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the decameron(十日谈)-第39章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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leaping up into her face; yet shame enforcing teares from her eyes;
with words broken and halfe confused; at last she began to deliver her
minde in this manner。
  Honourable Lord; and my deerely respected Friend; being so wise a
man as you are; it is no difficult matter for you to know; what a
frayle condition is imposed both on men and women; yet (for divers
occasions) much more upon the one; then the other。 Wherefore
desertfully; in the censure of a just and upright judge; a fault of
divers conditions (in respect of the person) ought not to bee censured
with one and the same punnishment。 Beside; who will not say; that a
man or woman of poore and meane estate; having no other helpe for
maintainance; but laborious travaile of their bodies; should
worthily receive more sharpe reprehension; in yeelding to amorous
desires; or such passions as are incited by love; then a wealthy
Lady whose living relieth not on her pains or cares; neither wanteth
any thing that she can wish to have: I dare presume; that you your
selfe will allow this to be equall and just。 In which respect; I am of
the minde; that the fore…named allegations; ought to serve as a
sufficient excuse; yea; and to the advantage of her who is so
possessed; if the passions of love should over…reach her: alwayes
provided; that shee can pleade in her owne defence; the choice of a
wise and vertuous friend; answerable to her owne condition and
quality; and no way to be taxt with a servile or vile election。
  These two speciall observations; allowable in my judgement; and
living now in mee; seizing on my youthfull blood and yeeres; have
found no mean inducement to love; in regard of my husbands far
distance from me; medling in the rude uncivill actions of warre;
when he should rather be at home in more sweet imployment。 You see
Sir; that these Oratours advance themselves here in your presence;
to acquaint you with the extremity of my over…commanding agony: and if
the same power hath dominion in you; which your discretion
(questionlesse) cannot be voide of; then let me entreate such advice
from you; as may rather helpe; then hinder my hopes。 Beleeve it then
for trueth Sir; that the long absence of my husband from me; the
solitary condition wherein I am left; il agreeing with the hot blood
running in my veines; and the temper of my earnest desires: have so
prevailed against my strongest resistances; that not onely so weake
a woman as I am; but any man of much more potent might; (living in
ease and idlenesse as I do) cannot withstand such continuall assaults;
having no other helpe then flesh and blood。
  Nor am I so ignorant; but publike knowledge of such an error in mee;
would be reputed a shrewd taxation of honesty: whereas (on the other
side) secret carriage; and heedfull managing such amorous affaires;
may passe for currant without any reproach。 And let me tel you;
noble Count; that I repute love highly favourable to mee; by guiding
my judgement with such moderation; to make election of a wise; worthy;
and honorable friend; fit to enjoy the grace of a farre greater Lady
then I am; and the first letter of his name; is the Count D'Angiers。
For if error have not misled mine eye; as in love no Lady can be
easily deceived: for person; perfections; and all parts most to bee
commended in a man; the whole Realme of France containeth not your
equall。 Observe beside; how forward Fortune sheweth her selfe to us
both in this case; you to bee destitute of a wife; as I am of an
husband; for I account him as dead to me; when he denies me the duties
belonging to a wife。 Wherefore; in regard of the unfained affection
I beare you; and compassion which you ought to have of a Royall
Princesse; even almost sicke to death for your sake; I earnestly
entreat you; not to deny mee your loving society; but pittying my
youth and fiery affections (never to be quenched but by your
kindnesse) I may enjoy my hearts desire。
  As shee uttered these words; the teares streamed aboundantly downe
her faire cheekes; preventing her of any further speech: so that
dejecting her head into her bosome; overcome with the predominance
of her passions; she fell upon the Counts knee; whereas else shee
had falne uppon the ground。 When he; like a loyall and most honourable
man; sharpely reprehended her fond and idle love: And when shee
would have embraced him about the necke to have kissed him; he
repulsed her roughly from him; protesting upon his honourable
reputation; that rather then hee would so wrong his Lord and
Maister; he would endure a thousand deaths。
  The Ladie seeing her desire disappointed; and her fond expectation
utterly frustrated: grew instantly forgetfull of her intemperate love;
and falling into extremity of rage; converted her former gentle and
loving speeches; into this harsh and ruder language。 Villaine (quoth
she) shall the longing comforts of my life; be abridged by thy base
and scornefull deniall? Shall my destruction be wrought by thy most
currish unkindenesse; and all my hoped joyes be defeated in a
moment? Know Slave; that I did not so earnestly desire thy sweete
embracements before; but now as deadly I hate and despise them;
which either thy death or banishment shall deerely pay for。 No
sooner had she thus spoken; but tearing her haire; and renting her
garments in peeces; she ranne about like a distracted Woman; crying
out alowd; Helpe; helpe; the Count D'Angiers will forcibly dishonour
mee; the lustfull Count will violate mine honour。
  D'Angiers seeing this; and fearing more the malice of the
over…credulous Court; then either his owne Conscience; or any
dishonourable act by him committed; beleeving likewise; that her
slanderous accusation would be credited; above his true and
spotlesse innocency: closely he conveyed himselfe out of the Court;
making what hast he could; home to his owne house; which being too
weake for warranting his safety upon such pursuite as would be used
against him; without any further advice or counsell; he seated his two
children on horsebacke; himselfe also being but meanly mounted; thus
away thence he went to Calice。
  Upon the clamour and noise of the Lady; the Courtiers quickly
flocked thither; and; as lies soone winne beleefe in hasty opinions;
upon any silly or shallow surmise: so did her accusation passe for
currant; and the Counts advancement being envied by many; made his
honest carriage (in this case) the more suspected。 In hast and madding
fury; they ran to the Counts houses; to arrest his person; and carry
him to prison: but when they could not finde him; they raced his
goodly buildings downe to the ground; and used all shamefull
violence to them。 Now; as ill newes sildome wants a speedy
Messenger; so; in lesse space then you will imagine; the King and
Dolphin heard thereof in the Campe;…and were therewith so highly
offended; that the Count had a sodaine and severe condemnation; all
his progeny being sentenced with perpetuall exile; and promises of
great and bountifull rewards; to such as could bring his body alive or
  Thus the innocent Count; by his overhasty and sodaine flight; made
himselfe guilty of this foule imputation: and arriving at Callice with
his children; their poore and homely habites; hid them from being
knowne; and thence they crossed over into England; staying no where
untill hee came to London。 Before he would enter into the City; he
gave divers good advertisements to his children; but especially two
precepts above all the rest。 First; with patient soules to support the
poore condition; whereto Fortune (without any offence in him or
them) had thus dejected them。 Next; that they should have most
heedfull care; at no time to disclose from whence they came; or
whose children they were; because it extended to the perill of their
lives。 His Sonne; being named Lewes; and now about nine yeares old;
his Daughter called Violenta; and aged seaven yeares; did both observe
their fathers direction; as afterward it did sufficiently appeare。 And
because they might live in the safer securitie; hee thought it for the
best to change their names; calling his Sonne Perotto; and his
Daughter Gianetta; for thus they might best escape unknown

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