贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the decameron(十日谈) >


the decameron(十日谈)-第122章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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more; then his meanes and ability could maintaine; and no supplies any
way redounding to him; or his faculties (as very easily they might)
diminished in such sort; that became so poore; as he had nothing
left him; but a small poore Farme to live upon; the silly revenewes
whereof were so meane; as scarcely allowed him meat and drinke; yet
had he a faire Hawke or Faulcon; hardly any where to be fellowed; so
expeditious and sure she was of flight。 His low ebbe and poverty; no
way quailing his love to the Lady; but rather setting a keener edge
thereon; he saw the City life could no longer containe him; where most
he coveted to abide: and therefore; betooke himselfe to his poore
Countrey Farme; to let his Faulcon get him his dinner and supper;
patiently supporting his penurious estate; without suite or meanes
making to one; for helpe or reliefe in any such necessity。
  While thus he continued in this extremity; it came to passe; that
the Husband to Madam Giana fell sicke; and his debility of body
being such; as little; or no hope of life remained: he made his last
will and testament; ordaining thereby; that his Sonne (already
growne to indifferent stature) should be heire to all his Lands and
riches; wherein he abounded very greatly。 Next unto him; if he chanced
to die without a lawfull heire; he substituted his Wife; whom most
dearely he affected; and so departed out of this life。 Madam Giana
being thus left a widdow; as commonly it is the custome of our City
Dames; during the Summer season; she went to a house of her owne in
the Countrey; which was somewhat neere to poore Frederigoes Farme; and
where he lived in such an honest kind of contented poverty。
  Hereupon; the young Gentleman her Sonne; taking great delight in
Hounds and Hawkes; grew into familiarity with poore Frederigo; and
having seene many faire flights of his Faulcon; they pleased him so
extraordinarily; that he earnestly desired to enjoy her as his owne;
yet durst not move the motion for her; because he saw how choycely
Frederigo esteemed her。 Within a short while after; the young
Gentleman; became very sicke; whereat his Mother greeved
exceedingly; (as having no more but he; and therefore loved him the
more entirely) never parting from him night or day; comforting him
so kindly as she could; and demanding; if he had a desire to any
thing; willing him to reveale it; and assuring him withall; that (it
were within the compasse of possibility) he should have it。 The
youth hearing how many times she had made him these offers; and with
such vehement protestations of performance; at last thus spake。
  Mother (quoth he) if you can do so much for me; as that I may have
Frederigoes Faulcon; I am perswaded; that my sicknesse soone will
cease。 The Lady hearing this; sate some short while musing to her
selfe; and began to consider; what she might best doe to compasse
her Sonnes desire: for well she knew; how long a time Frederigo had
most lovingly kept it; not suffering it ever to be out of his sight。
Moreover; shee remembred; how earnest in affection he had bene to her;
never thinking himselfe happy; but onely when he was in her company;
wherefore; shee entred into this private consultation with her owne
thoughts。 Shall I send; or goe my selfe in person; to request the
Faulcon of him; it being the best that ever flew? It is his onely
Jewell of delight; and that taken from him; no longer can he wish to
live in this World。 How farre then voyde of understanding shall I shew
my selfe; to rob a Gentleman of his sole felicity; having no other joy
or comfort left him? These and the like considerations; wheeled
about her troubled braine; onely in tender care and love to her Sonne;
perswading her selfe assuredly; that the Faulcon were her owne; if she
would but request it: yet not knowing whereon it were best to resolve;
shee returned no answer to her Sonne; but sate still in her silent
meditations。 At the length; love to the youth; so prevailed with
her; that she concluded on his contentation; and (come of it what
could) shee would not send for it; but go her selfe in person to
request it; and then returne home againe with it: whereupon thus she
spake。 Sonne; comfort thy selfe; and let languishing thoughts no
longer offend thee: for here I promise thee; that the first thing I do
to morrow morning; shall bee my journey for the Faulcon; and assure
thy selfe; that I will bring it with me。 Whereat the youth was so
joyed; that he imagined; his sicknesse began instantly a little to
leave him; and promised him a speedy recovery。
  Somewhat early the next morning; the Lady; in care of her sicke Sons
health; was up and ready betimes; and taking another Gentlewoman
with her; onely as a morning recreation; shee walked to Frederigoes
poore Countrey Farme; knowing that it would not a little glad him to
see her。 At the time of her arrivall there; he was (by chance) in a
silly Garden; on the backe…side of the a si House; because (as yet) it
was no convenient time for flight: but when he heard; that Madam Glana
was come thither; and desired to have some conference with him; as one
almost confounded with admiration; in all hast he ran to her; and
saluted her with most humble reverence。 She in all modest and gracious
manner; requited him with the like salutations; thus speaking to
him。 Signior Frederigo; your owne best wishes befriend you; I am now
come hither; to recompence some part of your passed travailes; which
heretofore you pretended traval I to suffer for my sake; when your
love was more to me; then did well become you to offer; or my selfe to
accept。 And such is the nature of my recompence; that I make my
selfe your guest; and meane this day to dine with as also this
Gentlewoman; making no doubt of our welcome: whereto; with lowly
reverence; thus he replyed。
  Madam; I doe not remember; that ever I sustained any losse or
hinderance by you; but rather so much good; as if I was worth any
thing; it proceeded from your great deservings; and by the service
in which I did stand engaged to you。 But my present happinesse can
no way be equalled; derived from your super…abounding gracious favour;
and more then common course of kindnesse; vouchsafing (of your owne
liberall nature) to come and visit so poore a servant。 Oh that I had
as much to spend againe; as heretofore riotously I have runne
thorow: what a welcome would your poore Host bestow upon you; for
gracing; this homely house with your divine presence? With these
wordes; he conducted her into his house; and then into his simple
Garden; where having no convenient company for her; he said。 Madam;
the poverty of this place is such; that it affoordeth none fit for
your conversation: this poore woman; wife to an honest Husbandman will
attend on you; while I (with some speede) shall make ready dinner。
  Poore Frederigo; although his necessity was extreame; and his greefe
great; remembring his former inordinate expences; a moity whereof
would now have stood him in some stead; yet he had a heart as free and
forward as ever; not a jotte dejected in his minde; though utterly
overthrowne by Fortune。 Alas! how was his good soule afflicted; that
he had nothing wherewith to honour his Lady? Up and downe he runnes;
one while this way; then againe another; exclaiming on his
disastrous Fate; like a man enraged; or bereft of senses: for he had
not one peny of mony neither pawne or pledge; wherewith to procure
any。 The time hasted on; and he would gladly (though in meane measure)
expresse his honourable respect of the Lady。 To begge of any; his
nature denied it; and to borrow he could not; because his neighbours
were all as needie as himselfe。
  At last; looking round about; and seeing his Faulcon standing on her
pearch; which he felt to be very plumpe and fat; being voyde of all
other helpes in his neede; and thinking her to be a Fowle meete for so
Noble a Lady to feede on: without any further demurring or delay; he
pluckt off her necke; and caused the poore woman presently to pull her
Feathers: which being done; he put her on the spit; and in short
time she was daintily roasted。 Himselfe covered the Table; set bread
and salt on and laid the Napkins; 

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