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romantic ballads-第3章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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; in his wake it roars。 His wings across the ocean take their flight; Groves; cities; hills; have vanish'd from his sight; … See! there he goes; lone rider of the sky; Miles underneath him; black the billows lie。

He hears a clapping on the midnight wind: Speed; Harrald; speed! the raven is behind。 Flames from his swarthy…rolling eye are cast:… 〃Ha! Harrald;〃 scream'd he; 〃have we met at last?〃 For the first time; the youth felt terror's force; Pale grew his cheek; as that of clammy corse; Chill was his blood; his nervous arm was faint; While thus he stammer'd forth his lowly plaint:

〃I see it is in vain to strive with fate; Thank God; my soul is far above thy hate; But; ere my mortal part thou dost destroy; Let me one moment of sweet bliss enjoy: The fair unmatch'd Minona is my love; For her I travell'd; fool…like; here above: Let me fly to her with my last farewell; And I am thine; ere morning decks the fell。〃

Firmly the raven holding him in air; Survey'd his prize with fiercely…rabid glare: 〃Now is the time to wreak on thee my lust; Yet thou shalt own that I am good and just。〃 Then from its socket; Harrald's eye he tore; And drank a full half of the hero's gore:… 〃Since I have mark'd thee; thou art free to go; But loiter not when thou art there below。〃

Young Harrald sinks with many a sob and tear; Down from the sky to nature's lower sphere: He rested long beneath the poplar tall; Which grew up; under the red church's wall。 Then; rising slow; he feebly stagger'd on; Till his Minona's bower he had won。 Trembling and sad he stood beside the door … Pale as a spectre; and besprent with gore!

〃Minona; come; ere Harrald's youthful heart Is burst by love and complicated smart。 Soon will his figure disappear from earth; Yet we shall meet in heaven's halls of mirth: Minona; come and give me one embrace; That I may instantly my path retrace。〃 Thus warbles he in passion's wildest note; While death each moment rattles in his throat。

Minona came:  〃Almighty God!〃 she cried; 〃My Harrald's ghost has wander'd o'er the tide; Red clots of blood his yellow tresses streak; Drops of the same are running down his cheek。〃 〃Minona; love; survey me yet more near; It is no shadow which accosts thee here; Place thy warm hand upon my heart; and feel Whether it beats for thee with slacken'd zeal。〃

At once the current of her tears she stopp'd; His arm upheld her; or the maid had dropp'd; The roses faded from her face away; And on her head the raven locks grew gray。 All he had borne; and what he yet must bear; He murmurs to her whilst she trembles there: The hero then with dying ardour press'd; For the last time; his bosom to her breast。

〃Farewell!  Minona; all my fears are flown; And if I grieve; it is for thee alone: Give me a kiss; and give me too a smile; And let not tears that parting look defile。 Now will I drink the bitter draught of death; And yield courageously my forfeit breath:… Farewell! may heaven take thee in its care;〃 He said; and mounted swiftly in the air。

She gaz'd; but he had vanish'd from her view; She stood forsaken in the damp and dew; Then dark emotion quiver'd in her eye; And thus she pray'd; with hands uplifted high: 〃Thou who wert vainly tempted in the wild; Thou who wert always charitably mild; Thou who mad'st Peter walk on billows blue; Enable me my Harrald to pursue。〃

Sunken already was the morning star; The song of nightingales was heard afar; The red sun peep'd above the mountain's brow; And flowers scented all the vale below。 There came a youthful maiden; gaily drest; Bearing upon her back a feather…vest; Fondly she kiss'd Minona's features wan; Gave her the robe; and then at once was gone。

And straight Minona clothes in it her limbs; And soaring upward through the ether swims: To moan and sob; her madden'd breast disdains; Too big for such low comfort are its pains。 The fowls that meet her in yon airy fields; She clips in pieces with an axe she wields; Each clanging pinion ceaselessly she plies; But cannot meet the raven or his prize。

