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the decameron(十日谈)-第193章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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that he must refraine all places wheresoever I am; and forbeare to
send me any more Letters; or messages。
  Having done so; then repaire to Rinuccio Palermini; and say。 My
Mistresse Francesca is ready to make acceptance of your love;
provided; that you will do one thing for her sake。 Namely; this
ensuing night; in the midst and stillest season thereof; to go to
the grave where Scannadio was this morning buried; and (without making
any noise) or speaking one word; whatsoever you shall heare or see: to
take him forth of the grave; and bring him home to her house; wher you
shal know the reason of this strange businesse; and enjoy her freely
as your owne for ever。 But if he refuse to do it; then I commaund him;
never hereafter to see me; or move further suite unto mee; by any
meanes whatsoever。
  The Chamber…maide went to them both; and delivered the severall
messages from her Mistresse; according as she had given her in charge;
whereunto each of them answered; that they woulde (for her sake) not
onely descend into a Grave; but also into hell; if it were her
  She returning with this answer unto her Mistresse; Francesca
remained in expectation; what the issue of these fond attemptes in
them; would sort unto。 When night was come; and the middle houre
thereof already past; Alessandro Chiarmontesi; having put off all
other garments to his doublet and hose; departed secretly from his
lodging; walking towards the Church…yard; where Scannadio lay in his
grave: but by the way as he went; hee became surprized with divers
dreadfull conceites and imaginations; and questioned with himselfe
  What a beast am I? What a businesse have I undertaken? And whither
am I going? What do I know; but that the Kinsman unto this Woman;
perhappes understanding mine affection to her; and crediting some such
matter; as is nothing so: hath laide this politicke traine for me;
that he may murther me in the grave? Which (if it should so happen) my
life is lost; and yet the occasion never knowne whereby it was done。
Or what know I; whether some secret enemy of mine (affecting her in
like manner; as I do) have devised this stratagem (out of malice)
against mee; to draw my life in danger; and further his owne good
Fortune? Then; contrary motions; overswaying these suspitions; he
questioned his thoughts in another nature。
  Let me (quoth he) admit the case; that none of these surmises are
intended; but her Kinsman (by and in this manner devised) must bring
me into her house: I am not therefore perswaded; that he or they do
covet; to have the body of Scannadio; either to carry it thither; or
present it to her; but rather do aime at some other end。 May not I
conjecture; that my close murthering is purposed; and this way
acted; as on him that (in his life time) had offended them? The Maid
hath straitly charged me; that whatsoever is said or done unto me; I
am not to speake a word。 What if they pul out mine eies; teare out
my teeth; cut off my hands; or do me any other mischiefe: Where am I
then? Shall all these extremities barre me of speaking? On the other
side; if I speake; then I shall be knowne; and so much the sooner
(perhaps) be abused。 But admit that I sustaine no injurie at all; as
being guilty of no transgression: yet (perchance) I shall not be
carried to her house; but to some other baser place; and afterward she
shall reprove me; that I did not accomplish what shee commanded; and
so all my labour is utterly lost。
  Perplexed with these various contradicting opinions; he was
willing divers times to turne home backe againe: yet such was the
violence of his love; and the power thereof prevailing against all
sinister arguments; as he went to the grave; and removing the
boordes covering it; whereinto he entred; and having despoiled
Scannadio of his garments; cloathed himselfe with them; and so laid
him down; having first covered the grave againe。 Not long had hee
tarryed there; but he began to bethinke him; what manner of man
Scannadio was; and what strange reports had bene noised of him; not
onely for ransacking dead mens graves in the night season; but many
other abhominable Villanies committed by him; which so fearfully
assaulted him; that his haire stoode on end; every member of him
quaked; and every minute he imagined Scannadio rising; with intent
to strangle him in the grave。 But his fervent affection overcoming all
these idle feares; and lying stone still; as if he had beene the
dead man indeede; he remained to see the end of his hope。
  On the contrary side; after midnight was past; Rinuccio Palermini
departed from his lodging; to do what hee was enjoyned by his hearts
Mistresse; and as hee went along; divers considerations also ran in
his minde; concerning occasions possible to happen。 As; falling into
the hands of Justice; with the body of Scannadio upon his backe; and
being condemned for sacriledge; in robbing graves of the dead;
either to be burned; or otherwise so punished; as might make him
hatefull to his best friends; and meerely a shame to himselfe。
  Many other the like conceits mollested him; sufficient to alter
his determination: but affection was much more prevayling in him;
and made him use this consultation。 How now Rinuccio? Wilt dare to
deny the first request; being mooved to thee by a Gentlewoman; whom
thou dearly lovest; and is the onely meanes; whereby to gaine
assurance of her gracious favour? Undoubtedly; were I sure to die in
the attempt; yet I will accomplish my promise。 And so he went on
with courage to the grave。
  Alessandro hearing his arrivall; and also the removall of the bords;
although he was exceedingly affraid; yet he lay quietly stil; and
stirred not; and Rinuccio beeing in the grave; tooke Alessandro by the
feete; haling him forth; and (mounting him uppon his backe) went on
thus loden; towards the house of Madam Francesca。 As he passed along
the streets; unseene or unmet by any; Alessandro suffered many
shrewd rushings and punches; by turnings at the streets corners; and
jolting against bulkes; poasts; and stalles; which Rinuccio could
not avoyd; in regard the night was so wonderfully darke; as hee
could not see which way he went。
  Being come somewhat neere to the Gentlewomans house; and she
standing readie in the Window with her Maide; to see when Rinuccio
should arrive there with Alessandro; provided also of an apt excuse;
to send them thence like a couple of Coxcombes; it fortuned; that
the Watchmen; attending there in the same streete; for the
apprehension of a banished man; stolne into the City contrarie to
order; hearing the trampling of Rinuccioes feete; directed their
course as they heard the noise; having their Lanthorne and light
closely covered; to see who it should be; and what he intended; and
beating their weapons against the ground; demanded; Who goes there?
Rinuccio knowing their voyces; and that now was no time for any long
deliberation: let fall Alessandro; and ran away as fast as his legs
could carry him。
  Alessandro being risen againe (although he was cloathed in
Scannadioes Garments; which were long and too bigge for him) fledde
away also as Rinuccio did。 All which Madame Francesca easily discerned
by helpe of the Watchmens Lanthorne; and how Rinuccio carried
Alessandro on his backe; beeing attired in the Garments of
Scannadio: whereat she mervailed not a litle; as also the great
boldnesse of them both。 But in the midst of her mervailing; she
laughed very heartily; when she saw the one let the other fall; and
both to runne away so manfully。 Which accident pleasing her beyond all
comparison; and applauding her good Fortune; to bee so happily
delivered from their daily mollestation: she betooke her selfe to
hir Chamber with the Maide; avouching solemnly to her; that
(questionlesse) they both affected her dearely; having undertaken such
a straunge imposition; and verie neere brought it to a finall
  Rinuccio; being sadly discontented; and curssing his hard fortune;
would not yet returne home to his Lodging: but; when the watch was
gone forth of that streete; came backe to the place where he let
fall Alessandro; purposing to accomplish the rest of his ente

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