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the decameron(十日谈)-第53章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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concluding; to accuse them before the Lady Abbesse。 But upon a further
conference had with the Offenders; they changed opinion; tooke the
same oath as the forewomen had done; and because they would be free
from any taxation at all: they revealed their adventures to the
other three ignorants; and so fell all eight into one formall
confederacie; but by good and warie observation; least the Abbesse her
selfe should descry them; finding poore Massetto such plenty of
Garden…worke; as made him verie doubtfull in pleasing them all。
  It came to passe in the end; that the Lady Abbesse who all this
while imagined no such matter; walking all alone in the garden on a
day; found Massetto sleeping under an Almond tree; having then very
litle businesse to doe; because he had wrought hard all the night
before。 She observed him to be an hansome man; young; lusty;
well…limbde and proportioned; having a mercifull commisseration of his
dumbenesse and deafenes; being perswaded also in like manner; that
if hee were an Eunuch too; hee deserved a thousand times the more to
be pittied。 The season was exceeding hot; and he lay downe so
carelesly to sleepe; that somthing was noted wherein shee intended
to be better resolved; almost falling sicke of the other Nunnes
disease。 Having awaked him; she commanded him by signes that he should
follow her to her chamber; where he was kept close so long; that the
Nunnes grew offended; because the Gardiner came not to his daily
  Well may you imagine that Massetto was no misse…proud man now; to be
thus advanced from the Garden to the Chamber; and by no worse woman
then the Lady Abbesse her selfe: what signes; shews; or what
language he speaks there; I am not able to expresse; onely it
appeared; that his behaviour pleased her so well; as it procured his
daily repairing thether; and acquainted her with such familiar
conversation; as she would have condemned in the Nunnes her daughters;
but that they were wise enough to keepe it from her。 Now began
Massetto to consider; that hee had undertaken a taske belonging to
great Hercules; in giving content to so many; and by continuing
dumbe in this maner; it would redound to his no meane detriment。
Whereupon; as he was one night sitting by the Abbesse; the string that
retained his tongue from speech; brake on a sodaine; and thus he
  Madam; I have often heard it said; that one Cocke may doe service to
ten several Hennes; but ten men can very hardly even with all their
best endeavour; give full satisfaction every way to one woman; and yet
I am tied to content nine; which is farre beyond the compasse of my
power to do。 Already have I performed so much Garden and Chamber…work;
that I confesse my selfe starke tired; and can travaile no further;
and therefore let me entreate you to lycense my departure hence; or
finde some meanes for my better ease。 The Abbesse bearing him
speake; who had so long ben there stricken into admiration; and
accounting it almost a miracle; said。 How commeth this to passe? I
verily beleeved thee to be dumbe。 Madam (quoth Massetto) so I was
indeed; but not by Nature; onely I had a long lingering sicknes
which bereft me of speech; and which I have not onely recovered againe
this night; but shal ever remaine thankfull to you for it。
  The Abbesse verily credited his answer; demanding what he meant in
saying; that he did service to nine? Madam; quoth he; this were a
dangerous question; and not easily answered before fore the eight
Sisters。 Upon this reply; the Abbesse plainely perceived; that not
onely she had fallen into foll but all the Nunnes likewise cried
guilty too: wherfore being a woman of sound discretion; she would
not grant that Massetto should depart; but to keepe him still about
the Nunnes businesse; because the Monastery should not be
scandalized by him。 And the Fac…totum being dead a little before;
his strange recovery of speech revealed; and some things else more
neerely concerning them: by generall consent; and with the good liking
of Massetto; he was created the Fac…totum of the Monasterie。
  All the neighboring people dwelling thereabout; who knew Massetto to
be dumbe; by fetching home wood daily from the Forest; and divers
employments in other places; were made to beleeve; that by the
Nunnes devout prayers and discipline; as also the merite of the Saint;
in whose honour the Monastery was built and erected; Massetto had
his long restrained speech restored; and was now become their sole
Factotum; having power now to employ others in drudgeries; and ease
himselfe of all such labours。 And albeit he made the Nunnes to be
fruitfull; by encreasing some store of yonger sisters; yet all matters
were so close and cleanly catried; as it was never talkt of; till
after the death of the Ladie Abbesse; when Massetto beganne to grow in
good yeeres; and desired to returne home to his native abiding;
which (within a while after) was granted him。
  Thus Massetto being rich and olde; returned home like a wealthy
father; taking no care for the nursing of his children; but bequeathed
them to the place where they were bred and borne; having (by his wit
and ingenious apprehension) made such a benefit of his youthfull
yeeres; that now he merrily tooke ease in his age。

                    THE THIRD DAY; THE SECOND NOVELL

                          FROM PERILL

  A querry of the Stable; belonging to Agilulffo; King of the
Lombardes; found the meanes of accesse to the Queenes bed; without any
knowledge or consent in her。 This being secretly discovered by the
King; and the party known; he gave him a marke; by shearing the
haire of his head。 Whereupon; he that was so shorne; sheared
likewise the heads of all his fellowes in the lodging; and so
escaped the punishment intended towards him。

  When the Novel of Philostratus was concluded; which made some of the
Ladies blush; and the rest to smile: it pleased the Queene; that Madam
Pampinea should follow next; to second the other gone before; when
she; smiling on the whole assembly; began thus。 There are some men
so shallow of capacity; that they will (neverthelesse) make shew of
knowing and understanding such things; as neither they are able to
doe; nor appertaine to them: whereby they will sometimes reprehend
other new errours; and such faults as they have unwillingly committed;
thinking thereby to hide their owne shame; when they make it much more
apparant and manifest。 For proofe whereof; faire company; in a
contrary kinde I will shew you the subtill cunning of one; who
(perhaps) may bee reputed of lesse reckning then Massetto; and yet
he went beyond a King; that thought himselfe to be a much wiser man。
  Agilulffo; King of Lombardie; according as his Predecessours had
done before him; made the principall seate of his Kingdome; in the
Citie of Pavia; having embraced in mariage; Tendelinga; the late
left widdow of Vetario; who likewise had beene King of the Lombards; a
most beautifull wife and vertuous Lady; but made unfortunate by a
mischance。 The occurrences and estate of the whole Realme; being in an
honourable; quiet and well setled condition; by the discreete care and
providence of the King; a Querrie appertaining to the Queenes Stable
of Horse; being a man but of meane and low quality; though comely of
person; and of equall stature to the King; became immeasurably amorous
of the Queene。 And because his base and servile condition; had
endued him with so much understanding; as to know infallibly; that his
affection was mounted beyond the compasse of conveniencie: wisely he
concealed it to himselfe; not acquainting any one therewith; or daring
so much; as to discover it either by lookes; or any other affectionate
  And although hee lived utterly hopelesse; of ever attaining to his
hearts desires; yet notwithstanding; hee proudly gloried; that his
love had soared so high a pitch; as to be enamoured of a Queene。 And
dayly; as the fury of his flame encreased; so his cariage wa

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