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romantic ballads-第10章

小说: romantic ballads 字数: 每页4000字

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Then answer'd Master Hildebrand; (For he knew all things best;) 〃There sleeps a Giant at Birtingsberg; Dar'st thou disturb his rest?〃

〃Now; hear me; Master Hildebrand; Thou art huge in body and limb; Thou foremost shall ride; in the wood; this day; And bear our challenge to him。〃

Then answer'd Master Hildebrand; So careful a knight was he; 〃Not so; my Lord; will I do; this day; For the wages delight not me。〃

Then out spoke Vidrik Verlandson; And he spoke in wrathful mood; 〃O; I'll be first of the band; this day; All through the Birting wood。〃

Then out spoke Vidrik Verlandson; And he spoke with lofty pride; 〃The smith he forg'd me a faulchion good; That can steel; like cloth; divide。〃

They were three hundred valorous knights; Unto Birting's land that rode; They go in quest of Langben the Jutt; To the gloomy wood; his abode。

Then out spoke Vidrik Verlandson; 〃A wondrous game we'll play; For I will ride in the green wood first; If ye'll but trust me away。〃

Then answer'd bold King Diderik; He answer'd hastily then; 〃When thou therein shalt have found the Jutt Come back for me and my men。〃

It was Vidrik Verlandson; In the forest alone he sped; And there he found so little a way; Which up to the Giant led。

It was Vidrik Verlandson; He came unto Birting's hill; There black and dread lay Langben the Jutt; He lay stretch'd out; and still。

It was Vidrik Verlandson; With his lance touch'd him on the knee; 〃Wake up! wake up! now Langben the Jutt; Thou sleepest full sound; I see。〃

〃Here have I lain; for many a year; 'Mid the leaf and the dew…wet herb; But never; till now; came a warrior by; That has dar'd my sleep to disturb。〃

〃Here stand I; Vidrik Verlandson; With a sword; so good; at my side; I came to wake thee up from thy sleep; Betide whatever betide。〃

It was Langben the Giant; then; Turn'd up the white of his eye; 〃O; whence can come this warrior youth; Who such bold words lets fly?

〃But hear; but hear; thou warrior youth; I will not do battle with thee; Except thou prove of a knightly race; So thy lineage tell to me。〃

〃A handsome smith my father was; And Verland hight was he: Bodild they call'd my mother fair; Queen over countries three:

〃Skimming I call my noble steed; Begot from the wild sea…mare: Blank {23} do I call my haughty helm; Because it glitters so fair:

〃Skrepping I call my good thick shield; Steel shafts have furrow'd it o'er: Mimmering have I nam'd my sword; 'T is harden'd in heroes' gore:

〃And I am Vidrik Verlandson; For clothes bright iron I wear: Stand'st thou not up on thy long; long legs; I'll pin thee down to thy lair:

〃Do thou stand up on thy long; long legs; Nor look so dogged and grim; The King holds out before the wood; Thou shalt yield thy treasure to him。〃

〃All; all the gold that I possess; I will keep with great renown; I'll yield it at no little horse…boy's word; To the best king wearing a crown。〃

〃So young and little as here I seem; Thou shalt find me prompt in a fray; I'll hew the head from thy shoulders off; And thy much gold bear away。〃

It was Langben the mighty Jutt; With fury his heart was fir'd; 〃Ride hence! ride hence! thou warrior youth; If of life thou be not tir'd。〃

Skimming sprang up; with both his legs; Against the giant's side Asunder went five of his rib…bones then; And the fight began at that tide。

It was Langben the lofty Jutt; He wav'd his steel mace round; He sent a blow after Vidrik; But the mace struck deep in the ground。

It was Langben the lofty Jutt; Who had thought his foeman to slay; But the blow fell short of Vidrik; For the good horse bore him away。

It was Langben the lofty Jutt; That shouted in wild despair: 〃Now lies my mace in the hillock fast; As though 't were hammer'd in there!〃

Vidrik paus'd no moment's space; So ready was he to assail: 〃Upon him; Skimming; upon him once more! Now; Mimmering; now prevail!〃

