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romantic ballads-第5章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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I flung myself upon my frighten'd barb; Just as the shades began to grow less murk; And sun…beams clad the sky in gayer garb。

Let each young warrior from such places fly: Disease and death beneath the flowers lurk; And elves would suck the warm blood from his eye。


I clomb in haste my dappled steed; And gallop'd far o'er mount and mead; And when the day drew nigh its close; I laid me down to take repose。

I laid me down to take repose; And slumbers sweet fell o'er my brows: And then; methought; as there I slept; From out the ground the dead man leapt。

Said he; 〃If thou art valiant; Knight; My murder soon will see the light; For thou wilt ride to Heddybee; Where live my youthful brothers three:

〃And there; too; thou wilt surely find My father dear and mother kind; And there sits Kate; my much…loved wife; Who with her women took my life。

〃They chok'd me; as in bed I lay; Then wrapp'd me in a truss of hay; And bore me out at dead of night; And laid me in this lonely height。

〃The Groom; who lately clean'd my stall; Now struts and vapours through my hall; … Eats gaily with my silver knife; And sleeps with Kate; my much…lov'd wife。

〃His place is highest at the board; But what is most to be deplor'd; He gives my babes so little bread; And mocks them now their sire is dead。

〃Clad in my clothes he proudly stalks Along the shady forest…walks; And; arm'd with bow and hunting spear; He shoots my birds and stabs my deer。

〃Were I alive; to meet him now; All underneath the linden bough; With no one nigh; my wrath to check; I'd wring his head from off his neck!

〃But hie thee hence to Heddybee; Where live my youthful brothers three; First tell them allthen stab the groom … Allow my wife a milder doom。〃


Sir Lave to the island stray'd; He wedded there a lovely maid: 〃I'll have her yet;〃 said John。

He brought her home across the main; With knights and ladies in the train: 〃I'm close behind;〃 said John。

They plac'd her on the bridal seat; Sir Lave bade them drink and eat: 〃Aye:  that we will;〃 said John。

The servants led her then to bed; But could not loose her girdle red! 〃I can; perhaps;〃 said John。

He shut the door with all his might; He lock'd it fast; and quench'd the light: 〃I shall sleep here;〃 said John。

A servant to Sir Lave hied; … 〃Sir John is sleeping with the bride:〃 〃Aye; that I am;〃 said John。

Sir Lave to the chamber flew: 〃Arise; and straight the door undo!〃 〃A likely thing!〃 said John。

He struck with shield; he struck with spear … 〃Come out; thou Dog; and fight me here!〃 〃Another time;〃 said John。

〃And since thou with my bride hast lain; To our good king I will complain。〃 〃That thou canst do;〃 said John。

As soon as e'er the morning shone; Sir Lave sought our monarch's throne; I'll go there too;〃 said John。

〃O King; chastise this wicked wight; For with my wife he slept last night。〃 〃'T is very true;〃 said John。

〃Since ye two love one pretty face; Your lances must decide the case。〃 〃With all my heart;〃 said John。

The sun on high was shining bright; And thousands came to see the fight: 〃Lo! here I am:〃 said John。

The first course that they ran so free; Sir John's horse fell upon his knee: 〃Now help me God!〃 said John。

The next course that they ran; in ire; Sir Lave fell among the mire。 〃He's dead enough!〃 said John。

The victor to the castle hied; And there in tears he found the bride: 〃Thou art my own;〃 said John。

That night; forgetting all alarms; Again she blest him in her arms。 〃I have her now!〃 said John。


May Asda is gone to the merry green wood; Like flax was each tress on her temples that stood; Her cheek like the rose…leaf that perfumes the air; Her form; like the lily…stalk; graceful and fair:

She mourn'd for her lover; Sir Frovin the brave; For he had embark'd on the boisterous wave; And; burning to gather the laurels of war; Had sail'd with King Humble to Orkney afar:

At feast and at revel; wherever she went; Her thoughts on his perils and dangers were bent; No joy has the heart that loves fondly and dear … No pleasure save when the lov'd object is near!

