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the decameron(十日谈)-第24章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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because it drew neere supper time; which by no meanes shee would
permit; but seeming more then halfe displeased; shee saide。 Now I
plainely perceive brother; how little account you make of me;
considering; you are with your owne Sister; who (you say) you never
saw before; and in her owne House; whether you should alwayes resort
when you come to this City; and would you now refuse her; to goe and
sup at a common Inne? Beleeve me Brother; you shall sup with me; for
although my Husband is now from home; to my no little
discontentment: yet you shall find Brother; that his wife; can bid you
welcome; and make you good cheere beside。
  Now was Andrea so confounded this extremity of courtesie; that he
knew not what to say; but onely thus replied。 I love you as a Sister
ought to be loved; and accept of your exceeding kindnesse: but if I
returne not to my lodging; I shall wrong mine Host and his guests
too much; because they will not sup untill I come。 For that (quoth
shee) we have a present remedy; one of my servants shall goe and
give warning; whereby they shall not tarry your comming。 Albeit; you
might doe me a great kindnesse; to send for your friends to sup with
us here; where I assure ye; they shall finde that your Sister (for
your sake) will bid them welcome; and after supper; you may all
walke together to your Inne。 Andrea answered; that he had no such
friends there; as should be so burthenous to her: but seeing she urged
him so farre; he would stay to sup with her; and referred himselfe
solely to her disposition。
  Ceremonious shew was made; of sending a servant to the Inne; for not
expecting Andreas presence at Supper; though no such matter was
performed; but; after divers other discoursings; the table being
covered; and variety of costly viands placed thereon; downe they
sate to feeding; with plenty of curious Wines liberally walking about;
so that it was darke night before they arose from the table。 Andrea
then offring to take his leave; she would (by no meanes) suffer it;
but tolde him; that Naples was a Citie of such strict Lawes and
Ordinances; as admitted no night…walkers; although they were
Natives; much lesse strangers; but punnished them with great severity。
And therefore; as she had formerly sent word to his Inne; that they
should not expect his comming to supper; the like had she done
concerning his bed; intending to give her Brother Andrea one nights
lodging; which as easily she could affoord him; as shee had done a
Supper。 All which this new…caught Woodcocke verily crediting; and that
he was in company of his owne Sister Fiordeliza (for so did she
cunningly stile her selfe; and in which beleefe he was meerely
deluded) he accepted the more gladly her gentle offer; and concluded
to stay there all that night。
  After supper; their conference lasted very long; purposely dilated
out in length; that a great part of the night might therein be wasted:
when; leaving Andrea to his Chamber; and a Lad to attend; that he
should lacke nothing; she with her women went to their lodgings; and
thus our Brother and supposed Sister were parted。 The season then
being somewhat hot and soultry; Andrea put off his hose and doublet;
and being in his shirt alone; layed them underneath the beds boulster;
as seeming carefull of his money。 But finding a provocation to the
house of Office; he demanded of the Lad; where hee might find it;
who shewed him a little doore in a corner of the Chamber; appointing
him to enter there。 Safely enough he went in; but chanced to tread
upon a board; which was fastened at neither; ende to the joynts
whereon it lay; being a pit…fall made of purpose; to entrap any such
coxcombe; as would be trained to so base a place of lodging; so that
both he and the board fell downe together into the draught; yet such
being his good fortune; to receive no harme in the fall (although it
was of extraordinary height) onely the filth of the place; (it being
over full) had fowly myred him。
  Now for your better understanding the quality of the place; and what
ensued thereupon; it is not unnecessary to describe it; according to a
common use; observed in those parts。 There was a narrow passage or
entrie; as often we see reserved betweene two houses; for eithers
benefit to such a needfull place; and boards loosely lay upon the
joynts; which such as were acquainted withall; could easily avoide any
perille in passing to or from the stoole。 But our so newly created
Brother; not dreaming to find a Queane to his Sister; receiving so
foule a fall into the vault; and knowing not how to helpe himselfe;
being sorrowfull beyond measure; cryed out to the boy for light and
aide; who intended not to give him any。 For the crafty wag; (a meete
attendant for so honest a Mistresse) no sooner heard him to be fallen;
but presently he ran to enforme her thereof; and shee as speedily
returned to the Chamber; where finding his cloathes under the beds
head; shee needed no instruction for search of his pockets。 But having
found the gold; which Andrea indiscreetely carried alwayes about
him; as thinking it could no where else be so safe: This was all
shee aymed at; and for which shee had ensnared him; faigning her selfe
to be of Palermo; and Daughter to Piero of Perouse; so that not
regarding him any longer; but making fast the house of Office doore;
there she left him in that miserable taking。
 Poore Andrea perceiving; that his calles could get no answere from
the Lad; cryed out louder; but all to no purpose: when seeing into his
owne simplicity; and understanding his error; though somewhat too
late; hee made such meanes constrainedly; that he got over a wall;
which severed that foule sinke from the Worlds eye; and being in the
open streete; went to the doore of the House; which then he knew too
well to his cost; making loud exclaimes with rapping and knocking; but
all as fruitelesse as before。 Sorrowing exceedingly; and manifestly
beholding his misfortune; Alas (quoth he) how soone have I lost a
Sister; and five hundred Crownes besides? With many other words;
loud calles; and beatings uppon the doore without intermission; the
neighbours finding themselves disturbed; and unable to endure any such
ceaselesse vexation; rose from their beddes; and called to him;
desiring him to be gone; and let them rest。 A Maide also of the same
house; looking forth at the window; and seeming as newly raised from
sleepe; called to him; saying; What noyse is that beneath? Why
Virgin (answered Andrea) know you not me? I am Andrea de Piero;
Brother to your Mistresse Fiordeliza。 Thou art a drunken knave replyed
the Maide; more full of drinke then wit: goe sleepe; goe sleepe; and
come againe to morrow: for I know no Andrea de Piero; neither hath
my Mistresse any such Brother。 Get thee gone go ie good man; and
suffer us to sleepe I prythee。 How now (quoth Andrea) doest thou not
understand what I say? Thou knowest that I supt with thy Mistresse
this night; but if our Sicilian kindred be so soone forgot; I
prythee give mee my Cloathes which I left in my Chamber; and then
verie gladly will I get mee gone。 Hereat the Maide laughing out
aloude; saide; Surely the man is mad; or walketh the streetes in a
dreame: and so clasping fast the Window; away she went and left him。
 Now could Andrea assure himselfe; that his Golde and cloathes were
past recovery; which mooving him to the mor impatience; his former
intercessions became converted into furie; and what hee could not
compasse by faire intreats; he intended to winne by outrage and
violence: so that taking up a great stone in his hand; hee layed
upon the doore verie powerfull strokes。 The neighbors hearing this
mollestation still; admitting them not the least respite of rest;
reputed him for a troublesome fellow; and that he used those
counterfet words; onely to disturbe the Mistresse of the house; and
all that dwelled neere about her; looking againe out at their
windowes; they altogether beganne to rate and reprove him; even like
so many bawling Curres; barking at a strange dog passing through the
street。 This is shamefull villany (quoth one) and not to be
suffered; that honest women should thus be molested in their houses;

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