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the decameron(十日谈)-第88章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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opinions; the King; as awaking out of a passionate perplexity; exalted
his lookes; giving a signe to Madame Elisa; that shee should follow
next in order; whereto she obeying; began in this manner。 I have heard
(Gracious Ladies; quoth she) of many people; who are verily perswaded;
that loves arrowes; never wound any body; but onely by the eyes lookes
and gazes; mocking and scorning such as maintaine that men may fall in
love by hearing onely。 Wherein (beleeve me) they are greatly deceived;
as will appeare by a Novell which I must now relate unto you; and
wherein you shall plainely perceive; that not onely fame or report
is as prevailing as sight; but also hath conducted divers; to a
wretched and miserable ending of their lives。
  Gulielmo the second; King of Sicilie; according as the Sicilian
Chronicles record; had two children; the one a sonne; named Don
Rogero; and the other a daughter; called Madame Constance。 The saide
Rogero died before his Father; leaving a sonne behind him; named
Gerbino; who; with much care and cost; was brought up by his
Grand…father; proving to be a very goodly Prince; and wonderously
esteemed for his great valour and humanity。 His fame could not
containe it selfe; within the bounds or limits of Sicilie onely; but
being published very prodigally; in many parts of the world beside;
flourished with no meane commendations throughout all Barbarie;
which in those dayes was tributary to the King of Sicilie。 Among other
persons; deserving most to be respected; the renowned vertues; and
affability of this gallant Prince Gerbino; was understood by the
beautious Daughter to the King of Tunis; who by such as bad seene her;
was reputed to be one of the rarest creatures; the best conditioned;
and of the truest noble spirit; that ever Nature framed in her very
choicest pride of Art。
  Of famous; vertuous; and worthy men; it was continually her cheefest
delight to heare; and the admired actions of valiant Gerbino; reported
to her by many singular discoursers: such as could best describe
him; with language answerable to his due deservings; won such
honourable entertainment in her understanding soule; that they were
most affectionately pleasing to her; and in recapitulating (over and
over againe) his manifold and heroycall perfections; meere speech made
her extreamely amorous of him; nor willingly would she lend an eare to
any other discourse; but that which tended to his honour and
  On the other side; the fame of her incomparable beauty; with
addition of her other infinite singularities beside; as the World
had given eare to innumberlesse places; so Sicilie came at length
acquainted therewith; in such flowing manner; as was truly
answerable to her merit。 Nor seemed this as a bare babling rumour;
in the Princely hearing of royall Gerbino; but was embraced with
such a reall apprehension; and the entire probation of a true
understanding: that he was no lesse enflamed with noble affection
towards her; then she expressed the like in vertuous opinion of him。
Wherefore; awaiting such convenient opportunity; when he might entreat
license of his Grand…father; for his owne going to Thunis; under
colour of some honourable occasion; for the earnest desire he had to
see her: he gave charge to some of his especiall friends (whose
affaires required their presence in those parts) to let the
Princesse understand; in such secret manner as best they could devise;
what noble affection he bare unto her; devoting himselfe onely to
her service。
  One of his chosen friends thus put in trust; being a jeweller; a man
of singular discretion; and often resorting to Ladies for sight of his
jewels; winning like admittance to the Princesse: related at large
unto her; the honourable affection of Gerbino; with full tender of his
person to her service; and that she onely was to dispose of him。
Both the message and the messenger; were most graciously welcome to
her; and flaming in the selfe…same affection towards him: as a
testimony thereof; one of the very choisest Jewels which she bought of
him; she sent by him to the Prince Gerbino; it being received by him
with such joy and contentment; as nothing in the world could be more
pleasing to him。 So that afterward; by the trusty carriage of this
Jeweller; many Letters and Love…tokens passed betweene them; each
being as highly pleased with this poore; yet happy kind of
entercourse; as if they had seene and conversed with one another。
  Matters proceeding on in this manner; and continuing longer then
their love…sick passions easily could permit; yet neither being able
to finde out any other meanes of helpe; it fortuned that the King of
Thunis promised his daughter in marriage to the King of Granada;
whereat she grew exceedingly sorrowfull; perceiving; that not onely
she should be sent further off; by a large distance of way from her
friend; but also be deprived utterly; of all hope ever to enjoy him。
And if she could have devised any meanes; either by secret flight from
her Father; or any way else to further her intention; she would have
adventured it for the Princes sake。 Gerbino in like maner bearing of
this purposed marriage; lived in a hell of torments; consulting
oftentimes with his soule; how he might be possessed of her by
power; when she should be sent by Sea to her husband; or private
stealing her away from her Fathers Court before: with these and
infinite other thoughts; was he incessantly afflicted; both day and
  By some unhappy accident or other; the King of Thunis heard of
this their secret love; as also of Gerbinoes purposed policy to
surprize her; and how likely he was to effect it; in regard of his
manly valour; and store of stout friends to assist him。 Hereupon; when
the time was come; that he would convey his daughter thence to her
marriage; and fearing to be prevented by Gerbino: he sent to the
King of Sicilie; to let him understand his determination; craving safe
conduct from him; without impeachment of Gerbino; or any one else;
untill such time as his intent was accomplished。 King Gulielmo being
aged; and never acquainted with the affectiotiate proceedings of
Gerbino; nor any doubtfull reason to urge this security from him; in a
case convenient to be granted: yeelded the sooner thereto right
willingly; and as a signall of his honourable meaning; he sent him his
royall Glove; with a full confirmation for his safe conduct。
  No sooner were these Princely assurances received; but a goodly ship
was prepared in the Port of Carthagena; well furnished with all
thinges thereto belonging; for the sending his daughter to the King of
Granada; waiting for nothing else but best favouring windes。 The young
Princesse; who understood and saw all this great preparation; secretly
sent a servant of hers to Palermo; giving him especiall charge; on her
behalfe; to salute the Prince Gerbino; and to tell him that (within
few dayes) she must be transported to Granada。 And now opportunity
gave faire and free meanes; to let the world know; whether he were a
man of that magnanimous spirit; or no; as generall opinion had
formerly conceived of him; and whether he affected her so firmely;
as by many close messages he had assured her。 He who had the charge of
this embassie; effectually performed it; and then returned backe to
  The Prince Gerbino; having heard this message from his divine
Mistresse; and knowing also; that the Kin his Grandfather; had past
his safe conduct to the King of Thunis; for peaceable passage
through his Seas: was at his wits end; in this urgent necessity;
what might best bee done。 Notwithstanding; moved by the setled
constancy of his plighted Love; and the speeches delivered to him by
the messenger from the Princesse: to shew himselfe a man endued with
courage; he departed thence unto Messina; where he made ready two
speedy gallies; and fitting them with men of valiant disposition;
set away to Sardignia; as making full account; that the Ship which
carried the Princesse; must come along that Coast。 Nor was his
expectation therein deceived: for; within few dayes after; the Ship
(not over…swiftly winded) come sailing neere to the place where they

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