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romantic ballads-第13章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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Except when; at moments; The wind rising shrill Wafts boughs from the bushes; Across the lone hill。 Wo worth; to thee; squirrel; Amid the green leaves; Full oft thy loud rustle The hunter deceives。


King Christian stood beside the mast; Smoke; mixt with flame; Hung o'er his guns; that rattled fast Against the Gothmen; as they pass'd: Then sunk each hostile sail and mast In smoke and flame。 〃Fly!〃 said the foe:  〃fly! all that can; Nor wage; with Denmark's Christian; The dread; unequal game。〃

Niels Juul look'd out; and loudly cried; 〃Quick! now's the time:〃 He hoisted up his banner wide; And fore and aft his foemen plied; And loud above the battle cried; 〃Quick! now's the time。〃 〃Fly!〃 said the foe; 〃't is Fortune's rule; To deck the head of Denmark's Juul With Glory's wreath sublime。〃

Once; Baltic; when the musket's knell Rang through the sky; Down to thy bosom heroes fell And gasp'd amid the stormy swell; While; from the shore; a piercing yell Rang through the sky! 〃God aids me;〃 cried our Tordenskiold; 〃Proud foes; ye are but vainly bold; Strike; strike; to me; or fly!〃

Thou Danish path to fame and might; Dark…rolling wave; Receive a friend who holds as light The perils of the stormy fight; Who braves; like thee; the tempest's might; Dark rolling wave; O swiftly bear my bark along; Till; crown'd with conquest; lull'd with song; I reach my bournethe grave。


Here have I stood; the pride of the park; In winter with snow on my frozen bark; In spring 'mong the flowers that smiling she spread; And among my own leaves when summer was fled。 Three hundred years my top I have rais'd; Three hundred years I have sadly gaz'd O'er Nature's wide extended scene; O'er rushing rivers and meadows green; For though I was always willing to rove; I never could yet my firm foot move。

They fell'd my brother; who stood by my side; And flung out his arms so wide; so wide; How envy I him; for how blest is he; As the keel of a vessel he sails so free Around the whole of the monstrous earth; But I am still in the place of my birth。 I once was too haughty by far to complain; But am become feeble through age and pain; And therefore I often give vent to my woes; When through my branches the wild wind blows。

A night like this; so calm and clear; I have not seen for many a year; The milk…white doe and her tender fawn Are skipping about on the moonlight lawn; And there; on the verge of my time…worn root; Two lovers are seated; and both are mute: Her arm encircles his youthful neck; For none are present their love to check。 This night would almost my sad heart cheer; Had I one hope or one single fear。


A lad; who twenty tongues can talk And sixty miles a day can walk; Drink at a draught a pint of rum; And then be neither sick nor dumb Can tune a song; and make a verse; And deeds of Northern kings rehearse Who never will forsake his friend; While he his bony fist can bend; And; though averse to brawl and strife Will fight a Dutchman with a knife。 O that is just the lad for me; And such is honest six…foot three。

A braver being ne'er had birth Since God first kneaded man from earth: O; I have cause to know him well; As Ferroe's blacken'd rocks can tell。 Who was it did; at Suderoe; The deed no other dar'd to do? Who was it; when the Boff {31} had burst; And whelm'd me in its womb accurst … Who was it dash'd amid the wave; With frantic zeal; my life to save? Who was it flung the rope to me? O; who; but honest six…foot three!

Who was it taught my willing tongue; The songs that Braga {32} fram'd and sung? Who was it op'd to me the store Of dark unearthly Runic lore; And taught me to beguile my time With Denmark's aged and witching rhyme: To rest in thought in Elvir shades; And hear the song of fairy maids; Or climb the top of Dovrefeld; Where magic knights their muster held? Who was it did all this for me? O; who; but honest six…foot three!

