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memories and portraits-第15章

小说: memories and portraits 字数: 每页4000字

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grace in many Indian pictures; gaudily coloured and dear to young 

eyes。  I cannot depict (for I have no such passions now) the greed 

with which I beheld them; and when I was once sent in to say a 

psalm to my grandfather; I went; quaking indeed with fear; but at 

the same time glowing with hope that; if I said it well; he might 

reward me with an Indian picture。

〃Thy foot He'll not let slide; nor will

He slumber that thee keeps;〃

it ran: a strange conglomerate of the unpronounceable; a sad model 

to set in childhood before one who was himself to be a versifier; 

and a task in recitation that really merited reward。  And I must 

suppose the old man thought so too; and was either touched or 

amused by the performance; for he took me in his arms with most 

unwonted tenderness; and kissed me; and gave me a little kindly 

sermon for my psalm; so that; for that day; we were clerk and 

parson。  I was struck by this reception into so tender a surprise 

that I forgot my disappointment。  And indeed the hope was one of 

those that childhood forges for a pastime; and with no design upon 

reality。  Nothing was more unlikely than that my grandfather should 

strip himself of one of those pictures; love…gifts and reminders of 

his absent sons; nothing more unlikely than that he should bestow 

it upon me。  He had no idea of spoiling children; leaving all that 

to my aunt; he had fared hard himself; and blubbered under the rod 

in the last century; and his ways were still Spartan for the young。  

The last word I heard upon his lips was in this Spartan key。  He 

had over…walked in the teeth of an east wind; and was now near the 

end of his many days。  He sat by the dining…room fire; with his 

white hair; pale face and bloodshot eyes; a somewhat awful figure; 

and my aunt had given him a dose of our good old Scotch medicine; 

Dr。 Gregory's powder。  Now that remedy; as the work of a near 

kinsman of Rob Roy himself; may have a savour of romance for the 

imagination; but it comes uncouthly to the palate。  The old 

gentleman had taken it with a wry face; and that being 

accomplished; sat with perfect simplicity; like a child's; munching 

a 〃barley…sugar kiss。〃  But when my aunt; having the canister open 

in her hands; proposed to let me share in the sweets; he interfered 

at once。  I had had no Gregory; then I should have no barley…sugar 

kiss: so he decided with a touch of irritation。  And just then the 

phaeton coming opportunely to the kitchen door … for such was our 

unlordly fashion … I was taken for the last time from the presence 

of my grandfather。

Now I often wonder what I have inherited from this old minister。  I 

must suppose; indeed; that he was fond of preaching sermons; and so 

am I; though I never heard it maintained that either of us loved to 

hear them。  He sought health in his youth in the Isle of Wight; and 

I have sought it in both hemispheres; but whereas he found and kept 

it; I am still on the quest。  He was a great lover of Shakespeare; 

whom he read aloud; I have been told; with taste; well; I love my 

Shakespeare also; and am persuaded I can read him well; though I 

own I never have been told so。  He made embroidery; designing his 

own patterns; and in that kind of work I never made anything but a 

kettle…holder in Berlin wool; and an odd garter of knitting; which 

was as black as the chimney before I had done with it。  He loved 

port; and nuts; and porter; and so do I; but they agreed better 

with my grandfather; which seems to me a breach of contract。  He 

had chalk…stones in his fingers; and these; in good time; I may 

possibly inherit; but I would much rather have inherited his noble 

presence。  Try as I please; I cannot join myself on with the 

reverend doctor; and all the while; no doubt; and even as I write 

the phrase; he moves in my blood; and whispers words to me; and 

sits efficient in the very knot and centre of my being。  In his 

garden; as I played there; I learned the love of mills … or had I 

an ancestor a miller? … and a kindness for the neighbourhood of 

graves; as homely things not without their poetry … or had I an 

ancestor a sexton?  But what of the garden where he played himself? 

… for that; too; was a scene of my education。  Some part of me 

played there in the eighteenth century; and ran races under the 

green avenue at Pilrig; some part of me trudged up Leith Walk; 

which was still a country place; and sat on the High School 

benches; and was thrashed; perhaps; by Dr。 Adam。  The house where I 

spent my youth was not yet thought upon; but we made holiday 

parties among the cornfields on its site; and ate strawberries and 

cream near by at a gardener's。  All this I had forgotten; only my 

grandfather remembered and once reminded me。  I have forgotten; 

too; how we grew up; and took orders; and went to our first 

Ayrshire parish; and fell in love with and married a daughter of 

Burns's Dr。 Smith … 〃Smith opens out his cauld harangues。〃  I have 

forgotten; but I was there all the same; and heard stories of Burns 

at first hand。

And there is a thing stranger than all that; for this HOMUNCULUS or 

part…man of mine that walked about the eighteenth century with Dr。 

Balfour in his youth; was in the way of meeting other HOMUNCULOS or 

part…men; in the persons of my other ancestors。  These were of a 

lower order; and doubtless we looked down upon them duly。  But as I 

went to college with Dr。 Balfour; I may have seen the lamp and oil 

man taking down the shutters from his shop beside the Tron; … we 

may have had a rabbit…hutch or a bookshelf made for us by a certain 

carpenter in I know not what wynd of the old; smoky city; or; upon 

some holiday excursion; we may have looked into the windows of a 

cottage in a flower…garden and seen a certain weaver plying his 

shuttle。  And these were all kinsmen of mine upon the other side; 

and from the eyes of the lamp and oil man one…half of my unborn 

father; and one…quarter of myself; looked out upon us as we went by 

to college。  Nothing of all this would cross the mind of the young 

student; as he posted up the Bridges with trim; stockinged legs; in 

that city of cocked hats and good Scotch still unadulterated。  It 

would not cross his mind that he should have a daughter; and the 

lamp and oil man; just then beginning; by a not unnatural 

metastasis; to bloom into a lighthouse…engineer; should have a 

grandson; and that these two; in the fulness of time; should wed; 

and some portion of that student himself should survive yet a year 

or two longer in the person of their child。

But our ancestral adventures are beyond even the arithmetic of 

fancy; and it is the chief recommendation of long pedigrees; that 

we can follow backward the careers of our HOMUNCULOS and be 

reminded of our antenatal lives。  Our conscious years are but a 

moment in the history of the elements that build us。  Are you a 

bank…clerk; and do you live at Peckham?  It was not always so。  And 

though to…day I am only a man of letters; either tradition errs or 

I was present when there landed at St。 Andrews a French barber…

surgeon; to tend the health and the beard of the great Cardinal 

Beaton; I have shaken a spear in the Debateable Land and shouted 

the slogan of the Elliots; I was present when a skipper; plying 

from Dundee; smuggled Jacobites to France after the '15; I was in a 

West India merchant's office; perhaps next door to Bailie Nicol 

Jarvie's; and managed the business of a plantation in St。 Kitt's; I 

was with my engineer…grandfather (the son…in…law of the lamp and 

oil man) when he sailed north about Scotland on the famous cruise 

that gave us the PIRATE and the LORD OF THE ISLES; I was with him; 

too; on the Bell Rock; in the fog; when the SMEATON had drifted 

from her moorings; and the Aberdeen men; pick in hand; had seized 

upon the only boats; and he must stoop and lap sea…water before his 

tongue could ut

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