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sally dows-第32章

小说: sally dows 字数: 每页4000字

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high?  Behold me! just from Pike!〃

Parks and Brace; who had partly risen; fell back hopelessly in
their chairs again and gazed at the figure with a feeble smile of
vacuous pain and politeness。  At which it advanced; lowered its
black eyes mischievously over the table and the men who sat there;
poured out a glass of the liquor; and said: 〃I look towards you;
boys!  Don't errise。  You are just a leetle weary; eh?  A leetle。
Oh yes! a leetle tired of crookin' your elboweh?  Don't care if
the school keep!eh?  Don't want any pie!  Want to go 'ome; eh?〃

But here Mr。 Parks rose with slight difficulty; but unflinching
dignity; and leaned impressively over the table; 〃May I ashkmay I
be permitted to arsk; madam; to what we may owe the pleasure of
thishof thisvisit?〃

Her face and attitude instantly changed。  Her arms dropped and
caught up the mantilla with a quick but not ungraceful sweep; and
in apparently a single movement she was draped; wrapped; and
muffled from waist to crown as before。  With a slight inclination
of her head; she said in quite another voice: 〃Si; senor。  I have
arrive here because in your whole great town of Booki there is not
so much as one〃she held up a small brown finger〃as much as ONE
leetle light or fire like thees; be…cause in this grand pueblo
there is not one peoples who have not already sleep in his bed but
thees!  Bueno!  I have arrive all the same like a leetle bird; like
the small fly arrive to the light! not to YOUonly to THE LIGHT!
I go not to my casa for she is dark; and tonight she have nothing
to make the fire or bed。  I go not to the 'otelthere is not ONE〃
the brown finger again uplifted〃'otel in Booki!  I make the
'otelthe Fondain my hoose mananato…morrow!  Tonight I and
Sanchicha make the bed for us 'ere。  Sanchicha; she stands herself
now over in the street。  We have mooch sorrow we have to make the
caballeros mooch tr…rouble to make disposition of his house。  But
what will you?〃

There was another awkward silence; and then Saunders; who had been
examining the intruder with languid criticism; removed his pipe
from his mouth and said quietly:

〃That's the woman you're looking forJovita Mendez!〃


The rest of that interview has not been recorded。  Suffice it that
a few minutes later Parks; Brace; and Saunders left the Emporium;
and passed the night in the latter's cabin; leaving the Emporium
in possession of Miss Mendez and her peon servant; that at the
earliest dawn the two women and their baggage were transferred to
the old adobe house; where; however; a Mexican workman had already
arrived; and with a basketful of red tiles was making it habitable。
Buckeye; which was popularly supposed to sleep with one eye on the
river; and always first repaired there in the morning to wash and
work; was only awake to the knowledge of the invasion at noon。  The
meeting so confidently spoken of the night before had NOT been
called。  Messrs。 Parks and Brace were suffering from headaches
undoubtedly a touch of tule chill。  Saunders; at work with his
partner in Eagle Bar; was as usual generous with apparently
irrelevant facts on all subjectsbut that of the strangers。  It
would seem as if the self…constituted Committee of Safety had done

And nothing whatever seemed to happen!  Thompson of Angels; smoking
a meditative pipe at noon on the trail noticed the repairing of the
old adobe house; casually spoke of it on his return to his work;
without apparent concern or exciting any comment。  The two
Billinger brothers saw Jovita Mendez at the door of her house an
hour later; were themselves seen conversing with her by Jim Barker;
but on returning to their claim; neither they nor Barker exhibited
any insurrectionary excitement。  Later on; Shuttleworth was found
in possession of two bundles of freshly rolled corn…husk cigarettes;
and promised to get his partner some the next day; but that
gentleman anticipated him。  By nightfall nearly all Buckeye had
passed in procession before the little house without exhibiting any
indignation or protest。  That night; however; it seemed as if the
events for which the Committee was waiting were really impending。
The adult female population of Buckeye consisted of seven
womenwives of miners。  That they would submit tamely to the
introduction of a young; pretty; and presumably dangerous member of
their own sex was not to be supposed。  But whatever protest they
made did not pass beyond their conjugal seclusion; and was
apparently not supported by their husbands。  Two or three of them;
under the pretext of sympathy of sex; secured interviews with the
fair intruder; the result of which was not; however; generally
known。  But a few days later Mrs。 〃Bob〃 Carpentera somewhat
brick…dusty blondewas observed wearing some black netting and a
heavily flounced skirt; and Mrs。 Shuttleworth in her next visit to
Fiddletown wore her Paisley shawl affixed to her chestnut hair by a
bunch of dog…roses; and wrapped like a plaid around her waist。  The
seven ladies of Buckeye; who had never before met; except on
domestic errands to each other's houses or on Sunday attendance at
the 〃First Methodist Church〃 at Fiddletown; now took to walking
together; or in their husbands' company; along the upper bank of the
riverthe one boulevard of Buckeye。  The third day after Miss
Mendez' arrival they felt the necessity of immediate shopping
expeditions to Fiddletown。  This operation had hitherto been
confined to certain periods; and restricted to the laying in of
stores of rough household stuffs; but it now apparently included a
wider range and more ostentatious quality。  Parks' Emporium no
longer satisfied them; and this unexpected phase of the situation
was practically brought home to the proprietor in the necessity of
extending the more inoffensive and peaceful part of his stock。  And
when; towards the end of the week; a cartload of pretty fixtures;
mirrors; and furniture arrived at the tienda; there was a renewed
demand at the Emporium for articles not in stock; and the consequent
diverting of custom to Fiddletown。  Buckeye found itself face to
face with a hitherto undreamt of and preposterous proposition。  It
seemed that the advent of the strange woman; without having yet
produced any appreciable effect upon the men; had already
insidiously inveigled the adult female population into ostentatious

At the end of a week the little adobe house was not only rendered
habitable; but was even made picturesque by clean white curtains at
its barred windows; and some bright; half…Moorish coloring of beams
and rafters。  Nearly the whole ground floor was given up to the
saloon of the tienda; which consisted of a small counter at one
side; containing bottles and glasses; and another; flanking it;
with glass cases; containing cigars; pipes; and tobacco; while the
centre of the room was given up to four or five small restaurant
tables。  The staff of Jovita was no longer limited to Sanchicha;
but had been augmented by a little old man of indefinite antiquity
who resembled an Aztec idol; and an equally old Mexican; who looked
not unlike a brown…tinted and veined tobacco leaf himself; and
might have stood for a sign。  But the genius of the place; its
omnipresent and all…pervading goddess; was Jovita!  Smiling;
joyous; indefatigable in suavity and attention; all…embracing in
her courtesies; frank of speech and eye; quick at repartee and
deftly handling the slang of the day and the locality with a
childlike appreciation and an infantine accent that seemed to
redeem it from vulgarity or unfeminine boldness!  Few could resist
the volatile infection of her presence。  A smile was the only
tribute she exacted; and good…humor the rule laid down for her
guests。  If it occasionally required some mental agility to respond
to her banter; a Californian gathering was; however; seldom lacking
in humor。  Yet she was always the principal performer to an
admiring audience。  Perhaps there was security in this multitude
of admirers; perhaps there was a saving grace in this humorous
trifling。  The passions are apt to be serious and solitary; and
Jovita evaded them with a jest;which; if not 

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