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the decameron(十日谈)-第219章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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I am not ignorant; in expressing the like power upon my selfe。
Having thus spoken; within some few dayes after; the King being
returned to Naples; he determined; as we to free himself from any
the like ensuing follie; as also to recompence Signior Neri; for the
great kindnesse he had shewne to him (although it was a difficult
thing; to let another enjoy; what he rather desired for himselfe) to
have the two Damosels married; not as the Daughters of Signior Neri;
but even as if they were his owne。 And by consent of the Father; he
gave Genevera the faire; to Signior Maffeo da Palizzi; and Isotta
the amiable; to Signior Gulielmo della Magna; two Noble Knights and
honourable Barons。 After he had thus given them in marriage; in sad
mourning he departed thence into Apuglia; where by following worthy
and honourable actions; he so well overcame all inordinate
appetites: that shaking off the enthraling fetters of love; he lived
free from all passions; the rest of his life time; and dyed as an
honourable King。
  Some perhaps will say; it was a small matter for a King; to give
away two Damosels in marriage; and I confesse it: but I maintaine it
to be great; and more then great; if we say; that a King; being so
earnestly enamoured as this King was; should give her away to another;
whom he so dearely affected himselfe; without receiving (in recompence
of his affection) so much as a leaffe; flowre; or the least fruit of
love。 Yet such was the vertue of this magnificent King; expressed in
so highly recompencing the noble Knights courtesie; honouring the
two daughters so royally; and conquering his owne affections so


                    OF HIMSELFE; AND HIS TRUE HONOUR

  Lisana; the Daughter of a Florentine Apothecary; named Bernardo
Puccino; being at Palermo; and seeing Piero; King of Aragon run at the
Tilt; fell so affectionately enamored of him; that she languished in
an extreame and long sickenesse。 By her owne devise; and means of a
Song; sung in the hearing of the King: he vouchsafed to visite her;
and giving her a kisse; terming himselfe also to bee her Knight for
ever after; hee honourably bestowed her in marriage on a young
Gentleman; who was called Perdicano; and gave him liberall
endowments with her。

  Madame Fiametta being come to the end of her Novell; and the great
magnificence of King Charles much commended (howbeit; some of the
Company; affecting the Ghibelline faction; were otherwise minded)
Madame Pampinea; by order given from the King; began in this manner。
  There is no man of good understanding (honourable Ladies) but will
maintaine what you have said of victorious Charles; except such as
cannot wish well to any。 But because my memory hath instantly informed
me; of an action (perhaps) no lesse commendable then this; done by
an enemy of the said King Charles; and to a yong Maiden of our City; I
am the more willing to relate it; upon your gentle attention
vouchsafed; as hitherto it hath been courteously granted。
  At such time as the French were driven out of Sicilie; there dwelt
at Palermo a Florentine Apothecary; named Bernardo Puccino; a man of
good wealth and reputation; who had by his Wife one onely Daughter; of
marriageable yeares; and very beautifull。 Piero; King of Arragon;
being then become Lord of that Kingdom; he made an admirable Feast
Royall at Palermo; accompanyed with his Lords and Barons。 In honour of
which publique Feast; the King kept a triumphall day (of Justs and
Turnament) at Catalana; and whereat it chanced; that the Daughter of
Bernardo; named Lisana; was present。 Being in a window; accompanied
with other Gentlewomen; she saw the King runne at the Tilt; who seemed
so goodly a person in her eye; that being never satisfied with
beholding him; she grew enamoured; and fell into extremity of
affection towards him。
  When the Feastivall was ended; she dwelling in the house of her
Father; it was impossible for her to thinke on any thing else; but
onely the love; which she had fixed on a person of such height。 And
that which most tormented her in this case; was the knowledge of her
owne condition; being but meane and humble in degree; whereby she
confessed; that she could not hope for any successefull issue of her
proud love。 Neverthelesse; she would not refraine from affecting the
King; who taking no note of this kindnesse in her; by any
perceivable meanes; must needs be the more regardles; which procured
(by wary observation) her afflictions to be the greater and
  Whereon it came to passe; that this earnest love encreasing in her
more and more; and one melancholly conceit taking hold on another: the
faire Maide; when she could beare the burden of her griefe no
longer; fell into a languishing sickenesse; consuming away daily (by
evident appearance) even as the Snow melteth by the warme beames of
the Sunne。
  The Father and Mother; much dismayed and displeased at this haplesse
accident; applying her with continuall comforts; Phisicke; and the
best skill remayning in all the Phisitions; sought all possible meanes
wayes to give her succour: but all proved to no effect; because in
regard of her choyce (which could sort to none other then a
desperate end) she was desirous to live no longer。 Now it fortuned;
that her parents offering her whatsoever remained in their power to
performe; a sudden apprehension entred her minde; to wit; that (if
it might possible be done) before she dyed; she would first have the
King to know; in what manner she stood affected to him。 Wherefore; one
day she entreated her Father that a Gentleman; named Manutio de
Arezza; might be permitted to come see her。 This Manutio was (in those
times) held to be a most excellent Musitian; both for his voyce in
singing; and exquisite skill in playing on Instruments; for which he
was highly in favour with King Piero; who made (almost) daily use of
him; to heare him both sing and play。
  Her tender and loving father conceived immediately; that shee was
desirous to heare his playing and singing; both being comfortable to a
body in a languishing。 sickenesse; whereupon; he sent presently for
the Gentleman; who came accordingly; and after he had comforted Lisana
with kind and courteous speeches; he played dexteriously on his
Lute; which purposely hee had brought with him; and likewise he sung
divers excellent Ditties; which insted of his intended consolation
to the Maid; did nothing else but encrease her fire and flame。
  Afterward; she requested to have some conference with Manutio alone;
and every one being gone forth of the Chamber; she spake unto him in
this manner。
  Manutio; I have made choyce of thee; to be the faithfull Guardian of
an especial secret; hoping first of al; that thou wilt never reveale
it to any living body; but onely to him whom I shall bid thee: And
next; to helpe me so much as possibly thou canst; because my onely
hope relyeth in thee。 Know then my dearest friend Manutio; that on the
solemne festivall day; when our Soveraigne Lord the King honoured
his exaltation; with the noble exercises of Tilt and Turney; his brave
behaviour kindled such a sparke in my soule; as since brake forth into
a violent flame; and brought me to this weake condition as now thou
seest。 But knowing and confessing; how farre unbeseeming my love is;
to aime so ambitiously at a King; and being unable to controule it; or
in the least manner to diminish it: I have made choyce of the onely
and best remedy of all; namely; to dye; and so I am most willing to
  True it is; that I shall travaile in this my latest journey; with
endlesse torment and affliction of soule; except he have some
understanding thereof before; and not knowing by whom to give him
intelligence; in so oft and convenient order; as by thee: I doe
therefore commit this last office of a friend to thy trust; desiring
thee; not to r

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