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小说: boyhood 字数: 每页4000字

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ch was sitting on the staircase just below and feeling that he would give all he possessed to be in 〃that bold fellow Woloda's〃 place! I was shy by nature; and rendered worse in that respect by a consciousness of my own ugliness。 I am certain that nothing so much influences the development of a man as his exteriorthough the exterior itself less than his belief in its plainness or beauty。

Yet I was too conceited altogether to resign myself to my fate。 I tried to comfort myself much as the fox did when he declared that the grapes were sour。 That is to say; I tried to make light of the satisfaction to be gained from making such use of a pleasing exterior as I believed Woloda to employ (satisfaction which I nevertheless envied him from my heart); and endeavoured with every faculty of my intellect and imagination to console myself with a pride in my isolation。


〃Good gracious! Powder!〃 exclaimed Mimi in a voice trembling with alarm。 〃Whatever are you doing? You will set the house on fire in a moment; and be the death of us all!〃 Upon that; with an indescribable expression of firmness; Mimi ordered every one to stand aside; and; regardless of all possible danger from a premature explosion; strode with long and resolute steps to where some small shot was scattered about the floor; and began to trample upon it。

When; in her opinion; the peril was at least lessened; she called for Michael and commanded him to throw the 〃powder〃 away into some remote spot; or; better still; to immerse it in water; after which she adjusted her cap and returned proudly to the drawing… room; murmuring as she went; 〃At least I can say that they are well looked after。〃

When Papa issued from his room and took us to see Grandmamma we found Mimi sitting by the window and glancing with a grave; mysterious; official expression towards the door。 In her hand she was holding something carefully wrapped in paper。 I guessed that that something was the small shot; and that Grandmamma had been informed of the occurrence。 In the room also were the maidservant Gasha (who; to judge by her angry flushed face; was in a state of great irritation) and Doctor Blumenthalthe latter a little man pitted with smallpox; who was endeavouring by tacit; pacificatory signs with his head and eyes to reassure the perturbed Gasha。 Grandmamma was sitting a little askew and playing that variety of 〃patience〃 which is called 〃The Traveller〃two unmistakable signs of her displeasure。

〃How are you to…day; Mamma?〃 said Papa as he kissed her hand respectfully。 〃Have you had a good night?〃

〃Yes; very good; my dear; you KNOW that I always enjoy sound health;〃 replied Grandmamma in a tone implying that Papa's inquiries were out of place and highly offensive。 〃Please give me a clean pocket…handkerchief;〃 she added to Gasha。

〃I HAVE given you one; madam;〃 answered Gasha; pointing to the snow…white cambric handkerchief which she had just laid on the arm of Grandmamma's chair。

〃No; no; it's a nasty; dirty thing。 Take it away and bring me a CLEAN one; my dear。〃

Gasha went to a cupboard and slammed the door of it back so violently that every window rattled。 Grandmamma glared angrily at each of us; and then turned her attention to following the movements of the servant。 After the latter had presented her with what I suspected to be the same handkerchief as before; Grandmamma continued:

〃And when do you mean to cut me some snuff; my dear?〃

〃When I have time。〃

〃What do you say?〃


〃If you don't want to continue in my service you had better say so at once。 I would have sent you away long ago had I known that you wished it。〃

〃It wouldn't have broken my heart if you had!〃 muttered the woman in an undertone。

Here the doctor winked at her again; but she returned his gaze so firmly and wrathfully that he soon lowered it and went on playing with his watch…key。

〃You see; my dear; how people speak to me in my own house!〃 said Grandmamma to Papa when Gasha had left the room grumbling。

〃Well; Mamma; I will cut you some snuff myself;〃 replied Papa; though evidently at a loss how to proceed now that he had made this rash promise。

〃No; no; I thank you。 Probably she is cross because she knows that no one except herself can cut the snuff just as I like it。 Do you know; my dear;〃 she went on after a pause; 〃that your children very nearly set the house on fire this morning?〃

Papa gazed at Grandmamma with respectful astonishment。

〃Yes; they were playing with something or another。 Tell him the story;〃 she added to Mimi。

Papa could not help smiling as he took the shot in his hand。

〃This is only small shot; Mamma;〃 he remarked; 〃and could never be dangerous。〃

〃I thank you; my dear; for your instruction; but I am rather too old for that sort of thing。〃

〃Nerves; nerves!〃 whispered the doctor。

Papa turned to us and asked us where we had got the stuff; and how we could dare to play with it。

〃Don't ask THEM; ask that useless 'Uncle;' rather;〃 put in Grandmamma; laying a peculiar stress upon the word 〃UNCLE。〃 〃What else is he for?〃

〃Woloda says that Karl Ivanitch gave him the powder himself;〃 declared Mimi。

〃Then you can see for yourself what use he is;〃 continued Grandmamma。 〃 And where IS hethis precious 'Uncle'? How is one to get hold of him? Send him here。〃

〃He has gone an errand for me;〃 said Papa。

〃That is not at all right;〃 rejoined Grandmamma。 〃He ought ALWAYS to be here。 True; the children are yours; not mine; and I have nothing to do with them; seeing that you are so much cleverer than I am; yet all the same I think it is time we had a regular tutor for them; and not this 'Uncle' of a Germana stupid fellow who knows only how to teach them rude manners and Tyrolean songs! Is it necessary; I ask you; that they should learn Tyrolean songs? However; there is no one for me to consult about it; and you must do just as you like。〃

The word 〃NOW〃 meant 〃NOW THAT THEY HAVE NO MOTHER;〃 and suddenly awakened sad recollections in Grandmamma's heart。 She threw a glance at the snuff…box bearing Mamma's portrait and sighed。

〃I thought of all this long ago;〃 said Papa eagerly; 〃as well as taking your advice on the subject。 How would you like St。 Jerome to superintend their lessons?〃

〃Oh; I think he would do excellently; my friend;〃 said Grandmamma in a mollified tone; 〃He is at least a tutor comme il faut; and knows how to instruct des enfants de bonne maison。 He is not a mere 'Uncle' who is good only for taking them out walking。〃

〃Very well; I will talk to him to…morrow;〃 said Papa。 And; sure enough; two days later saw Karl Ivanitch forced to retire in favour of the young Frenchman referred to。


THE evening before the day when Karl was to leave us for ever; he was standing (clad; as usual; in his wadded dressing…gown and red cap) near the bed in his room; and bending down over a trunk as he carefully packed his belongings。

His behaviour towards us had been very cool of late; and he had seemed to shrink from all contact with us。 Consequently; when I entered his room on the present occasion; he only glanced at me for a second and then went on with his occupation。 Even though I proceeded to jump on to his bed (a thing hitherto always forbidden me to do); he said not a word; and the idea that he would soon be scolding or forgiving us no longerno longer having anything to do with usreminded me vividly of the impending separation。 I felt grieved to think that he had ceased to love us and wanted to show him my grief。

〃Will you let me help you?〃 I said; approaching him。

He looked at me for a moment and turned away again。 Yet the expression of pain in his eyes showed that his coldness was not the result of indifference; but rather of sincere and concentrated sorrow。

〃God sees and knows everything;〃 he said at length; raising himself to his full height and drawing a deep sigh。 〃Yes; Nicolinka;〃 he went on; observing; the expression of sincere pity on my face; 〃 my fate has been an unhappy one from the cradle; and will continue so to the grave。 The good that I have done to people has always been repaid with evil; yet; though I shall receive no reward here; I shall find one THERE〃

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