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小说: boyhood 字数: 每页4000字

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as always been repaid with evil; yet; though I shall receive no reward here; I shall find one THERE〃 (he pointed upwards)。 〃Ah; if only you knew my whole story; and all that I have endured in this life!I who have been a bootmaker; a soldier; a deserter; a factory hand; and a teacher! Yet nownow I am nothing; and; like the Son of Man; have nowhere to lay my head。〃 Sitting down upon a chair; he covered his eyes with his hand。

Seeing that he was in the introspective mood in which a man pays no attention to his listener as he cons over his secret thoughts; I remained silent; and; seating myself upon the bed; continued to watch his kind face。

〃You are no longer a child。 You can understand things now; and I will tell you my whole story and all that I have undergone。 Some day; my children; you may remember the old friend who loved you so much〃

He leant his elbow upon the table by his side; took a pinch of snuff; and; in the peculiarly measured; guttural tone in which he used to dictate us our lessons; began the story of his career。

Since he many times in later years repeated the whole to me againalways in the same order; and with the same expressions and the same unvarying intonationI will try to render it literally; and without omitting the innumerable grammatical errors into which he always strayed when speaking in Russian。 Whether it was really the history of his life; or whether it was the mere product of his imaginationthat is to say; some narrative which he had conceived during his lonely residence in our house; and had at last; from endless repetition; come to believe in himselfor whether he was adorning with imaginary facts the true record of his career; I have never quite been able to make out。 On the one hand; there was too much depth of feeling and practical consistency in its recital for it to be wholly incredible; while; on the other hand; the abundance of poetical beauty which it contained tended to raise doubts in the mind of the listener。

〃Me vere very unhappy from ze time of my birth;〃 he began with a profound sigh。 〃Ze noble blot of ze Countess of Zomerblat flows in my veins。 Me vere born six veek after ze vetting。 Ze man of my Mutter (I called him 'Papa') vere farmer to ze Count von Zomerblat。 He coult not forget my Mutter's shame; ant loaft me

not。 I had a youngster broser Johann ant two sister; pot me vere strange petween my own family。 Ven Johann mate several silly trick Papa sayt; 'Wit sis chilt Karl I am never to have one moment tranquil!' and zen he scoltet and ponishet me。 Ven ze sister quarrellet among zemselves Papa sayt; 'Karl vill never be one opedient poy;' ant still scoltet ant ponishet me。 My goot Mamma alone loaft ant tenteret me。 Often she sayt to me; 'Karl; come in my room;' ant zere she kisset me secretly。 'Poorly; poorly Karl!' she sayt。 'Nopoty loaf you; pot I will not exchange you for somepoty in ze worlt; One zing your Mutter pegs you; to rememper;' sayt she to me; 'learn vell; ant be efer one honest man; zen Got will not forsake you。' Ant I triet so to become。 Ven my fourteen year hat expiret; ant me coult partake of ze Holy Sopper; my Mutter sayt to my Vater; 'Karl is one pig poy now; Kustaf。 Vat shall we do wis him?' Ant Papa sayt; 'Me ton't know。' Zen Mamma sayt; 'Let us give him to town at Mister Schultzen's; and he may pea Schumacher;' ant my Vater sayt; 'Goot !' Six year ant seven mons livet I in town wis ze Mister Shoemaker; ant he loaft me。 He sayt; 'Karl are one goot vorkman; ant shall soon become my Geselle。' Pot…man makes ze proposition; ant Got ze deposition。 In ze year 1796 one conscription took place; ant each which vas serviceable; from ze eighteens to ze twenty…first year; hat to go to town。

〃My Fater and my broser Johann come to town; ant ve go togezer to throw ze lot for which shoult pe Soldat。 Johann drew ze fatal nomper; and me vas not necessary to pe Soldat。 Ant Papa sayt; 'I have only vun son; ant wis him I must now separate!'