May Asda walk'd out in the bonny noon…tide; And roam'd where the beeches grew up in their pride; She sat herself down on the green sloping hill; Where liv'd the Erl…people; {4} and where they live still:

Then trembled the turf; as she sat in repose; And straight from the mountain three maidens arose; And with them a loom; and upon it a woof; As white as the snow when it falls on the roof。

Of red shining gold was the fairy…loom made; They sang and they danc'd; and their swift shuttles play'd; Their song was of death; and their song was of life; It sounded like billows in tumult and strife。

They gave her the woof; with a sorrowful look; And vanish'd like bubbles that burst on the brook; But deep in the mountain was heard a sweet strain; As the lady went home to her bower again。

The web was unfinish'd; she wove and she spun; Nor rested a moment; until it was done; And there was enough; when the work was complete; To form for a dead man a shirt or a sheet。

The heroes return'd from the well…foughten field; And bore home Sir Frovin's corse; laid on a shield; Sad sight for the maid! but she still was alert; And sew'd round the body the funeral shirt:

And when she had come to the very last stitch; Her feelings; so long suppress'd; rose to a pitch; The cold clammy sweat from her features outbroke; Death struck her; and meekly she bow'd to the stroke。

She rests with her lover now deep in the grave; And o'er them the beeches their mossy boughs wave; There sing the Erl…maidens their ditties aloud; And dance while the merry moon peeps from the cloud。


Have ye heard of bold Sir Aager; How he rode to yonder isle; There he saw the sweet Eliza; Who upon him deign'd to smile。

There he married sweet Eliza; With her lands and ruddy gold … Wo is me! the Monday after; Dead he lay beneath the mould!

In her bower sat Eliza; Rent the air with shriek and groan; All which heard the good Sir Aager; Underneath the granite stone。

Up his mighty limbs he gather'd; Took the coffin on his back; And to fair Eliza's bower Hasten'd; by the well…known track。

On her chamber's lowly portal; With his fingers long and thin; Thrice he tapp'd; and bade Eliza Straightway let her bridegroom in!

Straightway answer'd fair Eliza; 〃I will not undo my door Till I hear thee name sweet Jesus; As thou oft hast done before。〃

〃Rise; O rise; my own Eliza; And undo thy chamber door; I can name the name of Jesus; As I once could do before。〃

Up then rose the sweet Eliza; … Up she rose; and twirl'd the pin。 Straight the chamber door flew open; And the dead man glided in。

With her comb she comb'd his ringlets; For she felt but little fear: On each lock that she adjusted Fell a hot and briny tear。

〃Listen; now; my good Sir Aager; Dearest bridegroom; all I crave Is to know how it goes with thee; In that lonely place; the grave?〃

〃Every time that thou rejoicest; And thy breast with pleasure heaves; Then that moment is my coffin Lin'd with rose and laurel leaves。

〃Every time that thou art shedding From thine eyes the briny flood; Then that moment is my coffin Fill'd with black and loathsome blood。

〃Heard I not the red cock crowing; Distant far upon the wind? Down to dust the dead are going; And I may not stop behind。

〃Heaven's ruddy portals open; … Daylight bursts upon my view; Though the word be hard to utter; I must bid thee; love; adieu!〃

Up his mighty limbs he gather'd; Took the coffin on his back; To the church…yard straight he hasten'd By the well…known; beaten; track。

Up then rose the sweet Eliza; Tear…drops on her features stood; While her lover she attended Through the dark and dreary wood。

When they reach'd the lone enclosure; (Last; sad; refuge of the dead) … From the cheeks of good Sir Aager All the lovely colour fled:

〃Listen; now; my sweet Eliza; If my peace be dear to thee: Never; then; from this time forward; Shed a single tear for me。

〃Turn thy lovely eyes to 

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