She hears a faint shriek in the air below; And; swift as eagle pounces on his foe; Down; down; she dropp'd; and lighted on the shore; Which far and wide was wet with Harrald's gore。 She smil'd so ruefully; but still was mute … His good right hand was lying at her foot: That pledge of truth; in love's unclouded day; Was the sole remnant of the demon's prey。

Deep in her breast she hid the bloody hand; And bade adieu; for ever; to the land: Again she scower'd through the airy path; Her eyeballs terrible with madden'd wrath: The raven…sorcerer at length she spied; And soon her steel was with his hot blood dyed: The huge black body; piecemeal; found a grave Amid the bosom of the briny wave。

The ocean billows fret and foam no more; But softly rush towards the pebbled shore; On which the lindens stand; in many a group; With leafy boughs that o'er the waters droop。 There floats one single cloudlet in the blue; Close where the pale moon shows her face anew: It is Minona dying there that flies; … She sinks not!noshe mounts unto the skies。


The woods were in leaf; and they cast a sweet shade; Among them walk'd Helga; the beautiful maid。

The water is dashing o'er yon little stones; She sat down beside it; and rested her bones。

She sat down; and soon; from a bush that was near; Sir Fridleif approach'd her with sword and with spear:

〃Ah; pity me; Helga; and fly me not now; I live; only live; on the smile of thy brow:

〃In thy father's whole garden is found not a rose; Which bright as thyself; and as beautiful grows。〃

〃Sir Fridleif; thy words are but meant to deceive; Yet tell me what brings thee so late here at eve。〃

〃I cannot find rest; and I cannot find ease; Though sweet sing the linnets among the wild trees;

〃If thou wilt but promise; one day to be mine; No more shall I sorrow; no more shall I pine。〃

She sank in his arms; and her cheeks were as red As the sun when he sinks in his watery bed;

But soon she arose from his loving embrace; He walk'd by her side; through the wood; for a space。

〃Now listen; young Fridleif; the gallant and bold; Take off from my finger this ring of red gold;

Take off from my finger this ring of red gold; And part with it not; till in death thou art cold。〃

Sir Fridleif stood there in a sorrowful plight; Salt tears wet his eyeballs; and blinded his sight。

〃Go home; and I'll come to thy father with speed; And claim thee from him; on my mighty grey steed。〃

Sir Fridleif; at night; through the thick forest rode; He fain would arrive at his lov'd one's abode;

His harness was clanking; his helm glitter'd sheen; His horse was so swift; and himself was so keen:

He reach'd the proud castle; and jump'd on the ground; His horse to the branch of a linden he bound;

He shoulder'd his mantle of grey otter skin; And through the wide door; to Sir Erik went in。

〃Here sitt'st thou; Sir Erik; in scarlet array'd; I've wedded thy daughter; the beautiful maid。〃

〃And who art thou; Rider? what feat hast thou done? No nidering coward shall e'er be my son。〃

〃O far have I wander'd; renown'd is my name; The heroes I conquer'd wherever I came:

〃Han Elland; 't is true; long disputed the ground; But yet he receiv'd from my hand his death…wound。〃

Sir Erik then alter'd his countenance quite; And out hurried he; in the gloom of the night。

〃Fill high; little Kirstin; my best drinking cup; And be the brown liquor with poison mixt up。〃

She gave him the draught; and returning with speed; 〃Young gallant;〃 said he; 〃thou must taste my old mead。〃

Sir Fridleif unbuckled his helmet and drank; Sweat sprung from his foreheadhis features grew blank。

〃I never have drain'd; since the day I was born; A bitterer draught; from a costlier horn:

〃My course is completed; my life is summ'd up; For treason I smell in the dregs of the cup。〃

Sir Erik then said; while he stamp'd on the ground; 〃Young knight; 't is thy fortune to die like a hound。

〃My best belov'd friend thou didst boast to have slain; And I have aveng'd him by giving thee bane:

〃Not Helga; but Hela; {1} shall now be thy bride; Dark blue are her cheeks; and she looks stony…eyed。〃


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