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the decameron(十日谈)-第103章

小说: the decameron(十日谈) 字数: 每页4000字

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had not hid the crimson blush; which mounted up into her face。 But the
Song being ended; and divers other beside; lasting till the houre of
rest drew on; by command of the Queene; they all repaired to their

                    THE INDUCTION TO THE FIFT DAY

                      PERILLOUS MISFORTUNES

  Now began the Sunne to dart foorth his golden beames; when Madam
Fiammetta (incited by the sweete singing Birdes; which since the
breake of day; sat merrily chanting on the trees) arose from her
bed: as all the other Ladies likewise did; and the three young
Gentlemen descending downe into the fields; where they walked in a
gentle pace on the greene grasse; untill the Sunne were risen a little
higher。 On many pleasant matters they conferred together; as they
walked in severall companies; till at the length the Queene; finding
the heate to enlarge it selfe strongly; returned backe to the
Castle; where when they were all arrived; she commanded; that after
this mornings walking; their stomackes should be refreshed with
wholsom Wines; as also divers sorts of banquetting stuffe。
Afterward; they all repaired into the Garden; not departing thence;
the houre of dinner was come: at which time; the Master of the
houshold; having prepared every thing in decent readinesse; after a
solemne song was sung; by order from the Queene; they were seated:
  When they had dined; to their own liking and contentment; they began
(in continuation of their former order) to exercise divers dances; and
afterward voyces to their instruments; and many pretty Madrigals and
Roundelayes。 Upon the finishing of these delights; the Queene gave
them leave to take their rest; when such as were so minded; went to
sleep; others solaced themselves in the Garden。 But after midday was
overpast; they met (according to their wonted manner) and as the
Queene had commanded; at the faire Fountaine; where she being placed
in her seate royall; and casting her eye upon Pamphilus; she bad him
begin the dayes discourses; of happy successe in love; after
disastrous and troublesome accidents; who yeelding thereto with humble
reverence; thus began。
  Many Novels (gracious Ladies) do offer themselves to my memory;
wherewith to beginne so pleasant a day; as it is her Highnesse
desire that this should be: among which plenty; I esteeme one above
all the rest; because you may comprehend thereby; not onely the
fortunate conclusion; wherewith we intend to begin our day; but
also; how mighty the forces of Love are; deserving to be both
admired and reverenced。 Albeit there are many; who scarsely knowing
what they say; do condemne them with infinite grosse imputations:
which I purpose to disprove; and (I hope) to your no little pleasing。

                     THE FIFT DAY; THE FIRST NOVELL


  Chynon; by falling in Love; became wise; and by force of Armes;
winning his faire Lady Iphigenia on the Seas; was afterward imprisoned
at Rhodes。 Being delivered by anyone named Lysimachus; with him he
recovered his Iphigenia againe; and faire Cassandra; even in the
middest of their marriage。 They fled with them into Candye; where
after they had married them; they were called home to their owne

  According to the ancient Annales of the Cypriots; there sometime
lived in Cyprus; a Noble Gentleman; who was commonly called
Aristippus; and exceeded all other of the Country in the goods of
Fortune。 Divers children he had; but (amongst the rest) a Sonne; in
whose birth he was more infortunate then any of the rest; and
continually greeved; in regard; that having all the compleate
perfections of beauty; good forme; and manly parts; surpassing all
other youths of his age or stature; yet hee wanted the reall
ornament of the soule; reason and judgement; being (indeed a meere
Ideot or Foole;) and no better hope to be expected of him。 His true
name; according as he received it by Baptisme; was Galesus; but
because neyther by the laborious paines of his Tutors indulgence;
and faire endevour of his parents; or ingenuity of any other; he could
not be brought to civility of life; understanding of Letters; or
common carriage of a reasonable creature: by his grosse and deformed
kinde of speech; his qualities also savouring rather of brutish
breeding; then any way derived from manly education; as an Epithite of
scorne and derision; generally; they gave him the name of Chynon;
which in their native Countrey language; and divers other beside;
signifieth a very Sot or Foole; and so was he termed by every one。
  This lost kinde of life in him; was no meane burthen of greefe
unto his Noble Father; and all hope being already spent; of any future
happy recovery; he gave command (because he would not alwaies have
such a sorrow in his sight) that he should live at a Farme of his owne
in a Country Village; among his Peazants and Plough…Swaines。 Which was
not any way distastefull to Chynon; but well agreed with his owne
naturall disposition; for their rurall qualities; and grosse behaviour
pleased him beyond the Cities civility。 Chynon living thus at his
Fathers Countrey Village; exercising nothing else but rurall
demeanour; such as then delighted him above all other: it chanced upon
a day about the houre of noone; as hee was walking over the fields;
with a long staffe on his necke; which commonly he used to carry; he
entred in to a small thicket; reputed the goodliest in all those
quarters; and by reason it was then the month of May; the Trees had
their leaves fairely shot forth。
  When he had walked through the thicket; it came to passe; that (even
as good Fortune guided him) hee came into a faire Meadow; on every
side engirt with and in one corner thereof stoode a goodly
Fountaine; whose current was both coole and cleare。 Hard by it; upon
the greene grasse; he espied a very beautifull young Damosell; seeming
to be fast asleepe; attired in such fine loose garments; as hidde very
little of her white body: onely from the girdle downward; she ware a
kirtle made close unto her; of interwoven delicate silke; and at her
feete lay two other Damosels sleeping; and a servant in the same
manner。 No sooner had Chynon fixed his eye upon her; but he stood
leaning upon his staffe; and viewed her very advisedly; without
speaking word; and in no meane admiration; as if he had never seene
the forme of a woman before。 He began then to feele in his harsh
rurall understanding (whereinto never till now; either by painfull
instruction; or all other good meanes used to him; any honest civility
had power of impression) a strange kinde of humour to awake; which
informed his grosse and dull spirite; that this Damosell was the
very fairest; which ever any living man beheld。
  Then he began to distinguish her parts; commending the tresses of
her haire; which he imagined to be of gold; her forehead; nose; mouth;
necke; armes; but (above all) her brests; appearing (as yet) but onely
to shew themselves; like two little mountaines。 So that; of a
fielden clownish lout; he would needs now become a Judge of beauty;
coveting earnestly in his soule; to see her eyes; which were veiled
over with sound sleepe; that kept them fast enclosed together; and
onely to looke on them; hee wished a thousand times; that she would
awake。 For; in his judgement; she excelled all the women that ever
he had seene; and doubted; whether she were some Goddesse or no; so
strangely was he metamorphosed from folly; to a sensible apprehension;
more then common。 And so farre did this sodaine knowledge in him
extend; that he could conceive of divine and celestiall things; and
that they were more to be admired and reverenced; then those of humane
or terrene consideration; wherefore the more gladly he contented
himselfe; to tarry till she awaked of her owne accord。 And although
the time of stay seemed tedious to him; yet notwithstanding; he was

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