Wherever fate shall bid me roam; Far; far from social joy and home; 'Mid burning Afric's desert sands; Or wild Kamschatka's frozen lands; Bit by the poison…loaded breeze; Or blasts which clog with ice the seas; In lowly cot or lordly hall; In beggar's rags or robes of pall; 'Mong robber…bands or honest men; In crowded town or forest den; I never will unmindful be Of what I owe to six…foot three。

That form which moves with giant…grace; That wild; though not unhandsome; face; That voice which sometimes in its tone Is softer than the wood…dove's moan; At others; louder than the storm Which beats the side of old Cairn Gorm; {33} That hand; as white as falling snow; Which yet can fell the stoutest foe; And; last of all; that noble heart; Which ne'er from honour's path would start; Shall never be forgot by me … So farewell; honest six…foot three!



Lo; a pallid fleecy vapour Far along the East is spread; Every star has quench'd its taper; Lately glimmering over head。 On the leaves; that bend so lowly; Drops of crystal water gleam; Yawning wide; the peasant slowly Drives afield his sluggish team。 Dreary looks the forest; lacking Song of birds that slumber mute; No rough swain is yet attacking; With his bill; the beech's root。 Night's terrific ghostly hour Backward through time's circle flies; No shrill clock from moss…grown tower Bids the dead men wake and rise。 Wearied out with midnight riot Mystic Nature slumbers now; Mouldering bodies rest in quiet; 'Neath their tomb…lids damp and low; Sad and chill the wind is sighing Through the reeds that skirt the pool; All around looks dead or dying; Wrapt in sorrow; clad in dool。


Roseate colours on heaven's high arch Are beginning to mix with the blue and the gray; Sol now commences his wonderful march; And the forests' wing'd denizens sing from the spray。 Gaily the rose Is seen to unclose Each of her leaves to the brightening ray。 Waves on the lake Rise; sparkle; and break: O Venus; O Venus; thy shrine is prepar'd; Far down in the valley o'erhung by the grove; Where; all the day; Philomel warbles; unscar'd; Her silver…ton'd ditty of pleasure and love。

Innocence smiling out…carrols the lark; And the bosom of guilt becomes tranquil again; Nightmares and visions; the fiends of the dark; Have abandon'd the blood and have flown from the brain。 Higher the sun Up heaven has run; Beaming so fierce that we feel him with pain; Man; herb; and flower; Droop under his power。 O Venus; O Venus; thy shrine is prepar'd; Far down in the valley o'erhung by the grove Where; all the day; Philomel warbles; unscar'd; Her silver…ton'd ditty of pleasure and love。


What darkens; what darkens?'t is heaven's high roof: What lightens?'t is Heckla's flame; shooting aloof: The proud; the majestic; the rugged old Thor; The mightiest giant the North ever saw; Transform'd to a mountain; stands there in the field; With ice for his corslet; and rock for his shield; With thunder for voice; and with fire for tongue; He stands there; so frightful; with vapour o'erhung。 On that other side of the boisterous sea Black Vulcan; as haughty as ever was he; Stands; chang'd to a mountain; call'd Etna by name; Which belches continually oceans of flame。 Much blood have they spilt; and much harm have they done; For both; when the ancient religions were gone; Combin'd their wild strength to destroy the new race; Who were boldly beginning their shrines to deface。 O; Jesus of Nazareth; draw forth the blade Of vengeance; and speed to thy worshippers' aid; Beat down the old gods; cut asunder their mail … Amen!brother Christians; why look ye so pale。


Pale the moon her light was shedding O'er the landscape far and wide; Calmly bright; all ills undreading; Emma wander'd by my side。

Night's sad birds their harsh notes utter'd; Perching low among the trees; Emma's milk…white kirtle flutter'd Graceful in the rising breeze:

Then; in sweetness more than mortal; Sang a voice a plaintive air; As we pass'd the church's portal; Lo; a ghostly form stood there!

〃Emma; come; thy mother's calling; Lone I lie in night and gloom; Whilst the sun a

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