贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > madame bovary(包法利夫人) >


madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第46章

小说: madame bovary(包法利夫人) 字数: 每页4000字

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And in fact she held out her hand to her mother…in…law with the
dignity of a marchioness as she said
〃Excuse me; madame。〃
Then; having gone up again to her room; she threw herself flat on
her bed and cried there like a child; her face buried in the
She and Rodolphe had agreed that in the event of anything
extraordinary occurring; she should fasten a small piece of white
paper to the blind; so that if by chance he happened to be in
Yonville; he could hurry to the lane behind the house。 Emma made
the signal; she had been waiting three…quarters of an hour when
she suddenly caught sight of Rodolphe at the corner of the
market。 She felt tempted to open the window and call him; but he
had already disappeared。 She fell back in despair。
Soon; however; it seemed to her that someone was walking on the
pavement。 It was he; no doubt。 She went downstairs; crossed the
yard。 He was there outside。 She threw herself into his arms。
〃Do take care!〃 he said。
〃Ah! if you knew!〃 she replied。
And she began telling him everything; hurriedly; disjointedly;
exaggerating the facts; inventing many; and so prodigal of
parentheses that he understood nothing of it。
〃Come; my poor angel; courage! Be comforted! be patient!〃
〃But I have been patient; I have suffered for four years。 A love
like ours ought to show itself in the face of heaven。 They
torture me! I can bear it no longer! Save me!〃
She clung to Rodolphe。 Her eyes; full of tears; flashed like
flames beneath a wave; her breast heaved; he had never loved her
so much; so that he lost his head and said 〃What is; it? What do
you wish?〃
〃Take me away;〃 she cried; 〃carry me off! Oh; I pray you!〃
And she threw herself upon his mouth; as if to seize there the
unexpected consent if breathed forth in a kiss。
〃But〃 Rodolphe resumed。
〃Your little girl!〃
She reflected a few moments; then replied
〃We will take her! It can't be helped!〃
〃What a woman!〃 he said to himself; watching her as she went。 For
she had run into the garden。 Someone was calling her。
On the following days Madame Bovary senior was much surprised at
the change in her daughter…in…law。 Emma; in fact; was showing
herself more docile; and even carried her deference so far as to
ask for a recipe for pickling gherkins。
Was it the better to deceive them both? Or did she wish by a sort
of voluptuous stoicism to feel the more profoundly the bitterness
of the things she was about to leave?
But she paid no heed to them; on the contrary; she lived as lost
in the anticipated delight of her coming happiness。
It was an eternal subject for conversation with Rodolphe。 She
leant on his shoulder murmuring
〃Ah! when we are in the mail…coach! Do you think about it? Can it
be? It seems to me that the moment I feel the carriage start; it
will be as if we were rising in a balloon; as if we were setting
out for the clouds。 Do you know that I count the hours? And you?〃
Never had Madame Bovary been so beautiful as at this period; she
had that indefinable beauty that results from joy; from
enthusiasm; from success; and that is only the harmony of
temperament with circumstances。 Her desires; her sorrows; the
experience of pleasure; and her ever…young illusions; that had;
as soil and rain and winds and the sun make flowers grow;
gradually developed her; and she at length blossomed forth in all
the plenitude of her nature。 Her eyelids seemed chiselled
expressly for her long amorous looks in which the pupil
disappeared; while a strong inspiration expanded her delicate
nostrils and raised the fleshy corner of her lips; shaded in the
light by a little black down。 One would have thought that an
artist apt in conception had arranged the curls of hair upon her
neck; they fell in a thick mass; negligently; and with the
changing chances of their adultery; that unbound them every day。
Her voice now took more mellow infections; her figure also;
something subtle and penetrating escaped even from the folds of
her gown and from the line of her foot。 Charles; as when they
were first married; thought her delicious and quite irresistible。
When he came home in the middle of the night; he did not dare to
wake her。 The porcelain night…light threw a round trembling gleam
upon the ceiling; and the drawn curtains of the little cot formed
as it were a white hut standing out in the shade; and by the
bedside Charles looked at them。 He seemed to hear the light
breathing of his child。 She would grow big now; every season
would bring rapid progress。 He already saw her coming from school
as the day drew in; laughing; with ink…stains on her jacket; and
carrying her basket on her arm。 Then she would have to be sent to
the boarding…school; that would cost much; how was it to be done?
Then he reflected。 He thought of hiring a small farm in the
neighbourhood; that he would superintend every morning on his way
to his patients。 He would save up what he brought in; he would
put it in the savings…bank。 Then he would buy shares somewhere;
no matter where; besides; his practice would increase; he counted
upon that; for he wanted Berthe to be well…educated; to be
accomplished; to learn to play the piano。 Ah! how pretty she
would be later on when she was fifteen; when; resembling her
mother; she would; like her; wear large straw hats in the
summer…time; from a distance they would be taken for two sisters。
He pictured her to himself working in the evening by their side
beneath the light of the lamp; she would embroider him slippers;
she would look after the house; she would fill all the home with
her charm and her gaiety。 At last; they would think of her
marriage; they would find her some good young fellow with a
steady business; he would make her happy; this would last for
Emma was not asleep; she pretended to be; and while he dozed off
by her side she awakened to other dreams。
To the gallop of four horses she was carried away for a week
towards a new land; whence they would return no more。 They went
on and on; their arms entwined; without a word。 Often from the
top of a mountain there suddenly glimpsed some splendid city with
domes; and bridges; and ships; forests of citron trees; and
cathedrals of white marble; on whose pointed steeples were
storks' nests。 They went at a walking…pace because of the great
flag…stones; and on the ground there were bouquets of flowers;
offered you by women dressed in red bodices。 They heard the 
chiming of bells; the neighing of mules; together with the murmur
of guitars and the noise of fountains; whose rising spray
refreshed heaps of fruit arranged like a pyramid at the foot of
pale statues that smiled beneath playing waters。 And then; one
night they came to a fishing village; where brown nets were
drying in the wind along the cliffs and in front of the huts。 It
was there that they would stay; they would live in a low;
flat…roofed house; shaded by a palm…tree; in the heart of a gulf;
by the sea。 They would row in gondolas; swing in hammocks; and
their existence would be easy and large as their silk gowns; warm
and star…spangled as the nights they would contemplate。 However;
in the immensity of this future that she conjured up; nothing
special stood forth; the days; all magnificent; resembled
each other like waves; and it swayed in the horizon; infinite;
harmonised; azure; and bathed in sunshine。 But the child began to
cough in her cot or Bovary snored more loudly; and Emma did not
fall asleep till morning; when the dawn whitened the windows; and
when little Justin was already in the square taking down the
shutters of the chemist's shop。
She had sent for Monsieur Lheureux; and had said to him
〃I want a cloaka large lined cloak with a deep collar。〃
〃You are going on a journey?〃 he asked。
〃No; butnever mind。 I may count on you; may I not; and
He bowed。
〃Besides; I shall want;〃 she went on; 〃a trunknot too heavy
〃Yes; yes; I understand。 About three feet by a foot and a half;
as they are being made just now。〃
〃And a travelling bag。〃
〃Decidedly;〃 thought Lheureux。 〃there's a row on here。〃
〃And;〃 said Madame Bovary; taking her watch from her belt; 〃take
this; you can pay yourself out of it。〃
But the tradesman cried

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