the same language。 As it is fit so great an effort of oratory should not perish; I send you some of its choicest specimens:

〃Viri illustres;〃 I began; 〃insolitus ut sum ad publicum loquendum; ego propero respondere ad complimentum quod recte reverendus prelaticus mihi fecit; in proponendo meam salutem: et supplico vos credere quod multum gratificatus et flattificatus sum honore tam distincto。

〃Bibere; viri illustres; res est; quae in omnibus terris; 'domum venit ad hominum negotia et pectora:'

'Footnote: As the happiness of these quotations seemed to produce a very pleasing effect on my auditors; I subjoin a translation of them for the benefit of the unlearned:

1。 〃Comes home to men's business and bosoms。〃     Paterfamilias; Times。

2。 〃A long pull; a strong pull; and a pull all     together。〃Nelson at the Nile。

3。 〃One touch of nature makes the whole world kin。〃     Jeremy Bentham。

4。 Apothegm by the late Lord Mountcoffeehouse。

5。 〃Love rules the court; the camp; the grove。〃    Venerable Bede。'

(1) requirit 'haustum longum; haustum fortem; et haustum omnes simul:' (2) ut canit Poeta; 'unum tactum Naturae totum orben facit consanguineum;' (3) et hominis Natura estbibere (4)。

〃Viri illustres; alterum est sentimentum equaliter universale:  terra communis super quam septentrionales et meridionales; eadem enthusiasma convenire possunt: est necesse quod id nominarem? Ad pulchrum sexum devotio!

〃Amor regit palatium; castra; lucum: (5) Dubito sub quo capite vestram jucundam civitatem numerare debeam。 Palatium? non Regem! Castra? non milites! lucum? non ullam arborem habetis! Tamen Cupido vos dominat haud aliter quam alios;et virginum Islandarum pulchritudo; per omnes regiones cognita est。

〃Bibamus salutem earum; et confusionem ad omnes bacularios: speramus quod eae carae et benedictae creaturae invenient tot maritos quot velint;quod geminos quottanis habeant; et quod earum filiae; maternum exemplum sequentes; gentem Islandicam perpetuent in saecula saeculorum。〃

The last words mechanically rolled out; in the same 〃ore rotundo〃 with which the poor old Dean of Christchurch used to finish his Gloria; etc。 in the Cathedral。

Then followed more speeches;a great chinking of glasses; a Babel of conversation;a kind of dance round the table; where we successively gave each alternate hand; as in the last figure of the Lancers;a hearty embrace from the Governor;and finally;silence; daylight; and fresh air; as we stumbled forth into the street。

Now what was to be done? To go to bed was impossible。 It was eleven o'clock by our watches; and as bright as noon。  Fitz said it was twenty…two o'clock; but by this time he had reached that point of enlargement of the mind; and development of the visual organs; which is expressed by the term 〃seeing double;〃though he now pretends he was only reckoning time in the Venetian manner。 We were in the position of three fast young men about Reykjavik; determined to make a night of it; but without the wherewithal。  There were neither knockers to steal; nor watchmen to bonnet。  At last we remembered that the apothecary's wife had a conversazione; to which she had kindly invited us; and accordingly; off we went to her house。 Here we found a number of French officers; a piano; and a young lady; in consequence of which the drum soon became a ball。 Finally; it was proposed we should dance a reel; the second lieutenant of the 〃Artemise〃 had once seen one when his ship was riding out a gale in the Clyde;the little lady had frequently studied a picture of the Highland fling on the outside of a copy of Scotch music;I could dance a jigthe set was complete; all we wanted was the music。 Luckily the lady of the house knew the song of 〃Annie Laurie;〃played fast it made an excellent reel tune。 As you may suppose; all succeeded admirably; we nearly died of laughing; and I only wish Lord Breadalbane had been by to see。

At one in the morning; our danseuse retiring to rest; the ball necessarily terminated; but the Governor's dinner still forbidding bed; we determined on a sail in the cutter to some islands about three…quarters of a mile out to sea; and I do not think I shall ever forget the delicious sensation of lying down lazily in the stern…sheets; and listening to the rippling of the water against the bows of the boat; as she glided away towards them。 The dreamy; misty landscape;each headland silently sleeping in the unearthly light;Snoefell; from whose far…off peaks the midnight sun; though lost to us; had never faded;the Plutonic crags that stood around; so gaunt and weird;the quaint fresh life I had been lately leading;all combined to promise such an existence of novelty and excitement in that strange Arctic region on the threshold of which we were now pausing; that I could not sufficiently congratulate myself on our good fortune。 Soon; however; the grating of our keel upon the strand disturbed my reflections; and by the time I had unaccountably stepped up to my knees in the water; I was thoroughly awake; and in a condition to explore the island。 It seemed to be about three…quarters of a mile long; not very broad; and a complete rabbit…warren; in fact; I could not walk a dozen yards without tripping up in the numerous burrows by which the ground was honeycombed: at last; on turning a corner; we suddenly came on a dozen rabbits; gravely sitting at the mouths of their holes。 They were quite white; without ears; and with scarlet noses。 I made several desperate attempts to catch some of these singular animals; but though one or two allowed me to come pretty near; just as I thought my prize was secure; in some unaccountable mannerit made unto itself wings; and literally flew away! Moreover; if my eyesight did not share the peculiar development which affected that of the Doctor's; I should say that these rabbits flew in PAIRS。 Red…nosed; winged rabbits! I had never heard or read of the species; and I naturally grew enthusiastic in the chase; hoping to bring home a choice specimen to astonish our English naturalists。 With some difficulty we managed to catch one or two; which had run into their holes instead of flying away。  They bit and scratched like tiger…cats; and screamed like parrots; indeed; on a nearer inspection; I am obliged to confess that they assumed the appearance of birds; 'Footnote: The Puffin (Alca arctica)。 In Icelandic; Soe papagoie; In Scotland; Priest; and in Cornwall; Pope。' which may perhaps account for their powers of flight。 A slight confusion still remains in my mind as to the real nature of the creatures。

At about nine o'clock we returned to breakfast; and the rest of the day was spent in taking leave of our friends; and organizing the baggage…train; which was to start at midnight; under the command of the cook。 The cavalcade consisted of eighteen horses; but of these only one…half were laden; two animals being told off to each burthen; which is shifted from the back of the one to that of the other every four hours。  The pack…saddles were rude; but serviceable articles; with hooks on either side; on which a pair of oblong little chests were slung; strips of turf being stuffed beneath to prevent the creature's back being galled。 Such of our goods as could not be conveniently stowed away in the chests were fitted on to the top; in whatever manner their size and weight admitted; each pony carrying about 140 lbs。 The photographic apparatus caused us the greatest trouble; and had to be distributed between two beasts。 As was to be expected; the guides who assisted us packed the nitrate of silver bath upside down; an outrage the nature of which you cannot appreciate。  At last everything was pretty well arranged;guns; powder; shot; tea…kettles; rice; tents; beds; portable soups; etc。 all stowed away;when the desponding Wilson came to me; his chin sweeping the ground; to saythat he very much feared the cook would die of the ride;that he had never been on horseback in his life;that as an experiment he had hired a pony that very morning at his own charges;had been run away with; but having been caught and brought home by an honest Icelander; was now lying downthat position being the one he found most convenie

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