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memories and portraits-第33章

小说: memories and portraits 字数: 每页4000字

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certain old houses demand to be haunted; certain coasts are set 

apart for shipwreck。  Other spots again seem to abide their 

destiny; suggestive and impenetrable; 〃miching mallecho。〃  The inn 

at Burford Bridge; with its arbours and green garden and silent; 

eddying river … though it is known already as the place where Keats 

wrote some of his ENDYMION and Nelson parted from his Emma … still 

seems to wait the coming of the appropriate legend。  Within these 

ivied walls; behind these old green shutters; some further business 

smoulders; waiting for its hour。  The old Hawes Inn at the Queen's 

Ferry makes a similar call upon my fancy。  There it stands; apart 

from the town; beside the pier; in a climate of its own; half 

inland; half marine … in front

the ferry bubbling with the tide and the guardship swinging to her 

anchor; behind; the old garden with the trees。  Americans seek it 

already for the sake of Lovel and Oldbuck; who dined there at the 

beginning of the ANTIQUARY。  But you need not tell me … that is not 

all; there is some story; unrecorded or not yet complete; which 

must express the meaning of that inn more fully。  So it is with 

names and faces; so it is with incidents that are idle and 

inconclusive in themselves; and yet seem like the beginning of some 

quaint romance; which the all…careless author leaves untold。  How 

many of these romances have we not seen determine at their birth; 

how many people have met us with a look of meaning in their eye; 

and sunk at once into trivial acquaintances; to how many places 

have we not drawn near; with express intimations … 〃here my destiny 

awaits me〃 … and we have but dined there and passed on!  I have 

lived both at the Hawes and Burford in a perpetual flutter; on the 

heels; as it seemed; of some adventure that should justify the 

place; but though the feeling had me to bed at night and called me 

again at morning in one unbroken round of pleasure and suspense; 

nothing befell me in either worth remark。  The man or the hour had 

not yet come; but some day; I think; a boat shall put off from the 

Queen's Ferry; fraught with a dear cargo; and some frosty night a 

horseman; on a tragic errand; rattle with his whip upon the green 

shutters of the inn at Burford。 (9)

Now; this is one of the natural appetites with which any lively 

literature has to count。  The desire for knowledge; I had almost 

added the desire for meat; is not more deeply seated than this 

demand for fit and striking incident。  The dullest of clowns tells; 

or tries to tell; himself a story; as the feeblest of children uses 

invention in his play; and even as the imaginative grown person; 

joining in the game; at once enriches it with many delightful 

circumstances; the great creative writer shows us the realisation 

and the apotheosis of the day…dreams of common men。  His stories 

may be nourished with the realities of life; but their true mark is 

to satisfy the nameless longings of the reader; and to obey the 

ideal laws of the day…dream。  The right kind of thing should fall 

out in the right kind of place; the right kind of thing should 

follow; and not only the characters talk aptly and think naturally; 

but all the circumstances in a tale answer one to another like 

notes in music。  The threads of a story come from time to time 

together and make a picture in the web; the characters fall from 

time to time into some attitude to each other or to nature; which 

stamps the story home like an illustration。  Crusoe recoiling from 

the footprint; Achilles shouting over against the Trojans; Ulysses 

bending the great bow; Christian running with his fingers in his 

ears; these are each culminating moments in the legend; and each 

has been printed on the mind's eye for ever。  Other things we may 

forget; we may forget the words; although they are beautiful; we 

may forget the author's comment; although perhaps it was ingenious 

and true; but these epoch…making scenes; which put the last mark of 

truth upon a story and fill up; at one blow; our capacity for 

sympathetic pleasure; we so adopt into the very bosom of our mind 

that neither time nor tide can efface or weaken the impression。  

This; then; is the plastic part of literature: to embody character; 

thought; or emotion in some act or attitude that shall be 

remarkably striking to the mind's eye。  This is the highest and 

hardest thing to do in words; the thing which; once accomplished; 

equally delights the schoolboy and the sage; and makes; in its own 

right; the quality of epics。  Compared with this; all other 

purposes in literature; except the purely lyrical or the purely 

philosophic; are bastard in nature; facile of execution; and feeble 

in result。  It is one thing to write about the inn at Burford; or 

to describe scenery with the word…painters; it is quite another to 

seize on the heart of the suggestion and make a country famous with 

a legend。  It is one thing to remark and to dissect; with the most 

cutting logic; the complications of life; and of the human spirit; 

it is quite another to give them body and blood in the story of 

Ajax or of Hamlet。  The first is literature; but the second is 

something besides; for it is likewise art。

English people of the present day (10) are apt; I know not why; to 

look somewhat down on incident; and reserve their admiration for 

the clink of teaspoons and the accents of the curate。  It is 

thought clever to write a novel with no story at all; or at least 

with a very dull one。  Reduced even to the lowest terms; a certain 

interest can be communicated by the art of narrative; a sense of 

human kinship stirred; and a kind of monotonous fitness; comparable 

to the words and air of SANDY'S MULL; preserved among the 

infinitesimal occurrences recorded。  Some people work; in this 

manner; with even a strong touch。  Mr。 Trollope's inimitable 

clergymen naturally arise to the mind in this connection。  But even 

Mr。 Trollope does not confine himself to chronicling small beer。  

Mr。 Crawley's collision with the Bishop's wife; Mr。 Melnotte 

dallying in the deserted banquet…room; are typical incidents; 

epically conceived; fitly embodying a crisis。  Or again look at 

Thackeray。  If Rawdon Crawley's blow were not delivered; VANITY 

FAIR would cease to be a work of art。  That scene is the chief 

ganglion of the tale; and the discharge of energy from Rawdon's 

fist is the reward and consolation of the reader。  The end of 

ESMOND is a yet wider excursion from the author's customary fields; 

the scene at Castlewood is pure Dumas; the great and wily English 

borrower has here borrowed from the great; unblushing French thief; 

as usual; he has borrowed admirably well; and the breaking of the 

sword rounds off the best of all his books with a manly; martial 

note。  But perhaps nothing can more strongly illustrate the 

necessity for marking incident than to compare the living fame of 


is a book of a far more startling import; worked out; on a great 

canvas; with inimitable courage and unflagging art。  It contains 

wit; character; passion; plot; conversations full of spirit and 

insight; letters sparkling with unstrained humanity; and if the 

death of the heroine be somewhat frigid and artificial; the last 

days of the hero strike the only note of what we now call Byronism; 

between the Elizabethans and Byron himself。  And yet a little story 

of a shipwrecked sailor; with not a tenth part of the style nor a 

thousandth part of the wisdom; exploring none of the arcana of 

humanity and deprived of the perennial interest of love; goes on 

from edition to edition; ever young; while CLARISSA lies upon the 

shelves unread。  A friend of mine; a Welsh blacksmith; was twenty…

five years old and could neither read nor write; when he heard a 

chapter of ROBINSON read aloud in a farm kitchen。  Up to that 

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