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sally dows-第24章

小说: sally dows 字数: 每页4000字

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benefit to her husband; who had done nothing。  He would not even
offer her money; but he had managed to pay his debt to her in this
way that their vulgar poverty would appreciate。  And this was the
end of her dream!

〃You don't seem to take it in; Mollie;〃 continued the surprised
Zephas。  〃It means a house in 'Frisco and a little cabin for you on
the schooner when you like。〃

〃I don't want it!  I won't have it!  I shall stay here;〃 she burst
out with a half…passionate; half…childish cry; and ran into her
bedroom; leaving the astonished Zephas helpless in his awkward

〃By Gum!  I must take her to 'Frisco right off; or she'll be havin'
the high strikes here alone。  I oughter knowed it would come to
this!〃  But although he consulted 〃Cap〃 Simmons the next day; who
informed him it was all woman's ways when 〃struck;〃 and advised him
to pay out all the line he could at such delicate moments; she had
no recurrence of the outbreak。  On the contrary; for days and weeks
following she seemed calmer; older; and more 〃growed up;〃 although
she resisted changing her seashore dwelling for San Francisco; she
accompanied him on one or two of his 〃deep sea〃 trips down the
coast; and seemed happier on their southern limits。  She had taken
to reading the political papers and speeches; and some cheap
American histories。  Captain Bunker's crew; profoundly convinced
that their skipper's wife was a 〃woman's rights〃 fanatic; with the
baleful qualities of 〃sea lawyer〃 superadded; marveled at his
bringing her。

It was on returning home from one of these trips that they touched
briefly at San Francisco; where the Secretary of the Fishing
Company came on board。  Mrs。 Bunker was startled to recognize in
him one of the two gentlemen who had taken Mr。 Marion off in the
boat; but as he did not appear to recognize her even after an
awkward introduction by her husband; she would have recovered her
equanimity but for a singular incident。  As her husband turned
momentarily away; the Secretary; with a significant gesture;
slipped a letter into her hand。  She felt the blood rush to her
face as; with a smile; he moved away to follow her husband。  She
came down to the little cabin and impatiently tore open the
envelope; which bore no address。  A small folded note contained the
following lines:

〃I never intended to burden you with my confidence; but the
discretion; tact; and courage you displayed on our first meeting;
and what I know of your loyalty since; have prompted me to trust
myself again to your kindness; even though you are now aware whom
you have helped; and the risks you ran。  My friends wish to
communicate with me and to forward to me; from time to time;
certain papers of importance; which; owing to the tyrannical
espionage of the Government; would be discovered and stopped in
passing through the express or post…office。  These papers will be
left at your house; but here I must trust entirely to your wit and
judgment as to the way in which they should be delivered to my
agent at the nearest Mexican port。  To facilitate your action; your
husband will receive directions to pursue his course as far south
as Todos Santos; where a boat will be ready to take charge of them
when he is sighted。  I know I am asking a great favor; but I have
such confidence in you that I do not even ask you to commit
yourself to a reply to this。  If it can be done I know that you
will do it; if it cannot; I will understand and appreciate the
reason why。  I will only ask you that when you are ready to receive
the papers you will fly a small red pennant from the little
flagstaff among the rocks。  Believe me; your friend and grateful

〃W。 M。〃

Mrs。 Bunker cast a hasty glance around her; and pressed the letter
to her lips。  It was a sudden consummation of her vaguest; half…
formed wishes; the realization of her wildest dreams!  To be the
confidante of the gallant but melancholy hero in his lonely exile
and persecution was to satisfy all the unformulated romantic
fancies of her girlish reading; to be later; perhaps; the Flora
Macdonald of a middle…aged Prince Charlie did not; however; evoke
any ludicrous associations in her mind。  Her feminine fancy exalted
the escaped duelist and alleged assassin into a social martyr。  His
actual small political intrigues and ignoble aims of office seemed
to her little different from those aspirations of royalty which she
had read aboutas perhaps they were。  Indeed; it is to be feared
that in foolish little Mrs。 Bunker; Wynyard Marion had found the
old feminine adoration of pretension and privilege which every
rascal has taken advantage of since the flood。

Howbeit; the next morning after she had returned and Zephas had
sailed away; she flew a red bandana handkerchief on the little
flagstaff before the house。  A few hours later; a boat appeared
mysteriously from around the Point。  Its only occupanta common
sailorasked her name; and handed her a sealed package。  Mrs。
Bunker's invention had already been at work。  She had created an
aunt in Mexico; for whom she had; with some ostentation; made some
small purchases while in San Francisco。  When her husband spoke of
going as far south as Todos Santos; she begged him to deliver the
parcel to her aunt's messenger; and even addressed it boldly to
her。  Inside the outer wrapper she wrote a note to Marion; which;
with a new and amazing diffidence; she composed and altered a dozen
times; at last addressing the following in a large; school…girl
hand: 〃Sir; I obey your commands to the last。  Whatever your
oppressors or enemies may do; you can always rely and trust upon
She who in deepest sympathy signs herself ever; Mollie Rosalie
MacEwan。〃  The substitution of her maiden name in full seemed in
her simplicity to be a delicate exclusion of her husband from the
affair; and a certain disguise of herself to alien eyes。  The
superscription; 〃To Mrs。 Marion MacEwan from Mollie Bunker; to be
called for by hand at Todos Santos;〃 also struck her as a marvel of
ingenuity。  The package was safely and punctually delivered by
Zephas; who brought back a small packet directed to her; which on
private examination proved to contain a letter addressed to 〃J。 E。
Kirby; to be called for;〃 with the hurried line: 〃A thousand
thanks; W。 M。〃  Mrs。 Bunker drew a long; quick breath。  He might
have written more; he might havebut the wish remained still
unformulated。  The next day she ran up a signal; the same boat and
solitary rower appeared around the Point; and took the package。  A
week later; when her husband was ready for sea; she again hoisted
her signal。  It brought a return package for Mexico; which she
inclosed and readdressed; and gave to her husband。  The recurrence
of this incident apparently struck a bright idea from the simple

〃Look here; Mollie; why don't you come YOURSELF and see your aunt。
I can't go into port without a license; and them port charges cost
a heap o' red tape; for they've got a Filibuster scare on down
there just now; but you can go ashore in the boat and I'll get
permission from the Secretary to stand off and wait for you there
for twenty…four hours。〃  Mrs。 Bunker flushed and paled at the
thought。  She could see him!  The letter would be sufficient
excuse; the distrust suggested by her husband would give color to
her delivering it in person。  There was perhaps a brief twinge of
conscience in taking this advantage of Zephas' kindness; but the
next moment; with that peculiar logic known only to the sex; she
made the unfortunate man's suggestion a condonation of her deceit。
SHE hadn't asked to go; HE had offered to take her。  He had only
himself to thank。

Meantime the political excitement in which she had become a
partisan without understanding or even conviction; presently
culminated with the Presidential campaign and the election of
Abraham Lincoln。  The intrigues of Southern statesmen were revealed
in open expression; and echoed in California by those citizens of
Southern birth and extraction who had long; held place; power; and
opinion there。  There were rumors of secession; of California
joining the South; or of her founding an independent Pac

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