贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > part1 >



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and not knowing what to do。  I had set the evening wholly …apart to

consider seriously about it; and was all alone; for already people had;

as it were by a general consent; taken up the custom of not going out

of doors after sunset; the reasons I shall have occasion to say more of


In the retirement of this evening I endeavoured to resolve; first; what

was my duty to do; and I stated the arguments with which my brother

had pressed me to go into the country; and I set; against them the

strong impressions which I had on my mind for staying; the visible

call I seemed to have from the particular circumstance of my calling;

and the care due from me for the preservation of my effects; which

were; as I might say; my estate; also the intimations which I thought I

had from Heaven; that to me signified a kind of direction to venture;

and it occurred to me that if I had what I might call a direction to stay;

I ought to suppose it contained a promise of being preserved if I obeyed。

This lay close to me; and my mind seemed more and more encouraged

to stay than ever; and supported with a secret satisfaction

that I should be kept。  Add to this; that; turning over the Bible which

lay before me; and while my thoughts were more than ordinarily

serious upon the question; I cried out; 'Well; I know not what to do;

Lord; direct me I' and the like; and at that juncture I happened to stop

turning over the book at the gist Psalm; and casting my eye on the

second verse; I read on to the seventh verse exclusive; and after that

included the tenth; as follows: 'I will say of the Lord; He is my refuge

and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust。  Surely He shall deliver

thee from the snare of the fowler; and from the noisome pestilence。

He shall cover thee with His feathers; and under His wings shalt thou

trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler。  Thou shalt not be

afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor

for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that

wasteth at noonday。  A thousand shall fall at thy side; and ten

thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee。  Only with

thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked。

Because thou hast made the Lord; which is my refuge; even the most

High; thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee; neither shall any

plague come nigh thy dwelling;' &C。

I scarce need tell the reader that from that moment I resolved that I

would stay in the town; and casting myself entirely upon the goodness

and protection of the Almighty; would not seek any other shelter

whatever; and that; as my times were in His hands; He was as able to

keep me in a time of the infection as in a time of health; and if He did

not think fit to deliver me; still I was in His hands; and it was meet He

should do with me as should seem good to Him。

With this resolution I went to bed; and I was further confirmed in it

the next day by the woman being taken ill with whom I had intended

to entrust my house and all my affairs。  But I had a further obligation

laid on me on the same side; for the next day I found myself very

much out of order also; so that if I would have gone away; I could

not;〃 and I continued ill three or four days; and this entirely

determined my stay; so I took my leave of my brother; who went away

to Dorking; in Surrey; and afterwards fetched a round farther into

Buckinghamshire or Bedfordshire; to a retreat he had found out there

for his family。

It was a very ill time to be sick in; for if any one complained; it was

immediately said he had the plague; and though I had indeed no

symptom of that distemper; yet being very ill; both in my head and in

my stomach; I was not without apprehension that I really was

infected; but in about three days I grew better; the third night I rested

well; sweated a little; and was much refreshed。  The apprehensions of

its being the infection went also quite away with my illness; and I

went about my business as usual。

These things; however; put off all my thoughts of going into the

country; and my brother also being gone; I had no more debate either

with him or with myself on that subject。

It was now mid…July; and the plague; which had chiefly raged at the

other end of the town; and; as I said before; in the parishes of St Giles;

St Andrew's; Holborn; and towards Westminster; began to now come

eastward towards the part where I lived。  It was to be observed;

indeed; that it did not come straight on towards us; for the city; that is

to say; within the walls; was indifferently healthy still; nor was it got

then very much over the water into Southwark; for though there died

that week 1268 of all distempers; whereof it might be supposed above

600 died of the plague; yet there was but twenty…eight in the whole

city; within the walls; and but nineteen in Southwark; Lambeth parish

included; whereas in the parishes of St Giles and St Martin…in…the…

Fields alone there died 421。

But we perceived the infection kept chiefly in the out…parishes;

which being very populous; and fuller also of poor; the distemper

found more to prey upon than in the city; as I shall observe afterwards。

We perceived; I say; the distemper to draw our way; viz。; by the

parishes of Clarkenwell; Cripplegate; Shoreditch; and Bishopsgate;

which last two parishes joining to Aldgate; Whitechappel; and Stepney;

the infection came at length to spread its utmost rage and violence in

those parts; even when it abated at the western parishes where it began。

It was very strange to observe that in this particular week; from the

4th to the 11th of July; when; as I have observed; there died near 400

of the plague in the two parishes of St Martin and St Giles…in…the…

Fields only; there died in the parish of Aldgate but four; in the parish

of Whitechappel three; in the parish of Stepney but one。

Likewise in the next week; from the 11th of July to the 18th; when

the week's bill was 1761; yet there died no more of the plague; on the

whole Southwark side of the water; than sixteen。

But this face of things soon changed; and it began to thicken in

Cripplegate parish especially; and in Clarkenwell; so that by the

second week in August; Cripplegate parish alone buried 886; and

Clarkenwell 155。  Of the first; 850 might well be reckoned to die of

the plague; and of the last; the bill itself said 145 were of the plague。

During the month of July; and while; as I have observed; our part of

the town seemed to be spared in comparison of the west part; I went

ordinarily about the streets; as my business required; and particularly

went generally once in a day; or in two days; into the city; to my

brother's house; which he had given me charge of; and to see if it was

safe; and having the key in my pocket; I used to go into the house; and

over most of the rooms; to see that all was well; for though it be

something wonderful to tell; that any should have hearts so hardened

in the midst of such a calamity as to rob and steal; yet certain it is that

all sorts of villainies; and even levities and debaucheries; were then

practised in the town as openly as ever … I will not say quite as

frequently; because the numbers of people were many ways lessened。

But the city itself began now to be visited too; I mean within the

walls; but the number of people there were indeed extremely lessened

by so great a multitude having been gone into the country; and even

all this month of July they continued to flee; though not in such

multitudes as formerly。  In August; indeed; they fled in such a manner

that I began to think there would be really none but magistrates and

servants left in the city。

As they fled now out of the city; so I should observe that the Court

removed early; viz。; in the month of June; and went to Oxford; where

it pleased God to preserve them; and the distemper did not; as I heard


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