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the decameron(十日谈)-第159章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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in his minde; that if he discovered any such matter to him: He will
(quoth he) be jealous of me; and being her Gossip (which admitteth his
conference with her when himselfe pleaseth;) he may easily make her to
distaste me; and therefore I must rest contented as I am。
  Their love continuing on still in this kinde; Tingoccio prooved so
fortunate in the businesse; that having better meanes then his
companion; and more prevayring courses; when; where; and how to
Court his Mistresse; which seemed to forward him effectually。 All
which Meucio plainely perceived; and though it was tedious and
wearisome to him; yet hoping to finde some successe at length: he
would not take notice of any thing; as fearing to infringe the amity
betweene him and Tingoccio; and so his hope to be quite supplanted。
Thus the one triumphing in his loves happinesse; and the other
hoping for his felicity to come; a lingering sickenesse seazed on
Tingoccio; which brought him to so low a condition; as at the length
he dyed。
  About some three or foure nights after; Meucio being fast asleepe in
his bed; the ghoste of Tingoccio appeared to him; and called so
loude that Meucio awaking; demanded who called him? I am thy friend
Tingoccio; replied the ghoste; who according to my former promise
made; am come again in vision to thee; to tell thee tidings out of the
nether world。 Meucio was a while somewhat amazed: but; recollecting
his more manly spirits together; boldly he said。 My brother and
friend; thou art heartily welcome: but I thought thou hadst beene
utterly lost。 Those things (quoth Tingoccio) are lost; which cannot be
recovered againe; and if I were lost; how could I then be heere with
thee? Alas Tingoccio; replyed Meucio; my meaning is not so: but I
would be resolved; whether thou art among the damned soules; in the
painefull fire of hell torments; or no? No (quoth Tingoccio) I am
not sent thither; but for divers sinnes by mee committed I am to
suffer very great and grievous paines。 Then Meucio demaunded
particularly; the punishments inflicted there; for the severall sinnes
committed heere: Wherein Tingoccio fully resolved him。 And upon
further question; what hee would have to be done for him here; made
answere; That Meucio should cause Masses; Prayers and Almes…deeds to
be performed for him; which (he said) were very helpefull to the
soules abiding there; and Meucio promised to see them done。
  As the ghost was offering to depart; Meucio remembred Tingoccioes
Gossip Monna Mita; and raysing himselfe higher upon his pillowe; said。
My memorie informeth me friend Tingoccio; your kinde Gossip Monna
Mita; with whom (when you remained in this life) I knew you to be very
familiar: let me intreat you then to tell me; what punishment is
inflicted on you there; for that wanton sinne committed heere? Oh
Brother Meucio; answered Tingoccio; so soone as my soule was landed
there; one came immediately to me; who seemed to know all mine
offences readily by heart; and forthwith commanded; that I should
depart thence into a certaine place; where I must weepe for my
sinnes in very grievous paines。 There I found more of my companions;
condemned to the same punishment as I was; and being among them; I
called to minde some wanton dalliances; which had passed betweene my
Gossip and me; and expecting therefore farre greater afflictions; then
as yet I felt (although I was in a huge fire; and exceedingly hot) yet
with conceite of feare; I quaked and trembled wondrously。
  One of my other Consorts being by me; and perceiving in what an
extreame agony I was; presently said unto me。 My friend; what hast
thou done more; then any of us here condemned with thee; that thou
tremblest and quakest; being in so hot a fire? Oh my friend (quoth
I) I am in feare of a greater judgement then this; for a grievous
offence by mee heretofore committed while I lived。 Then hee
demaunded of mee what offence it was; whereto thus I answered。 It
was my chance in the other world; to be Godfather at a childs
Christning; and afterward I grew so affectionate to the childs mother;
as (indeed) I kissed her twice or thrise。 My companyon laughing at
me in mocking manner; replyed thus。 Goe like an Asse as thou art;
and be no more afraid hereafter; for here is no punishment
inflicted; in any kinde whatsoever; for such offences of frailty
committed; especially with Gossips; as I my selfe can witnesse。
  Now day drew on; and the Cockes began to crow; a dreadfull hearing
to walking spirits; when Tingoccio said to Meucio。 Farewell my
friendly companion; for I may tarry no longer with thee; and instantly
hee vanished away。 Meucio having heard this confession of his
friend; and verily beleeving it for a truth; that no punishment was to
be inflicted in the future world; for offences of frailty in this
life; and chiefly with Gossips: began to condemne his owne folly;
having bin a Gossip to many wives; yet modesty restrained him from
such familiar offending。 And therefore being sorry for this grosse
ignorance; hee made a vowe to be wiser hereafter。 And if Fryar Reynard
had been acquainted with this kind of shrift (as doubtlesse he was;
though his Gossip Agnesia knew it not) he needed no such
Syllogismes; as he put in practise; when he converted her to his
lustfull knavery; in the comparison of kinred by him moved; concerning
her husband; the childe and himselfe。 But; these are the best fruits
of such Fryerly Confessions; to compasse the issue of their inordinate
appetites; yet clouded with the cloake of Religion; which hath beene
the overthrow of too many。
  By this time the gentle blast of Zephirus began to blow; because the
Sunne grew neere his setting; wherewith the King concluded his Novell;
and none remaining more to be thus imployed: taking the Crowne from
off his owne head; he placed it on Madame Laurettaes; saying;
Madame; I Crowne you with your owne Crowne; as Queene of our
Company。 You shall henceforth command as Lady and Mistresse; in such
occasions as shall be to your liking; and for the contentment of us
all; With which words he set him downe。 And Madame Lauretta being
now created Queene; shee caused the Master of the houshold to bee
called; to whom she gave command; that the Tables should be prepared n
the pleasant vally; but at a more convenient houre; then formerly
had beene; because they might (with better ease) returne backe to
the Pallace。 Then shee tooke order likewise; for all such other
necessary matters; as should bee required in the time of f Regiment:
and then turning her selfe to the whole Company; she began in this
  It was the Will of Dioneus yesternight; that our discourses for this
day; should concerne the deceits of wives to their Husbands。 And
were it not to avoyde taxation; of a spleenitive desire to be
revenged; like the dog being bitten; biteth againe: I could command
our to morrows conference; to touch mens treacheries towards their
wives。 But because I am free from any such fiery humor; let it be your
generall consideration; to speake of such queint beguylings; as have
heretofore past; either of the woman to the man; the man to the woman;
or of one man to another: and I am of opinion; that they will yeeld us
no lesse delight; then those related (this day) have done。 When she
had thus spoken; she rose; granting them all liberty; to goe
recreate themselves untill Supper time。
  The Ladies being thus at their owne disposing; some of them bared
their legges and feete; to wash them in the coole current。 Others; not
so minded; walked on the greene grasse; and under the goodly spread:
trees。 Dioneus and Madame Fiammetta; they sate singing together; the
love…warre between Arcit and Palemon。 And thus with diversity of
disports; in choice delight and much contentment; all were imployed;
till Supper drew neere。 When the houre re come; and the Tables covered
by the Ponds side: we need not question their dyet and dainties;
infinite Birds sweetly singing about them; as no musicke in the
world could be more pleasing; beside calme windes; fanning their faces
from the neighbouring hilles (free from flyes; or the least annoyance)
made a delicate addition to their pleasure。
  No sooner we

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