贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > stories of a western town >


stories of a western town-第4章

小说: stories of a western town 字数: 每页4000字

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contraction of the eyebrows as if Thekla were trying to think of something that eluded her。  She placed the coffee on the tray beside the other breakfast。  For a while the room was very still。 Lieders could not see the look of resolve that finally smoothed the perplexed lines out of his wife's kind; simple old face。 She rose。  〃Kurt;〃 she said; 〃I don't guess you remember this is our wedding…day; it was this day; eighteen year we was married。〃 〃So!〃 said Lieders; 〃well; I was a bad bargain to you; Thekla; after you nursed your father that was a cripple for twenty years; I thought it would be easy with me; but I was a bad bargain。〃 〃The Lord knows best about that;〃 said Thekla; simply; 〃be it how it be; you are the only man I ever had or will have; and I don't like you starve yourself。  Papa; say you don't kill yourself; to…day; and dat you will eat your breakfast!〃 〃Yes;〃 Lieders repeated in German; 〃a bad bargain for thee; that is sure。 But thou hast been a good bargain for me。  Here!  I promise。 Not this day。  Give me the coffee。〃 He had seasons; all the morning; of wondering over his meekness; and his agreement to be tied up again; at night。  But still; what did a day matter? a man humors women's notions; and starving was so tedious。  Between whiles he elaborated a scheme to attain his end。  How easy to outwit the silly Thekla!  His eyes shone; as he hid the little; sharp knife up his cuff。  〃Let her tie me!〃 says Lieders; 〃I keep my word。  To…morrow I be out of this。 He won't git a man like me; pretty soon!〃 Thekla went about her daily tasks; with her every…day air; but; now and again; that same pucker of thought returned to her forehead; and; more than once; Lieders saw her stand over some dish; poising her spoon in air; too abstracted to notice his cynical observation。 The dinner was more elaborate than common; and Thekla had broached a bottle of her currant wine。  She gravely drank Lieders's health。 〃And many good days; papa;〃 she said。 Lieders felt a queer movement of pity。  After the table was cleared; he helped his wife to wash and wipe the dishes as his custom was of a Sunday or holiday。  He wiped dishes as he did everything; neatly; slowly; with a careful deliberation。 Not until the dishes were put away and the couple were seated; did Thekla speak。 〃Kurt;〃 she said; 〃I got to talk to you。〃 An inarticulate groan and a glance at the door from Lieders。 〃I just got to; papa。  It aint righd for you to do the way you been doing for so long time; efery little whiles you try to kill yourself; no; papa; that aint righd!〃 Kurt; who had gotten out his pencils and compasses and other drawing tools; grunted:  〃I got to look at my work; Thekla; now; I am too busy to talk。〃 〃No; Kurt; no; papa〃the hands holding the blue apron that she was embroidering with white linen began to tremble; Lieders had not the least idea what a strain it was on this reticent; slow of speech woman who had stood in awe of him for eighteen years; to discuss the horror of her life; but he could not help marking her agitation。 She went on; desperately:  〃Yes; papa; I got to talk it oud with you。 You had ought to listen; 'cause I always been a good wife to you and nefer refused you notings。  No。〃 〃Well; I aint saying I done it 'cause you been bad to me; everybody knows we aint had no trouble。〃 〃But everybody what don't know us; when they read how you tried to kill yourself in the papers; they think it was me。 That always is so。  And now I never can any more sleep nights; for you is always maybe git up and do something to yourself。 So now; I got to talk to you; papa。  Papa; how could you done so?〃 Lieders twisted his feet under the rungs of his chair; he opened his mouth; but only to shut it again with a click of his teeth。 〃I got my mind made up; papa。  I tought and I tought。  I know WHY you done it; you done it 'cause you and the boss was mad at each other。 The boss hadn't no righd to let you go 〃 〃Yes; he had; I madded him first; I was a fool。  Of course I knowed more than him 'bout the work; but I hadn't no right to go against him。 