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romantic ballads-第4章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Not Helga; but Hela; {1} shall now be thy bride; Dark blue are her cheeks; and she looks stony…eyed。〃

〃Sir Erik; thy words are both witty and wise; And hell; when it has thee; will have a rich prize!

〃Convey unto Helga her gold ring so red; Be sure to inform her when Fridleif is dead;

〃But flame shall give water; and marble shall bleed; Before thou shalt win by this treacherous deed:

〃And I will not die like a hound; in the straw; But go; like a hero; to Odin and Thor。〃

He cut himself thrice; with his keen…cutting glaive; And went to Valhalla; {2} the way of the brave。

The knight bade his daughter come into the room: 〃Look here; my sweet child; on thy merry bridegroom。〃

She look'd on the body; and gave a wild start; 〃O father; why hadst thou so cruel a heart?〃

She moan'd and lamented; she rav'd and she curst; She look'd on her love; till her very eyes burst。

At midnight; Sir Erik was standing there mute; With two pallid corses beside his cold foot:

He stood stiff and still; and when morning…light came; He stood; like a post; without life in his frame。

The youth and the maid were together interr'd; Sir Erik could not from his posture be stirr'd:

He stood there; as stiffly; for thirty long days; And look'd on the earth with a petrified gaze。

'T is said; on the night of the thirtieth long day; To dust and to ashes he moulder'd away。


So tightly was Swanelil lacing her vest; That forth spouted milk; from each lily…white breast; That saw the Queen…mother; and thus she begun: 〃What maketh the milk from thy bosom to run?〃 〃O this is not milk; my dear mother; I vow; It is but the mead I was drinking just now。〃 〃Ha! out on thee minion! these eyes have their sight; Would'st tell me that mead; in its colour; is white?〃 〃Well; well; since the proofs are so glaring and strong; I own that Sir Middel has done me a wrong。〃 〃And was he the miscreant? dear shall he pay; For the cloud he has cast on our honour's bright ray; I'll hang him up; yes; I will hang him with scorn; And burn thee to ashes; at breaking of morn。〃 The maiden departed in anguish and wo; And straight to Sir Middel it lists her to go; Arriv'd at the portal; she sounded the bell; 〃Now wake thee; love; if thou art living and well。〃 Sir Middel he heard her; and sprang from his bed; Not knowing her voice; in confusion he said; 〃Away:  for I have neither candle nor light; And I swear that no mortal shall enter this night!〃 〃Now busk ye; Sir Middel; in Christ's holy name; I fly from my mother; who knows of my shame; She'll hang thee up; yes; she will hang thee with scorn; And burn me to ashes; at breaking of morn。〃 〃Ha! laugh at her threat'nings; so empty and wild; She neither shall hang me; nor burn thee; my child: Collect what is precious; in jewels and garb; And I'll to the stable and saddle my barb。〃 He gave her the cloak; that he us'd at his need; And he lifted her up; on the broad…bosom'd steed。 The forest is gain'd; and the city is past; When her eyes to the heaven she wistfully cast。 〃What ails thee; dear maid? we had better now stay; For thou art fatigu'd by the length of the way。〃 〃I am not fatigu'd by the length of the way; But my seat is uneasy; in truth; I must say。〃 He spread; on the cold earth; his mantle so wide; 〃Now rest thee; my love; and I'll watch by thy side。〃 〃O Jesus; that one of my maidens were near! The pains of a mother are on me; I fear。〃 〃Thy maidens are now at a distance from thee; And thou art alone in the forest with me。〃 〃'Twere better to perish; again and again; Than thou should'st stand by me; and gaze on my pain。〃 〃Then take off thy kerchief; and cover my head; And perhaps I may stand in the wise…woman's stead。〃 〃O Christ; that I had but a draught of the wave! To quench my death…thirst; and my temples to lave。〃 Sir Middel was to her so tender and true; And he fetch'd her the drink in her gold…spangled shoe。 The fountain was distant; and when he drew near; Two nightingales sat there and sang in his ear: 〃Thy love; she is dead; and for ever at rest; With two little babes that lie cold on her breast。〃 Such was their song; but he heeded them not; And trac'd his way back to the desolate spot; But oh; what a spectacle burst on his view! For all they had told him was fatally true。 He dug a deep grave by the side of a tree; And buried therein the unfortunate three。 As he clamp'd the mould down with his iron…heel'd boot He thought that the babies scream'd under his foot: Then placing his weapon against a grey stone; He cast himself on it; and died with a groan。 Ye maidens of Norway; henceforward beware! For love; when unbridled; will end in despair。


