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the decameron(十日谈)-第34章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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having before heard of their comming; adorned her selfe the more
Majestically; entertaining them with ceremonious demeanor (after her
Countries custome) which gave most gracious and unspeakable acception。

  At the Princes affable motion; shee sate downe betweene them;
their delight being beyond expression; to behold her; but abridged
of much more felicitie; because they understood not any part of her
Language: so that they could have no other conference; but by lookes
and outward signes onely; and the more they beheld her; the more
they marvelled at her rare perfections; especially the Duke; who
hardly credited that shee was a mortall creature。 Thus not perceyving;
what deepe carowses of amorous poyson his eyes dranke downe by the
meere sight of her; yet thinking thereby onely to bee satisfied; hee
lost both himselfe and his best sences; growing in love (beyond all
measure) with her。 When the Prince and he were parted from her; and
hee was at his owne private amorous… meditations in his Chamber; he
reputed the Prince farre happier then any man else whatsoever; by
the enjoying of such a peerelesse beauty。
  After many intricate and distracted cogitations; which molested
his braines incessantly; regarding more his loves wanton heate; then
reason; kindred; and honourable hospitality; he resolutely
determined (whatsoever ensued thereupon) to bereave the Prince of
his faire felicity; that none but himselfe might possesse such a
treasure; which he esteemed to bee the height of all happinesse。 His
courage being conformable to his bad intent; with all hast it must
be put in execution; so that equity; justice; and honesty; being quite
abandoned; nothing but subtile stratagems were now his meditations。
  On a day; according to a fore…compacted treachery which he had
ordered with a Gentleman of the Princes Chamber; who was named
Churiacy; he prepared his horses to be in readinesse; and dispatched
all his affaires else for a sodaine departure。 The night following;
hee was secretly conveyed by the said Churiacy; and a friend of his
with him (being both armed) into the Princes Chamber; where he
(while the Ladie was soundly sleeping) stood at a gazing window
towards the Sea; naked in his shirt; to take the coole ayre; because
the season was exceeding hot。 Having formerly enstructed his friend
what was to be done; very softly they stept to the Prince; and running
their weapons quite thorow his bodie; immediately they threw him forth
of the window。
  Here you are to observe; that the Pallace was seated on the Sea
shore; and verie high; and the Window whereat the Prince then stood
looking foorth; was directly over divers houses; which the long
continuance of time; and incessant beating on by the surges of the
Sea; had so defaced and ruined them; as seldome they were visited by
any person; whereof the Duke having knowledge before; was the easier
perswaded that the falling of the Princes body in so vast a place;
could neither bee heard or descryed by any。 The Duke and his
Companion; having thus executed what they came for; proceeded yet in
their cunning a little further; casting a strangling Cord about the
necke of Churiacy; seemed as if they hugged and imbraced him: but drew
it with so maine strength; that he never spake word after; and so
threw him downe after the Prince。
  This done; and plainely perceiving that they were not heard or
seene; either by the Lady; or any other: the Duke tooke a light in his
hand; going on to the bed; where the Lady lay most sweetely
sleeping; whom the more he beheld; the more he admired and
commended: but if in her garments shee appeared so pleasing; what
did shee now in a bed of such state and Majestie? Being no way daunted
with his so late committed sin; but swimming rather in surfet of
joy; his hands all bloody; and his soule much more ugly; he laide
him downe on the bed by her; bestowing infinite kisses and embraces on
her; she supposing him to be the Prince all this while; not opening
her eyes to bee otherwise resolved。 But this was not the delight he
aymed at; neither did he thinke it safe for him; to delay time with
any longer tarrying there: Wherefore; having his agents at hand fit
and convenient for the purpose; they surprized her in such sort;
that shee could not make any noyse or outcry; and carrying her through
the same false posterne; whereat themselves had entred; laying her
in a Princely litter; away they went with all possible speede; not
tarrying in any place; untill they were arrived neere Athens。 But
thither he would not bring her; because himselfe was a married man;
but rather to a goodly Castle of his owne; not distant farre from
the City; where he caused her to bee kept very secretly (to her no
little greefe and sorrow) yet attended on and served in most
honourable manner。
  The Gentlemen usually attending on the Prince; having waited all the
next morning till noone; in expectation of his rising; and hearing
no stirring in the Chamber; did thrust at the doore; which was but
onely closed together; and finding no body there; they presently
imagined; that he was privately gone to some other place; where
(with the Ladie; whom he so deerely affected) hee might remaine some
few dayes for his more contentment; and so they rested verily
perswaded。 Within some few dayes following; while no other doubt
came in question; the Princes Foole; entering by chance among the
ruined houses; where lay the dead bodies of the Prince and Churiacy:
tooke hold of the cord about Churiacyes necke; and so went along
dragging it after him。 The dead body being knowne to many; with no
meane mervaile how he should bee murthered in so vile manner: by gifts
and faire perswasions they wonne him to bring them to the place
where he found it。 And there (to the no little greefe of the whole
Cittie) they found the Princes body also; which they caused to bee
intered with all the most Majesticke pompe that might be。
  Upon further inquisition; who should commit horrid a deede;
perceyving likewise that the Duke of Athens was not to be found; but
was closely gone: they judged (according to the truth) that he had his
hand in this bloody businesse; and had carried away the Lady with him。
Immediately; they elected the Princes brother to be their Lord and
Soveraigne; inciting him to revenge so horrid a wrong; and promising
to assist him with their utmost power。 The new chosen Prince being
assured afterward; by other more apparant and remarkeable proofes;
that his people informed him With nothing but truth: sodainly; and
according as they had concluded; with the help of neighbors; kindred
and frends; collected from divers places; he mustred a good and
powerfull army; marching on towards Athens; to make war against the
  No sooner heard he of this warlike preparation made against him; but
he likewise levied forces for his owne defence; and to his succour
came many great States: among whom; the Emperor of Constantinople sent
his sonne Constantine; attended on by his Nephew Emanuell; with
Troopes of faire and towardly force; who were honoutably welcommed and
entertained by the Duke; but much more by the Dutchesse; because
shee was their sister in Law。
  Military provision thus proceeding on daily more and more; the
Dutches making choise of a fit and convenient houre; took these two
Princes with her to a with…drawing Chamber; and there in flouds of
teares flowing from her eyes; wringing her hands; and sighing
incessantly; she recounted the whole History; occasion of the warre;
and how dishonourably the Duke dealt with her about this strange
woman; whom hee purposed to keepe in despight of her; as thinking that
she knew nothing therof; and complaining very earnestly unto them;
entreated that for the Dukes honour; and her comfort; they would
give their best assistance in this case。
  The two young Lords knew all this matter; before shee thus
reported it to them; and therefore; without staying to listen 'to' her
any longer; but comforting her so wel as they could; with promise of
their best emploied paines: being informd by her; in what place the
Lady was so closely kept they took their leave; and parted from her。
Often th

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