〃Den I take his hant; ant says; 'Why say you so; Papa? Come wis me; ant I will say you somesing。' Ant Papa come; ant we seat togezer at ze publics…house; ant me sayt; 'Vaiter; give us one Bierkrug;' ant he gives us one。 We trink altogezer; and broser Johann also trink。 'Papa;' sayt me; 'ton't say zat you have only one son; ant wis it you must separate; My heart was breaking ven you say sis。 Broser Johann must not serve; ME shall pe Soldat。 Karl is for nopoty necessary; and Karl shall pe Soldat。'

〃'You is one honest man; Karl;' sayt Papa; ant kiss me。 Ant me was Soldat。〃


〃Zat was a terrible time; Nicolinka;〃 continued Karl Ivanitch; 〃ze time of Napoleon。 He vanted to conquer Germany; ant we protected our Vaterland to ze last trop of plot。 Me vere at Ulm; me vere at Austerlitz; me vere at Wagram。〃

〃Did you really fight?〃 I asked with a gaze of astonishment 〃Did you really kill anybody?〃

Karl instantly reassured me on this point;

〃Vonce one French grenadier was left behint; ant fell to ze grount。 I sprang forvarts wis my gon; ant vere about to kill him; aber der Franzose warf sein Gewehr hin und rief; 'Pardon'ant I let him loose。

〃At Wagram; Napoleon cut us open; ant surrountet us in such a way as zere vas no helping。 Sree days hat we no provisions; ant stoot in ze vater op to ze knees。 Ze evil Napoleon neiser let us go loose nor catchet us。

〃On ze fours day zey took us prisonerszank Got! ant sent us to one fortress。 Upon me vas one blue trousers; uniforms of very goot clos; fifteen of Thalers; ant one silver clock which my Vater hat given me; Ze Frans Soldaten took from me everysing。 For my happiness zere vas sree tucats on me which my Mamma hat sewn in my shirt of flannel。 Nopoty fount zem。

〃I liket not long to stay in ze fortresses; ant resoluted to ron away。 Von day; von pig holitay; says I to the sergeant which hat to look after us; 'Mister Sergeant; to…day is a pig holitay; ant me vants to celeprate it。 Pring here; if you please; two pottle Mateira; ant we shall trink zem wis each oser。' Ant ze sergeant says; 'Goot!' Ven ze sergeant pring ze Mateira ant we trink it out to ze last trop; I taket his hant ant says; 'Mister Sergeant; perhaps you have still one Vater and one Mutter?' He says; 'So I have; Mister Mayer。' 'My Vater ant Mutter not seen me eight year;' I goes on to him; 'ant zey know not if I am yet alive or if my bones be reposing in ze grave。 Oh; Mister Sergeant; I have two tucats which is in my shirt of flannel。 Take zem; ant let me loose! You will pe my penefactor; ant my Mutter will be praying for you all her life to ze Almighty Got!'

〃Ze sergeant emptiet his glass of Mateira; ant says; 'Mister Mayer; I loaf and pity you very much; pot you is one prisoner; ant I one soldat。' So I take his hant ant says; 'Mister Sergeant!'

〃Ant ze sergeant says; 'You is one poor man; ant I will not take your money; pot I will help you。 Ven I go to sleep; puy one pail of pranty for ze Soldaten; ant zey will sleep。 Me will not look after you。' Sis was one goot man。 I puyet ze pail of pranty; ant ven ze Soldaten was trunken me tresset in one olt coat; ant gang in silence out of ze doon。

〃I go to ze wall; ant will leap down; pot zere is vater pelow; ant I will not spoil my last tressing; so I go to ze gate。

〃Ze sentry go up and town wis one gon; ant look at me。 'Who goes zere? ' ant I was silent。 'Who goes zere ze second time?' ant I was silent。 ' Who goes zere ze third time? ' ant I ron away; I sprang in ze vater; climp op to ze oser site; ant walk on。

〃Ze entire night I ron on ze vay; pot ven taylight came I was afrait zat zey woult catch me; ant I hit myself in ze high corn。 Zere I kneelet town; zanket ze Vater in Heaven for my safety; ant fall asleep wis a tranquil feeling。

〃I wakenet op in ze evening; ant gang furser。 At once one large German carriage; wis two raven…black horse; came alongside me。 In ze carriage sit one well…tresset man; smoking pipe; ant look at me。 I go slowly; so zat ze carriage shall have time to pass me; pot I go slowly; ant ze carriage go slowly; ant ze man look at me。 I go quick; ant ze carriage go quick; ant ze man stop its two horses; ant look at me。 'Young man;' says he; 'where go you so late?' I says; 'I go to Frankfort。' 

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