A sultry eve pursu'd a sultry day; Dark streaks of purple in the sky were seen; And shadows half conceal'd the lonely way;

I spurr'd my courser; and more swiftly rode; In moody silence; through the forests green; Where doves and linnets had their lone abode:

It was my fate to reach a brook; at last; Which; by sweet…scented bushes fenc'd around; Defiance bade to heat and nipping blast。

Inclin'd to rest; and hear the wild birds' song; I stretch'd myself upon that brook's soft bound; And there I fell asleep and slumber'd long;

And only woke; O wonder; to perceive A gold…hair'd maiden; as a snowdrop pale; Her slender form from out the ground upheave:

Then fear o'ercame me; and this daring heart Beat three times audibly against my mail; I wish'd to speak; but could no sound impart。

And see! another maid rose up and took Some drops of water from the foaming rill; And gaz'd upon me with a wistful look。

Said she; 〃What brings thee to this lonely place? But do not fear; for thou shalt meet no ill; Thou steel…clad warrior; full of youth and grace。〃

〃No;〃 sang the other; in delightful tone; 〃But thou shalt gaze on prodigies which ne'er To man's unhallow'd eye have yet been shown。〃

The brook which lately brawl'd among the trees Stood still; the murmur of that song to hear; No green leaf stirr'd; and fetter'd seem'd the breeze。

The thrush; upstarting in the distant dell; Shook its brown wing; with golden streaks array'd; And ap'd the witch…notes; as they rose and fell。

Bright gleam'd the lake's broad sheet of liquid blue; Where; with the rabid pike; the troutling play'd; The rose unlock'd its folded leaves anew;

And blush'd; besprinkled with the night's cold tear。 Once more the lily rais'd its head and smil'd; All ghastly white; as when it decks the bier。

Though sweet she sang; my fears were not the less; For in her accents there was something wild; Which I can feel; 't is true; but not express。

〃Come with us;〃 sang she; 〃deep below the earth; Where sun ne'er burns; and storm…winds never rave; Come with us to our halls of princely mirth;

〃There thou shalt learn from us the Runic lay; But dip thee; first; in yonder crystal wave; Which binds thee to the Elfin race for aye:

〃Though painted flowers on earth's breast abound; Yet we have far more lovely ones below; Like grass the chrysolites there strew the ground。〃

〃O come;〃 the other syren did exclaim; 〃For rubies there more red than roses grow … The sapphir's blue the violet puts to shame。〃

I rais'd my eyes to heaven's starry dome; And gripp'd my faulchion with convulsive might; Resolv'd no witchcraft should my mind o'ercome。

My lengthen'd silence vex'd the maidens sore: 〃Wilt thou detain us here the live…long night; Or must we; stripling; proffer something more?

〃Taught by us; thou shalt bind the rugged bear; … Seize on the mighty dragon's heap of gold; … And slay the cockatrice while in her lair!

〃But from thy breast the blood we will suck out; Unless thou follow us beneath the mould! Decide; decide; nor longer pause in doubt!〃

Cold sweat I shed; and as; with trembling hand; I strove to whirl my beaming faulchion round; It sank; enthrall'd by magic's potent band。

Each witch drew nigh; with dagger high uprear'd; Just then a cock; beyond the wild wood's bound; Crew loudand in the earth they disappear'd。

I flung myself upon my frighten'd barb; Just as the shades began to grow less murk; And sun…beams clad the sky in gayer garb。

Let each young warrior from such plac

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