He seiz'd his sword in both his hands; Unto Langben Giant he flew; He struck him so hard in the hairy breast; That the point his lungs went through。

Now Langben Giant has got a wound; And he's waken'd thoroughly now; So gladly would he have paid it back; But; alas! he knew not how。

〃Accursed be thou; young Vidrik! And accurs'd thy piercing steel! Thou hast given me; see; a wound in my breast; Whence rise the pains I feel。〃

I'll hew thee; Giant; I'll hew thee as small As leaves that are borne on the blast; Except thou showest me all the gear; That hid in the forest thou hast。〃

〃Forbear; O Vidrik Verlandson; Strike me not cruelly dead! And I will lead thee straight to my house; That's thatch'd with gold so red。〃

Vidrik rode; and the Giant crept; So far through the forest ways; They found the house with the red gold thatch'd; It glitter'd like straw in a blaze。

〃Therein; therein are heaps of gold; No King has a greater store; Do thou remove the big black stone; And lift from the hinges the door。〃

With both hands Vidrik seiz'd the stone; But to stir it in vain did he try; The Giant took it with finger and thumb; And lifted it up in the sky。

〃Now hear; now hear; thou warrior youth; Thou canst wheel thy courser about; But in every feat of manly strength I could beat thee out and out。〃

Then answer'd Vidrik Verlandson; (He fear'd for himself some ill) 〃'T is not the custom of any wise man His strength on a stone to spill。〃

〃Therein; therein is much more gold Than fifteen kings can show; Hear me; Vidrik Verlandson; Thou therein first shalt go。〃

Then answer'd Vidrik Verlandson; (For his cunning intent he saw) 〃Thou shalt lead the way into thine own house; For that is warrior…law。〃

It was Langben the Giant then; To the door he stoop'd down low: It was Vidrik Verlandson Cleft off his head at a blow。

Away the quivering body he drew; And propp'd it against an oak; Then back he rode the long; long way; He's thought of a wondrous joke。

With giant's blood he besmear'd himself; And besmear'd his steed all o'er; Then back he rides to King Diderik; Pretends to be wounded sore。

〃Here bide ye in peace; my companions good; All under the grass…green hill; Langben the Giant has smote me to day; I doubt I shall fare but ill。〃

〃If thou from the Giant hast got a blow; Thy life must be nigh its close; We'll ride swift back to the halls of Bern; No man more will we lose。〃

〃Now wend thee; bold King Diderik; Wend into the wood with me; And all the gold that the giant had; That will I show to thee。〃

〃If thou hast slain the giant this day; 'T will far be blaz'd in the land; And the warrior lives not in this world; 'Gainst whom thou may'st fear to stand。〃

But what befel King Diderik's men? When the giant they first perceiv'd; They all stopp'd short; in the good green wood; Of courage at once bereav'd。

They thought the giant verily would That moment after them stride: Not one of them all would have battled with him; Back would they all have hied。

It was Vidrik Verlandson; He laugh'd at their craven fear: 〃How would ye have fac'd him when alive; Ye dare not him; dead; go near?

With his lance's haft the body he push'd; The head came toppling down: That the Giant was a warrior stark; Forsooth; I am forc'd to own。

Out took they then his ruddy gold; And shar'd it amongst the band: To Vidrik came the largest part; For 't was earn'd with his good hand。

Little car'd he for the booty; I ween; But he thought of his meed of fame; When men should say; in the Danish land; That the Giant he overcame。

So gladly rode they to Bern again; King Diderik gladdest of all: There caus'd he Vidrik Verlandson To sit next him in the hall。


Upon this Ballad Oehlenslaeger founded his 〃Elvir Shades;〃 a  translation of which has already been given。

I rested my head upon Elvir Hill's side; and my eyes were beginning  to slumber; That moment there rose up before me two maids; whose charms would  take ages to number。

One patted my face; and the other exclaim'd; while loading my cheek  with her kisses; 〃Rise; rise; for to dance with you here we have sped from the  undermost caves and abysses。

〃Rise; fair…headed swain; and refuse not to dance; and I and my  sister will sing thee The loveliest ditties that ever were heard; and the pret

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