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memories and portraits-第23章

小说: memories and portraits 字数: 每页4000字

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to our respect and pity。  A flavour of the old school; a touch of 

something different in their manner … which is freer and rounder; 

if they come of what is called a good family; and often more timid 

and precise if they are of the middle class … serves; in these 

days; to accentuate the difference of age and add a distinction to 

gray hairs。  But their superiority is founded more deeply than by 

outward marks or gestures。  They are before us in the march of man; 

they have more or less solved the irking problem; they have battled 

through the equinox of life; in good and evil they have held their 

course; and now; without open shame; they near the crown and 

harbour。  It may be we have been struck with one of fortune's 

darts; we can scarce be civil; so cruelly is our spirit tossed。  

Yet long before we were so much as thought upon; the like calamity 

befell the old man or woman that now; with pleasant humour; rallies 

us upon our inattention; sitting composed in the holy evening of 

man's life; in the clear shining after rain。  We grow ashamed of 

our distresses; new and hot and coarse; like villainous roadside 

brandy; we see life in aerial perspective; under the heavens of 

faith; and out of the worst; in the mere presence of contented 

elders; look forward and take patience。  Fear shrinks before them 

〃like a thing reproved;〃 not the flitting and ineffectual fear of 

death; but the instant; dwelling terror of the responsibilities and 

revenges of life。  Their speech; indeed; is timid; they report 

lions in the path; they counsel a meticulous footing; but their 

serene; marred faces are more eloquent and tell another story。  

Where they have gone; we will go also; not very greatly fearing; 

what they have endured unbroken; we also; God helping us; will make 

a shift to bear。

Not only is the presence of the aged in itself remedial; but their 

minds are stored with antidotes; wisdom's simples; plain 

considerations overlooked by youth。  They have matter to 

communicate; be they never so stupid。  Their talk is not merely 

literature; it is great literature; classic in virtue of the 

speaker's detachment; studded; like a book of travel; with things 

we should not otherwise have learnt。  In virtue; I have said; of 

the speaker's detachment; … and this is why; of two old men; the 

one who is not your father speaks to you with the more sensible 

authority; for in the paternal relation the oldest have lively 

interests and remain still young。  Thus I have known two young men 

great friends; each swore by the other's father; the father of each 

swore by the other lad; and yet each pair of parent and child were 

perpetually by the ears。  This is typical: it reads like the germ 

of some kindly comedy。

The old appear in conversation in two characters: the critically 

silent and the garrulous anecdotic。  The last is perhaps what we 

look for; it is perhaps the more instructive。  An old gentleman; 

well on in years; sits handsomely and naturally in the bow…window 

of his age; scanning experience with reverted eye; and chirping and 

smiling; communicates the accidents and reads the lesson of his 

long career。  Opinions are strengthened; indeed; but they are also 

weeded out in the course of years。  What remains steadily present 

to the eye of the retired veteran in his hermitage; what still 

ministers to his content; what still quickens his old honest heart 

… these are 〃the real long…lived things〃 that Whitman tells us to 

prefer。  Where youth agrees with age; not where they differ; wisdom 

lies; and it is when the young disciple finds his heart to beat in 

tune with his gray…bearded teacher's that a lesson may be learned。  

I have known one old gentleman; whom I may name; for he in now 

gathered to his stock … Robert Hunter; Sheriff of Dumbarton; and 

author of an excellent law…book still re…edited and republished。  

Whether he was originally big or little is more than I can guess。  

When I knew him he was all fallen away and fallen in; crooked and 

shrunken; buckled into a stiff waistcoat for support; troubled by 

ailments; which kept him hobbling in and out of the room; one foot 

gouty; a wig for decency; not for deception; on his head; close 

shaved; except under his chin … and for that he never failed to 

apologise; for it went sore against the traditions of his life。  

You can imagine how he would fare in a novel by Miss Mather; yet 

this rag of a Chelsea veteran lived to his last year in the 

plenitude of all that is best in man; brimming with human kindness; 

and staunch as a Roman soldier under his manifold infirmities。  You 

could not say that he had lost his memory; for he would repeat 

Shakespeare and Webster and Jeremy Taylor and Burke by the page 

together; but the parchment was filled up; there was no room for 

fresh inscriptions; and he was capable of repeating the same 

anecdote on many successive visits。  His voice survived in its full 

power; and he took a pride in using it。  On his last voyage as 

Commissioner of lighthouses; he hailed a ship at sea and made 

himself clearly audible without a speaking trumpet; ruffling the 

while with a proper vanity in his achievement。  He had a habit of 

eking out his words with interrogative hems; which was puzzling and 

a little wearisome; suited ill with his appearance; and seemed a 

survival from some former stage of bodily portliness。  Of yore; 

when he was a great pedestrian and no enemy to good claret; he may 

have pointed with these minute guns his allocutions to the bench。  

His humour was perfectly equable; set beyond the reach of fate; 

gout; rheumatism; stone and gravel might have combined their forces 

against that frail tabernacle; but when I came round on Sunday 

evening; he would lay aside Jeremy Taylor's LIFE OF CHRIST and 

greet me with the same open brow; the same kind formality of 

manner。  His opinions and sympathies dated the man almost to a 

decade。  He had begun life; under his mother's influence; as an 

admirer of Junius; but on maturer knowledge had transferred his 

admiration to Burke。  He cautioned me; with entire gravity; to be 

punctilious in writing English; never to forget that I was a 

Scotchman; that English was a foreign tongue; and that if I 

attempted the colloquial; I should certainly; be shamed: the remark 

was apposite; I suppose; in the days of David Hume。  Scott was too 

new for him; he had known the author … known him; too; for a Tory; 

and to the genuine classic a contemporary is always something of a 

trouble。  He had the old; serious love of the play; had even; as he 

was proud to tell; played a certain part in the history of 

Shakespearian revivals; for he had successfully pressed on Murray; 

of the old Edinburgh Theatre; the idea of producing Shakespeare's 

fairy pieces with great scenic display。  A moderate in religion; he 

was much struck in the last years of his life by a conversation 

with two young lads; revivalists 〃H'm;〃 he would say … 〃new to me。  

I have had … h'm … no such experience。〃  It struck him; not with 

pain; rather with a solemn philosophic interest; that he; a 

Christian as he hoped; and a Christian of so old a standing; should 

hear these young fellows talking of his own subject; his own 

weapons that he had fought the battle of life with; … 〃and … h'm … 

not understand。〃  In this wise and graceful attitude he did justice 

to himself and others; reposed unshaken in his old beliefs; and 

recognised their limits without anger or alarm。  His last recorded 

remark; on the last night of his life; was after he had been 

arguing against Calvinism with his minister and was interrupted by 

an intolerable pang。  〃After all;〃 he said; 〃of all the 'isms; I 

know none so bad as rheumatism。〃  My own last sight of him was some 

time before; when we dined together at an inn; he had been on 

circuit; for he stuck to his duties like a chief part of his 

existence; and I re

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