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letters from high latitudes-第1章

小说: letters from high latitudes 字数: 每页4000字

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Letters From High Latitudes

by The Marquess of Dufferin (Lord Dufferin)

Being some account of a voyage in 1856 of the schooner yacht 〃Foam〃 to Iceland; Jan Meyen; and Spitzbergen。

By the Marquess of Dufferin Sometime Governor…General of the Dominion of Canada and afterwards Viceroy of India。



Glasgow; Monday; June 2; 1856。

Our start has not been prosperous。 Yesterday evening; on passing Carlisle; a telegraphic message was put into my hand; announcing the fact of the 〃Foam〃 having been obliged to put into Holyhead; in consequence of the sudden illness of my Master。 As the success of our expedition entirely depends on our getting off before the season is further advanced; you can understand how disagreeable it is to have received this check at its very outset。 As yet; of course; I know nothing of the nature of the illness with which he has been seized。 However; I have ordered the schooner to proceed at once to Oban; and I have sent back the Doctor to Holyhead to overhaul the sick man。 It is rather early in the day for him to enter upon the exercise of his functions。



Greenock; Tuesday; June 3; 1856

I found the Icelander awaiting my arrival here;pacing up and down the coffee…room like a Polar bear。

At first he was a little shy; and; not having yet had much opportunity of practising his English; it was some time before I could set him perfectly at his ease。 He has something so frank and honest in his face and bearing; that I am certain he will turn out a pleasant companion。 There being no hatred so intense as that which you feel towards a disagreeable shipmate; this assurance has relieved me of a great anxiety; and I already feel I shall hereafter reckon Sigurdr (pronounced Segurthur); the son of Jonas; among the number of my best friends。

As most educated English people firmly believe the Icelanders to be a 〃Squawmuck;〃 blubber…eating; seal…skin…clad race; I think it right to tell you that Sigurdr is apparelled in good broadcloth; and all the inconveniences of civilization; his costume culminating in the orthodox chimney…pot of the nineteenth century。 He is about twenty…seven; very intelligent…looking; andall women would thinklovely to behold。  A high forehead; straight; delicate features; dark blue eyes; auburn hair and beard; and the complexion ofLady Sd! His early life was passed in Iceland; but he is now residing at Copenhagen as a law student。 Through the introduction of a mutual friend; he has been induced to come with me; and do us the honours of his native land。

   〃O whar will I get a skeely skipper;     To sail this gude ship o' mine?'

Such; alas! has been the burden of my song for these last four…and…twenty hours; as I have sat in the Tontine Tower; drinking the bad port wine; for; after spending a fortune in telegraphic messages to Holyhead; it has been decided that B cannot come on; and I have been forced to rig up a Glasgow merchant skipper into a jury sailing…master。

Any such arrangement is; at the best; unsatisfactory; but to abandon the cruise is the only alternative。 However; considering I had but a few hours to look about me; I have been more fortunate than might have been expected。 I have had the luck to stumble on a young fellow; very highly recommended by the Captain of the Port。 He returned just a fortnight ago from a trip to Australia; and having since married a wife; is naturally anxious not to lose this opportunity of going to sea again for a few months。

I start to…morrow for Oban; via Inverary; which I wish to show to my Icelander。 At Oban I join the schooner; and proceed to Stornaway; in the Hebrides; whither the undomestic Mr。 Ebenezer Wyse (a descendant; probably; of some Westland Covenanter) is to follow me by the steamer。



Oban; June 5; 1856

I have seldom enjoyed anything so much as our journey yesterday。 Getting clear at last of the smells; smoke; noise; and squalor of Greenock; to plunge into the very heart of the Highland hills; robed as they were in the sunshine of a beautiful summer day; was enough to make one beside oneself with delight; and the Icelander enjoyed it as much as I did。  Having crossed the Clyde; alive with innumerable vessels; its waves dancing and sparkling in the sunlight; we suddenly shot into the still and solemn Loch Goil; whose waters; dark with mountain shadows; seemed almost to belong to a different element from that of the yellow; rushing; ship…laden river we had left。 In fact; in the space of ten minutes we had got into another world; centuries remote from the steaming; weaving; delving Britain; south of Clyde。

After a sail of about three hours; we reached the head of the loch; and then took coach along the worst mountain road in Europe; towards the country of the world…invading Campbells。 A steady pull of three hours more; up a wild bare glen; brought us to the top of the mica…slate ridge which pens up Loch Fyne; on its western side; and disclosed what I have always thought the loveliest scene in Scotland。

Far below at our feet; and stretching away on either hand among the mountains; lay the blue waters of the lake。

On its other side; encompassed by a level belt of pasture…land and corn…fields; the white little town of Inverary glittered like a gem on the sea…shore; while to the right; amid lawns and gardens; and gleaming banks of wood; that hung down into the water; rose the dark towers of the Castle; the whole environed by an amphitheatre of tumbled porphyry hills; beyond whose fir…crowned crags rose the bare blue mountain…tops of Lorn。

It was a perfect picture of peace and seclusion; and I confess I had great pride in being able to show my companion so fair a specimen of one of our lordly island homesthe birthplace of a race of nobles whose names sparkle down the page of their country's history as conspicuously as the golden letters in an illuminated missal。

While descending towards the strand; I tried to amuse Sigurdr with a sketch of the fortunes of the great house of Argyll。

I told him how in ancient days three warriors came from Green Ierne; to dwell in the wild glens of Cowal and Lochow;how one of them; the swart Breachdan; all for the love of blue…eyed Eila; swam the Gulf; once with a clew of thread; then with a hempen rope; last with an iron chain; but this time; alas! the returning tide sucks down the over…tasked hero into its swirling vortex;how Diarmid O' Duin; i。e。  son of 〃the Brown;〃 slew with his own hand the mighty boar; whose head still scowls over the escutcheon of the Campbells;how in later times; while the murdered Duncan's son; afterwards the great Malcolm Canmore; was yet an exile at the court of his Northumbrian uncle; ere Birnam wood had marched to Dunsinane; the first Campbell i。e。  Campus…bellus; Beau…champ; a Norman knight and nephew of the Conqueror; having won the hand of the lady Eva; sole heiress of the race of Diarmid; became master of the lands and lordships of Argyll;how six generations latereach of them notable in their daythe valiant Sir Colin created for his posterity a title prouder than any within a sovereign's power to bestow; which no forfeiture could attaint; no act of parliament recall; for though he cease to be Duke or Earl; the head of the Clan Campbell will still remain Mac Calan More;and how at last the same Sir Colin fell at the String of Cowal; beneath the sword of that fierce lord; whose granddaughter was destined to bind the honours of his own heirless house round the coronet of his slain foeman's descendant;how Sir Neill at Bannockburn fought side by side with the Bruce whose sister he had married; how Colin; the first Earl; wooed and won the Lady Isabel; sprung from the race of Somerled; Lord of the Isles; thus adding the galleys of Lorn to the blazonry of Argyll; how the next Earl died at Flodden; and his successor fought not less disastrously at Pinkie;how Archibald; fifth Earl; whose wife was at supper with the Queen; her half…sister; when Rizzio was murdered; fell on the field of Langside; smitten not by the hand of the enemy; but by the finger of God; how Colin; Ea

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