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the decameron(十日谈)-第48章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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as a thought of any evill towards him。 And thus was the Proverbe truly
verified; that shame succeedeth after ugly sinne; and the deceiver
is trampled and trod; by such as himselfe hath deceived。

                    THE SECOND DAY; THE TENTH NOVELL


  Pagamino da Monaco; a roving Pyrate on the Seas; carried away the
fayre Wife of Signior Ricciardo de Chinzica; who understanding where
shee was; went thither; and falling into friendship with Pagamino;
demanded his Wife of him; whereto he yeelde; provided; that shee
would willing goe away with him。 She denied to part thence with her
Husband; and Signior Ricciardo dying; she became the wife of Pagamino。

  Every one in this honest and gracious assembly; most highly
commended the Novell re…counted by the Queene: but especially Dioneus;
who remained to finish that dayes pleasure with his owne Discourse;
and after many praises of the former tale were past; thus he began。
Faire Ladies; part of the Queenes Novell hath made an alteration of my
minde; from that which I intended to proceede next withall; and
therfore I will report another。 I cannot forget the unmanly
indiscretion of Bernardo; but much more the base arrogance of
Ambroginolo; how justly deserved shame fell upon him; as well it may
happen to all other; that are so vile in their owne opinions; as he
apparantly approved himselfe to be。 For; as men wander abroad in the
world; according to their occasions in diversity of Countries and
observations of the peoples behaviour; so are their humours as
variously transported。 And if they finde women wantonly disposed
abroade; the like judgement they give of their Wives at home; as if
they had never knowne their birth and breeding; or made proofe of
their loyall carriage towards them。 Wherefore; the Tale that I purpose
to relate; will likewise condemne all the like kind of men; but more
especially such as thinke themselves endued with more strength then
Nature meant to bestow on them; foolishly beleeving; that they can
cover their owne defects by fabulous demonstrations; and thinking to
fashion other of their owne complexions; that are meerely strangers to
such grosse follies。
 Know then; that there lived in Pisa (some hundred yeeres before
Tuscany and Liguria embraced the Christian faith) a judge better
stored with wisedome and ingenuity; then corporall abilities of the
body; named Signior Ricciardo di Cinzica。 He being more then halfe
perswaded; that hee could content a woman with such satisfaction as
hee daily bestowed on his studies; being a widdower; and extraordinary
wealthy; laboured with no meane paines; to enjoy a faire and youthfull
wife in marriage: both which qualities hee should much rather have
avoyded; if he could have ministred as good counsell to himselfe; as
he did to others; resorting to him for advice。 Upon this his amorous
and diligent inquisition; it came so to passe; that a worthy
Gentlewoman; called Bertolomea; one of the fairest and choisest yong
maids in Pisa; whose youth did hardly agree with his age; but muck was
the motive of this mariage; and no expectation of mutuall contentment。
The Judge being married; and the Bride brought solemnly home to his
house; we need make no question of brave cheare and banquetting;
well furnished by their friends on either side: other matters were now
hammering in the judges head; for thogh he could please all his
Clients with counsel; yet now such a suit was commenced against
himselfe; and in Beauties Court of continuall requests; that the Judge
failing in plea for his own defence; was often nonsuited by lack of
answer; yet he wanted not good wines; drugs; and all sorts of
restoratives to comfort the heart; and encrease good blood: but all
availed not。
  But well fare a good courage; where performance faileth; hee could
liberally commend his passed joviall daies; and make a promise of as
faire felicities yet to come; because his youth would renew it selfe
like to the Eagle; and his vigour in as full force as before。 But
beside all these ydle allegations; would needs instruct his wife in an
Almanacke or Kalender; which he had (formerly) bought at Ravenna;
and wherein he plainely shewed her; that there was not one day in
the yeere; but it was dedicated to some Saint or other。 In reverence
of whom; and for their sakes; he approved by divers arguments and
reasons; that a man and his wife ought to abstaine from bedding
together。 Adding withall; that those Saints dayes had their Fasts
and Feasts; beside the foure seasons of the yeer; the vigils of the
Apostles; and a thousand other holy dayes; with Fridayes;
Saterdayes; and Sundayes; in honor of our Lords rest; and al the
holy time of Lent; as also certain observations of the Moone; and
infinit other exceptions beside; thinking perhaps; that it was as
convenient for men to refraine from their wives conversation; as he
did often time from sitting in the Court。 These were his dayly
documents to his young wife; wherewith (poore soule) she became so
tyred; as nothing could be more irksom to her; and very careful he
was; lest any other should teach her what belonged to working daies;
because he would have her know none but holy daies。 It came to
passe; that the season waxing extremely hot; Signior Ricciardo would
go to recreate himselfe at his house in the country; neere to the
blacke Mountaine; where for his faire wives more contentment; he
continued divers daies together。 And for her further recreation; he
gave order to have a day of fishing; he going aboord a small Pinnace
among the Fishers; and she in another; consorted with divers other
Gentlewomen; in whose company she was very well pleased。 Delight
made them launch further into the Sea; then either the Judge was
willing they should have done; or agreed with their owne safety。 For
sodainly a Galliot came upon them; wherein was one Pagamino a famous
Pyrate; who espying the two Pinnaces; made presently to them; and
seized on that wherein the women were。 When he beheld there so faire a
young Woman; he coveted after no other purchase; but mounting her into
his Galliot; in the sight of Signior Ricciardo; who by this time was
fearefully landed; he carried her away with him。 When Signior Judge
had seene this theft (he being so jealous of his wife; as scarsely
he would let the ayre breathe on her) it were needlesse to know
whether he was offended; or no。 He made complaint at Pisa; and in
other places beside; what injurie he had sustained by those Pyrates;
in carrying away his wife from him: but all in vaine; he neither (as
yet) knew the man; nor what was become of him。 Pagamino perceiving
what a beautifull woman shee was; made the more precious esteeme of
his purchase; and being himselfe a Batchelor; intended to keepe her as
his owne; comforting her with kinde and pleasing speeches; not using
any ill demeanor to her; because she wept and lamented greevously。 But
when night came; her husbands Kalender falling from her girdle; and
all the fasts and feasts quite out of her remembrance; she received
such curtesies from Pagamino; that before they could arrive at Monaco;
the Judge and his Law cases were almost out of memory; such was his
affable behaviour to her; and she began to converse with him in more
friendly manner; and he entreated her as honourably; as if she had bin
his espoused wife。
  Within a short while after; report had acquainted the Judge; where
and how his wife was kept from him; whereupon hee determined; not to
send; but rather to go himselfe in person; and to redeeme her from the
Pyrate; with what summes of money he should demand。 By sea he passed
to Monaco; where he saw his wife; and she him; as (soone after) shee
made known to Pagamino。 The next morning; Signior Ricciardo meeting
with Pagamino; made meanes to be acquainted with bim; and within lesse
then an houres space; they grew into familiar conference; Pagamino yet
pretending not to know him; but expected what issue this talke would
sort to。 When time ser

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