The boss is all right。〃 〃Yes; papa; I got my mind made up〃like most sluggish spirits there was an immense momentum about Thekla's mind; once get it fairly started it was not to be diverted〃you never killed yourself before you used to git mad at the boss。 You was afraid he would send you away; and now you have sent yourself away you don't want to live; 'cause you do not know how you can git along without the shop。 But you want to get back; you want to get back more as you want to kill yourself。  Yes; papa; I know; I know where you did used to go; nights。  Now〃she changed her speech unconsciously to the tongue of her youth〃it is not fair; it is not fair to me that thou shouldst treat me like that; thou dost belong to me; also; so I say; my Kurt; wilt thou make a bargain with me? If I shall get thee back thy place wilt thou promise me never to kill thyself any more?〃 Lieders had not once looked up at her during the slow; difficult sentences with their half choked articulation; but he was experiencing some strange emotions; and one of them was a novel respect for his wife。  All he said was: 〃'Taint no use talking。  I won't never ask him to take me back; once。〃 〃Well; you aint asking of him。  _I_ ask him。  I try to git you back; once!〃 〃I tell you; it aint no use; I know the boss; he aint going to be letting womans talk him over; no; he's a good man; he knows how to work his business himself!〃 〃But would you promise me; Kurt?〃 Lieders's eyes blurred with a mild and dreamy mist; he sighed softly。  〃Thekla; you can't see how it is。 It is like you are tied up; if I don't can do that; if I can then it is always that I am free; free to go; free to stay。 And for you; Thekla; it is the same。〃 Thekla's mild eyes flashed。  〃I don't believe you would like it so you wake up in the morning and find ME hanging up in the kitchen by the clothes…line!〃 Lieders had the air of one considering deeply。 Then he gave Thekla one of the surprises of her life; he rose from his chair; he walked in his shuffling; unheeled slippers across the room to where the old woman sat; he put one arm on the back of the chair and stiffly bent over her and kissed her。 〃Lieber Herr Je!〃 gasped Thekla。 〃Then I shall go; too; pretty quick; that is all; mamma;〃 said he。 Thekla wiped her eyes。  A little pause fell between them; and in it they may have both remembered vanished; half…forgotten days when life had looked differently to them; when they had never thought to sit by their own fireside and discuss suicide。  The husband spoke first; with a reluctant; half…shamed smile; 〃Thekla; I tell you what; I make the bargain with you; you git me back that place; I don't do it again; 'less you let me; you don't git me back that place; you don't say notings to me。〃 The apron dropped from the withered; brown hands to the floor。 Again there was silence; but not for long; ghastly as was the alternative; the proposal offered a chance to escape from the terror that was sapping her heart。 〃How long will you give me; papa?〃 said she。 〃I give you a week;〃 said he。 Thekla rose and went to the door; as she opened it a fierce gust of wind slashed her like a knife; and Lieders exclaimed; fretfully; 〃what you opening that door for; Thekla; letting in the wind? I'm so cold; now; right by the fire; I most can't draw。 We got to keep a fire in the base…burner good; all night; or the plants will freeze。〃 Thekla said confusedly that something sounded like a cat crying。 〃And you talking like that it frightened me; maybe I was wrong to make such bargains 〃 〃Then don't make it;〃 said Lieders; curtly; 〃I aint asking you。〃 But Thekla drew a long breath and straightened herself; saying; 〃Yes; I make it; papa; I make it。〃 〃Well; put another stick of wood in the stove; will you; now you are up?〃 said Lieders; shrugging his shoulders; 〃or I'll freeze in spite of you! It seems to me it grows colder every minute。〃 But all that day he was unusually gentle with Thekla。 He talked of his youth and the struggles of the early days of the firm; he related a dozen tales of young Lossing; all illustrating some admirable trait that he certainly had not praised at the time。 Never had he so opened his heart in regard to his own idea

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