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romantic ballads-第8章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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of knights a crew; Haughty of heart; and hard to subdue。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

With a bright gold ring was his arm array'd; Full fifteen pounds that gold ring weigh'd; That has he given the herd; for a meed; Because he will show him the knights with speed。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Svend Vonved enter'd the castle yard; There Randulph; wrapt in his skins; {15} kept guard: 〃Ho! Caitiff; ho! with shield and brand; What art thou doing in this my land?〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃I will; I will; with my single hand; Take from thee; Knave; the whole of thy land: I will; I will; with my single toe; Lay thee and each of thy castles low。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Thou shalt not; with thy single hand; Take from me; Hound; an inch of my land;

And far; far less; shalt thou; with thy toe; Lay me or one of my castles low。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Thou shalt not e'er; with finger of thine; Strike asunder one limb of mine; {16} I am for thee too woxen and stark; As thou; to thy cost; shalt quickly mark。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Svend Vonved unsheath'd his faulchion bright; With haughty Randulph he fain will fight; Randulph he there has slain in his might; And Strandulph too; with full good right。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

The rest against him came out pell…mell; Then slew he Carl Ege; the fierce and fell:… He slew the great; he slew the small; He slew till his foes were slaughter'd all。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Svend Vonved binds his sword to his side; It lists him farther to ride; to ride; He found upon the desolate wold A burly {17} knight; of aspect bold。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Now tell me; Rider; noble and good; Where does the fish stand up in the flood? Where do they mingle the best; best wine? And where with his knights does Vidrik dine?〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃The fish in the East stands up in the flood。 They drink in the North the wine so good。 In Halland's hall does Vidrik dine; With his swains around; and his warriors fine。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

From his breast Svend Vonved a gold ring drew; At the foot of the knight the gold ring he threw: 〃Go! say thou wert the very last man Who gold from the hand of Svend Vonved wan。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Svend Vonved came where the castle rose; He bade the watchmen the gate unclose: As none of the watchmen obey'd his cry; He sprang at once over the ramparts high。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

He tied his steed to a ring in the wall; Then in he went to the wide stone hall; Down he sat at the head of the board; To no one present he utter'd a word。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

He drank and he ate; he ate and he drank; He ask'd no leave; and return'd no thank; 〃Ne'er have I been on Christian ground Where so many curst tongues were clanging round。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

King Vidrik spoke to good knights three: 〃Go; bind that lowering swain for me; Should ye not bind the stranger guest; Ye will not serve me as ye can best。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Should'st thou send three; and twenty times three; And come thyself to lay hold of me; The son of a dog thou wilt still remain; And yet to bind me have tried in vain。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Esmer; my father; who lies on his bier; And proud Adeline; my mother so dear; Oft and strictly have caution'd me To waste no breath upon hounds like thee。〃 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃And was King Esmer thy father's name; And Adeline that of his virtuous Dame? Thou art Svend Vonved; the stripling wild; My own dear sister's only child。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Svend Vonved; wilt thou bide with me here? Honour awaits thee; and costly cheer; Whenever it lists thee abroad to wend; Upon thee shall knights and swains attend。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

〃Silver and gold thou never shalt lack; Or helm to thy head; or mail to thy back;〃 But to this and the like he would lend no ear; And home to his mother he now will steer。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Svend Vonved gallop'd along the way; To fancies dark was his mind a prey: Riding he enter'd the castle yard Where stood twelve witches wrinkled and scarr'd: Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

There stood they all; with spindle and rok; {18} … Each over the shinbone gave him a knock: Svend turn'd his steed; in fury; round; The witches he there has hew'd to the ground。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

He hew'd the witches limb from limb; So little mercy they got from him; His mother came out; and was serv'd the same; Into fifteen pieces he hackt her frame。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。

Then in he went to his lonely bower; There drank he the wine; the wine of power: His much…lov'd harp he play'd upon Till the strings were broken; every one。 Look out; look out; Svend Vonved。


This is one of those Ballads which; from the days of Arild; have been  much sung in Denmark:  we find in it the names and bearings of most  of those renowned heroes; who are mentioned separately in other  poems。  It divides itself into two parts;the first; which treats of  the warrior's bearings; has a great resemblance to the 178th chapter  of the Vilkina Saga; as likewise has the last part; wherein the Duel  is described; to the 180th and 181st chapters of the same。

I cannot here forbear quoting and translating what Anders Sorensen  Vedel; the good old Editor of the first Edition of the Kiaempe Viser;  which appeared in 1591; says concerning the apparently superhuman  performances of the heroes therein celebrated。

〃Hvad ellers Kiaempernes Storlemhed Styrke og anden Vilkaar berorer;  som overgaaer de Menneskers der nu leve deres Vaext og Kraft; det  Stykke kan ikke her noksom nu forhandles; men skal i den Danske  Kronikes tredie Bog videligere omtales。  Thi det jo i Sandhed  befindes og bevises af adskillige Documenter og Kundskab; at disse  gamle Hellede; som de kaldes; have levet fast laenger; og vaeret  mandeligere storre staerkere og hoiere end den gemene Mand er; som nu  lever paa denne Dag。〃

〃That part which relates to these Warriors' size; strength; or other  qualities; so far surpassing the stature and powers of the men who  now exist; cannot be here sufficiently treated upon; but shall be  further discussed in the third Book of the Danish Chronicles:  for;  in truth; it is discovered and proved from various documents and  sources; that these old heroes; as they are called; lived much  longer; and were manlier; stouter; stronger; and taller; than man at  the present day。〃

Six score there were; six score and ten; From Hald that rode that day; And when they came to Brattingsborg They pitch'd their pavilion gay。

King Nilaus stood on the turret's top; Had all around in sight: 〃Why hold those heroes their lives so cheap; That it lists them here to fight?

〃Now; hear me; Sivard Snaresvend; Far hast thou rov'd; and wide; Those warriors' weapons thou shalt prove; To their tent thou must straightway ride。〃

It was Sivard Snaresvend; To the broad tent speeded he then: 〃I greet ye fair; in my master's name; All; all; ye Dane king's men。

〃Now; be not wroth that here I come; I come as a warrior; free: The battle together we soon will prove; Let me your bearings see。〃

There stands upon the first good shield A lion; so fierce and stark; With a crown on his head; of the ruddy gold; That is King Diderik's mark。

There shine upon the second shield A hammer and pincers bright; Them carries Vidrik Verlandson; Ne'er gives he quarter in fight。

There shines upon the third good shield A falcon; blazing with gold; And that by Helled Hogan is borne; No knight; than he; more bold。

There shines upon the fourth good shield An eagle; and that is red; Is borne by none but Olger; the Dane; He strikes his foemen dead。

There shines upon the fifth good shield A couchant hawk; on a wall; That's borne by Master Hildebrand; He tries; with heroes; a fall。

And now comes forth the sixth good shield A linden is thereupon; And that by young Sir Humble is borne; King Abelon's eldest son。

There shines upon the seventh good shield A spur; of a fas

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